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‘Madan Financial Services Ltd’ is now Rishabh Financial Services Ltd

‘Madan Financial Services Ltd’ is now Rishabh Financial Services Ltd

Madan Financial Services Ltd has informed BSE that the company has changed its name to Rishab Financial Services Ltd. The company has received certificate with respect to the name change issued by the Registrar of Companies, Tamilnadu, Chennai.

Madan Financial Services Limited was incorporated on 10th October, 1990 as Madan Capital Markets Pvt Ltd. and subsequently the name was changed to Madan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. and a fresh certificate of incorporation subsequent to change of name was obtained on 11th April, 1991. The name of the Company was changed to Madan Financial Services Ltd. and a fresh certificate of incorporation subsequent to change of name was obtained on 31st March, 1995.

Madan Financial Services Limited was promoted by Shri. Madan Chand Darda, of Madan & Co.(Now Madan & Co. Limited) member of the Madras Stock Exchange Limited and his associates. Shri Madan Chand Darda is amongst the prominent primary market intermediaries in the country. Madan & Co. Ltd is ranked 8th amongst the Stock Brokers on All India PIP (Prime Index of Performance) basis for the period April 1994 to December 1994. Source: Prime data base.

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Madan Financial Services Limited was incorporated on 10th October, 1990 as Madan Capital Markets Pvt Ltd. The aggregate of the incorporation date comes 21,which when added again gives number 3. The number 3 is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion. The name number is 11, which is considered as master or power number and number 2 is ruled by Moon. Number 2 and 3 are considered as best compatible numbers. Jupiter’s symbol is the crescent of personality raised above (or uplifted by) the cross of matter. It represents company’s triumph over earthly experiences (the cross) through his understanding of universal law gained through just those experiences.

But, the new registered name of this company is “Rishabh Financial Services Ltd”. The name number is 4 and Rahu is the lord of this number. Astrologically, Rahu and Jupiter are not considered as friends. But, in Corporate Astrology, the combination of Rahu and Jupiter may lead the company to progress. Generally, Rahu would co-signify the same aspects as Saturn. The nature of Rahu is passionate, impulsive, hard to contain, wild but very intelligent, tricky and fake.

The new registered name of the company is better than all the previous names stated above. The name number 4 is ruled by Rahu. The combination of Rahu and Jupiter shall lead the company towards betterment, says Ganesha.
Astrologically, the month of August and September 2008 shall be tough for the company’s internal affairs.

Conclusion: The combination of Rahu and Jupiter pronounce favourable results for the enterprise. However, the month of August and September 2008 will be tough for the company’s internal affairs, portends Ganesha. Ganesha’s wishes are with Rishabh Financial Services Ltd. May it achieve heights of glory and success!

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Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav Bhatt
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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