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Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy’s future

Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy’s future

The Czech-Indian duo Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy won the Thailand Open on September 28, 2008 at Bangkok. The doubles pair lifted the trophy by defeating Americans Scott Lipsky and David Martin. This is the first ATP title for Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy playing together.

Ganesha predicts the performance of Leander Paes and Lukas Dlouhy in the forthcoming Championship with the help of Vedic Astrology.

Leander Paes Surya Kundali
Birth date: June 16, 1973


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Chart Analysis,
In Leander Paes’ Surya Kundali, Mars is Dishabali in the 10th house, thus powerful, which is favourable for him. Mars aspects the fifth house of sport. Powerful Mars is always a boon for any sport-person. It makes him or her aggressive, determined and gives the strength to stand against odds. It denotes the capacity to conquer the rivals.

Birth date: April 9, 1983


Chart Analysis,
In Lukas Dlouhy’s Surya Kundali, Mars is Swagruhi and thus powerful. Mars is a natural significator of sport which is associated with confidence and aggression. Powerful Mars makes him passionate and energetic. Also, the fifth house of sport is aspected by the fiery Mars. This indicates that he has potential for the sport of his choice and he is likely to achieve greater heights in year 2009 as the fifth house will be aspected by the transiting Jupiter during 2009.

The fifth house and its Lord denote sport and sport-related matters. Moon is the Lord of the fifth house in Lukas Dlouhy’s chart whereas Venus becomes the Lord of the fifth house in Leander Paes’ chart. This means Lukas Dlouhy’s fifth house’s Lord Moon is in Trine with Leander Paes’ fifth house’s Lord Venus. These factors are very good and indicate a mutually beneficial association of each other.

As Leander’s Mars is semi-sextile with Lukas’ Mars, they may have different approaches in their sport. However, on the positive side, Mars, the most important planet for success in sports, is powerful in both the charts. Also, these positions make them aggressive with a strong sporting spirit.

The most beneficial part here is, at the end of this year, Jupiter will be transiting through the 11th house from Lukas Dlouhy’s Natal Sun. The fifth house will also be aspected by transiting Jupiter. At the same time transiting Jupiter will be forming sextile with Mars in Leander Paes’ chart. This transit may prove beneficial for the forthcoming match.

Summarily, considering all the factors mentioned above, Ganesha feels that this pair has potential to beat their opponents and reach greater heights in the forthcoming match.

Good luck and may Lord Ganesha bless both the players.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Nikunj Suthar,

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