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Golden Peacock Award 2007 for Patni Computers

Golden Peacock Award 2007 for Patni Computers

Patni Computer Systems Ltd on December 11, 2007 announced that it has been named as the winner of ‘Golden Peacock National Training Award-2007’ by the Institute of Directors, under the Chairmanship of Justice P N Bhagwati, Former Chief Justice of India and Chairman – Golden Peacock Awards.

The globally recognized Golden Peacock National Training Award identifies excellence in training practices and helps organizations benchmark against the best, setting new standards of training excellence. The winners were selected on the basis of the leading training methodologies demonstrating tangible benefits that training brings to the business, community and society at large. A panel of judges evaluated the effectiveness of the training by assessing clear links between the objectives defined and the outcome. The evaluation criteria also included duration, design, and delivery mode for the various training programs.

Patni Computer Systems Ltd has Capricorn rising Ascendant with deposition of Mercury in first house. Venus and Moon are in second house whereas Rahu is posited in ninth house. Mars, being lord of eleventh and fourth house is transiting over Natal Jupiter from sixth house. Company can do number of focused programmes on technology training grooming managerial talent and personal improvement. Transiting Jupiter is from 180 degree from Natal Jupiter. As per Southern Astrological rules, sixth house is considered for winning purpose also. Ganesha feels that transit of Jupiter and Mars has favored a lot to Patni Computer Systems Ltd.

Besides, Ganesha suggests that the Company has to be serious about its financial terms and monetary policies because of the transit of Rahu over Natal Moon and Venus from second house. Over and above, transiting Saturn aspects its wealth house.

Ganesha wishes Patni Computer Systems Ltd. all the very best in the years to come.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav Bhatt,

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