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Indian Economic Outlook In Upcoming Years

Indian Economic Outlook In Upcoming Years

Indian Economy has lately sent highly worrying signals across the spectrum spurred by a significant fall in the domestic demand and decline in consumption. The government which was also riding the bandwagon of achievements has woken from slumber with the latest round of measures announced by Finance Minister Sitharaman. These are seen to be insufficient by many looking at the scale of the problem.

The annual growth recorded in the April-June quarter of 5.0 percent was seen as the lowest one observed in the last six years and has been the result of a weakening of consumer demand and drying of other private investments.

The figures represent what the current situation is not merely the result of cyclical issues and policymakers will have to take serious cognizance and plug in the structural gaps for ensuring secular and inclusive growth. This is also a signal that the economy has not completely recovered from the shocks of demonetization and GST.

Above is the only brief overview of the present condition of Indian Economy, which points towards worrying trends.

We let us take a look at what our expert astrologers have to say about the Indian economy and its sectors for the coming five years. Read on to know how will the Indian economy fare in the coming five years (the second tenure of PM Modi) and if PM Modi will live up to the expectations of the people?

Ganesha’s predictions about the Indian economy – the future of the Indian economy

If we see the coming five years, the present position of Moon will continue to be the same until September 9, 2025. This position is very auspicious because Moon is in his sign. If we see at the micro-level, we can foresee several pickups in between in the Indian economy.
Moon-Jupiter Dasha = 10/08/2018 to 10/12/2019
Moon-Saturn Dasha =10/12/2019 to 10/07/2021
Moon-Mercury Dasha =10/07/2021 to 10/12/2022
Moon-Ketu Dasha =10/12/2022 to 11/07/2023
Moon-Venus Dasha = 11/07/2023 to 11/03/2025
Moon-Sun Dasha = 11/03/2025 to 09/09/2025

The growth in an economy can be better studied by the growth in various sectors of the economy. So, here are the predictions for the Indian economy sectors for the next five years:

Astro Analysis Of The Major Sectors

Banking Sector

In the natal chart of the Banking Sector, Cancer is placed in the First house and Ascendant Lord is placed in the House of Destiny. Moon is placed in the Pisces sign in the Revati Constellation.

To sum up
The planetary combinations caused foreign banks to establish full-service banking operations in India. There will be a settlement in the banking sector by November 2019.

For the next two years, foreign investment in banks is likely to increase.

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In the natal chart of FMCG/Consumer Durables/Capital Goods sector, Pisces is posited in the First House, and Jupiter is posited in its own house. Besides, Saturn is debilitated in the Second House Moon, and Rahu is together in the Fifth House.

To sum up
There will be a very good pickup in these sectors in the upcoming two years. So, this sector is likely to do well in the coming days.

Health Care Sector

In the natal chart of the Health Care sector, Jupiter is posited in its own house. Saturn is debilitated in the Second House. Moon and Rahu are together in the Fifth House, which is unfavourable.

To sum up
This sector will move forward with full strength but slowly & gradually as the sector will be under a strong influence of Saturn.

IT Sector

In the natal chart of the IT sector, Virgo is in the First House. Ketu is posited in the Fifth House, the House of the workforce, with Neptune and Uranus. This can be called a neutral situation. Saturn is debilitated in the Eight House with Jupiter.

To sum up
The IT Sector will be okay. There will be growth in this sector, but the growth won’t be that much. Besides, in the upcoming two years, IT sector may lack a clear direction.

Realty Sector

In the realty sector, Leo is the Lord of the First House, and the Lord of the House of Profession Venus is placed in the First House. Mars has positioned in the First House, the house that reflects growth in the real estate.

To sum up
This sector is likely to grow the most after four years. Before that, there may be average growth in this sector.

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As per the planets, there will be mixed to positive trends in the Indian Economy. But the Indian Economy will do really well in the upcoming years, Predicts Ganesha.

We all want the country to thrive and prosper, so wait and give some more time to the Modi government to bring the economy back on the right track as they would surely come up with the strong corrective measures in the near future.

For all personal predictions, talk to Our Expert Astrologer.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Acharya Dharmadhikari,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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