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General Weekly trends for Commodity Market

The commodity market in India is a group of markets, the activities of which are easily noticeable, the goods they are dealing in are tangible, the products that we use in our routine lives. The goods are valued in domestic currency. Ganesha would like to give predictions on the ups and downs of the prices and what will be the future trend of commodity market.

Astrological Forecast
Ganesha examines Sun-Mars square. At least 2% correction is expected. One more strong harmful pressure is foreseen in the S&P chart due to the transiting Venus aspected by natal Rahu.

Stability is foreseen in Gold during this week. Gold will perhaps finish with a little Bullish Wave, but Ganesha is not bullish here at all. Transiting Sun from Revati constellation may bring some down in Silver. Mercury is going to lose its strength this week. It may bring dramatic change in Bullions, Sugar, Edible Oils and Cottons.

On the other hand transit of Moon from Venus and Rahu may hike prices of Sugarcane, Coal, Rubber and Iron Shares. Ganesha notices heavy volatility on Thursday and Saturday in entire commodity market.

Talk To Our Astrologers

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav Bhatt,

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