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Indian economy may find it difficult to free itself from the clutches of inflation.


Inflation, in simple words, may be defined as the rise in prices of goods and services over a period of time. As we say that inflation has been rising today, it means that the number of goods and services a person is able purchase with a unit of currency today is less than what he earlier could. Inflation not only affects the global and national economy, but also has far reaching affects on a common man. It severely affects the common man, as it raises the prices of basic necessities, reduces the purchasing power of money, and thereby increases the cost of living. Moreover, in the countries like India,
where the middle class and lower-middle class form majority of the population, inflation puts a backbreaking burden on the common man.

Moreover, rising inflation affects the prices of shares in the stock market and valuation of the companies. Some companies can afford to raise the prices of the goods and services they provide, but some may not, as  they have to provide competitive prices to their customers/buyers in order to compete with their rivals who don’t have to change the prices due to inflation. Besides, inflation does have an adverse impact on the nation’s as well as common man’s savings. As people have to spend more, they are unable to save money. Less savings implies less investment; less investment means slower progress; slower progress means even lesser savings, and thus the vicious circle never ends. Inflation is indeed a devil that needs to be controlled and reined! Various factors affect the inflation rate, and controlling them means controlling the rising inflation rate. However, it is not at all easy to control these factors. In fact, it is a lengthy and a much complex process.

Although, the Indian government has been trying to control the inflation rate, this has proved to be a mammoth task. Today, when the world looks at India with huge expectations, and in fact it is expected to be the next economic giant within next couple of decades or so, the ceaselessly rising inflation rate poses a serious threat to nation’s financial progress. Will under the leadership of Hon’ble PM Manmohan Singh and Hon’able FM Pranab Mukhraji the Indian government be able to control the inflation rate? Will the common man’s struggle against price rise continue? Or will the government be able to find out a solution in near future? Ganesha finds out. Read on to know what Ganesha has predicted for the Indian economy and inflation rate.


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Ganesha analyses the chart of Taurus rising Ascendant with Krutika Constellation. Rahu is in conjunct with the degrees of Ascendant. Mars is posited in second house whereas Jupiter is in Sixth house. Ganesha observes a stellium of six planets in third house.

Mars should be considered as an inauspicious planet as far as Independent India?s chart is concerned. Mars, the Lord of the 12th and 7th House, is going to remain in the 4th  House till 21/06/2012. On the other hand, the 5th House is going to be afflicted by retrograde Saturn between 16/05/2012 to 04/08/2012. Here, the 10th House also needs to be considered, as it represents political movements and administrative acts of government. Besides, the Lord of this House is Saturn and is in retrograde motion. Therefore, some major events are likely to happen on this front.

But, Ganesha is positive and doesn’t see the need to become distressed and panicky. The reason for His optimism is Dashanth Sun. Independent India is currently under the influence of Sun’s Mahadasha, and shall continue to be in that state till 10/09/2015. Moreover, India is going to be under the influence of Jupiter’s Antardasha till 16/07/2012 and Sun’s Pratyantar Dasha till 22/04/2012. The advantageous period can be attributed to Sun’s Mahadasha. Moreover, Jupiter will enter in Ascendant from 18/05/2012

  1. The growth rate is expected to remain either average or below the average level . Although the Twelfth Plan of ?Planning Commission of India?
    (2012 – 17) aims to achieve the growth rate of 9.5% by the end of 2012, low agricultural productivity and high global commodity prices may act as major deterrents in the expected growth.
  2. It is important to note that due to the aforementioned Jupiter’s transit through the 12th House of foreign relations in India’s chart, Global Multinational Companies may get more interested in India as one of the emerging markets. Ganesha sees this as a positive repercussion and a huge
    responsibility. However, there may be many roadblocks in this issue, and the entire issue may get delayed. Overall, the entire year 2012 looks set to be quite eventful and challenging for the Indian economy and major factors affecting it including foreign direct investments (FDI) in the Indian domestic market and the Indian retail market, concludes Ganesha.
  3. As for the stock market, Ganesha considers the period between 17/05/2012 to 31/05/2012 to be an important one. During the time frame of 11 days, the 22nd May shall be a noteworthy date. On 22-05-2012, Venus, Ketu, Sun, Jupiter, Moon and Mercury – the six planets shall be in the zodiac sign Taurus, and that is why the market is likely to create an uneven pattern. Moreover, the time slots between 20th and 21st May will bear an impact of a solar eclipse. Therefore, you’ll need to tread very carefully. This solar eclipse is going to occur in Kritika constellation of the zodiac sign Taurus. Also, you don’t have many days for trading in this phase, yet Nifty may make a graph similar to boiling and overflowing milk (a sudden concave graph), says Ganesha.
  4. In stock Market Here, Ganesha gives you a list of dates around which the times are likely to be highly volatile, fluctuating and unpredictable. Some undesirable events, such as earthquakes, tsunami, terrorist attacks, floods, etc. are likely to happen around these dates, and would clearly and directly affect the stock market.

The volatile, fluctuating and unpredictable dates are : 19-04-2012, 20-04-2012, 24-04-2012, 11-05-2012, 22-05-2012, 17-07-2012, 27-07-2012, 02-08-2012, 20-11-2012 and 25-12-2012.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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