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Normal Business for KFC despite a few hiccups, Says Ganesha 

Normal Business for KFC despite a few hiccups, Says Ganesha 

By serving lip-smacking fast food consistently over the years to its customers, KFC has made itself an essential part of the general snack-lover’s life! KFC was officially founded on March 20, 1930 in North Corbin, Kentucky and Harland Sanders was the chief founding member. With the popular sloagan of ‘Finger Lickin Good’, KFC has several branches and outlets all over the Globe! Recently the fast-food giant landed into a controversy wherein a customer accused the KFC of serving a fried rat, which was later refuted by company. Worried about its future prospects and general image, Ganesha checks out its Solar Horoscope and predicts the way ahead for KFC…

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)
Date of Foundation :- 20th March, 1930
Place, Louisville, Kentucky, USA


Astrological Observations

  • Ganesha notes that ‘Kentucky Fried Chicken’ is founded with Sun in Pisces. The exalted Venus is in conjunction with Sun in this Chart.
  • Mars – the Lord of the House of fortune is conjunct with combust Mercury in the 12th House.
  • Jupiter, the Lord of the 10th House (profession) is in the 3rd House in this Chart.
  • Saturn, the Lord of the 11th House is in its detrimental Sign in the 10th House.

Astrological Predictions

  • Ganesha feels that the currently retrograde Saturn’s transit is giving a negative aspect to this Chart’s Natal Jupiter in the 3rd House. This is adversely affecting the professional relations, esteem and popularity of ‘KFC’.
  • This transit may make the organization frustrated, while creating a discomfort with the franchise members, which may result in the franchisees losing their faith in the parent brand. Some relations may also be broken in this time.
  • Rahu-Ketu’s transit till January 2016 shall also be a tough time, especially for the image and prestige of the company. The public may continue to doubt the recipes/ food and hygiene standards, under the effect of this transit.
  • Undoubtedly, the company will have to struggle hard to maintain its market and stability, regarding competition.
  • This will disturb the goal and their efforts in making company’s commercial expansion.
  • This time is also likely to result in formation of an adverse opinion among the public for the quality of food at KFC.
  • However, the current transit of Jupiter till 14th July 2015, from the 5th House of its Foundation Chart, and later on, through Leo Sign and its positive aspects on planets posited in Pisces Sign shall bring a favorable time for the company.
  • Thus, Jupiter shall be able to save and salvage the company’s sagging fortunes and image.
  • The revenue of the company shall not get affected largely, owing to Jupiter’s support.

Ganesha wishes good luck to ‘KFC’.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Rantidev A. Upadhyay
The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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