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The Fate of CCD- Through the Eyes of Astrology

The Fate of CCD- Through the Eyes of Astrology

It was a bleak morning of July 31, 2019, when the founder-owner of one of our favourite hangout destinations, V.G. Siddhartha was found dead in the backwaters of the Nethravati river. Siddhartha had left his car and driver near a bridge at Netravathi river on July 29, 2019. He had addressed a letter to the board of directors and staff at Cafe Coffee Day, taking the blame for being unable to create a more profitable business model. Now the future of Cafe Coffee Day is in total jeopardy.

VG Siddhartha’s sudden demise undoubtedly came as a shock for the nation. No one could have imagined that a company that was once the biggest coffee chain in India could go through such a harsh time. According to the letter, V.G. Siddhartha was under “tremendous pressure” from various lenders and a so-called private equity firm. The letter also said, “There was a lot of harassment from the previous DG Income Tax in the form of attaching our shares on two separate occasions to block our Mindtree deal and then taking possession of our Coffee Day shares, although the revised returns have been filed by us. This was very unfair and has led to a serious liquidity crunch.” It was evident that V.G. Siddhartha could no longer handle the pressure, and so, he decided to end his life. But this left Cafe Coffee Day in chaos like never before.

Cafe Coffee Day made SV Ranganath interim chairman to handle the company in such dark times. But the death of everyone’s beloved V.G. Siddhartha definitely took its toll on Cafe Coffee Day. The share prices dropped 60%, and the investors apparently lost Rs 2167.44 crores. It remains to be seen whether the company can rise from the ashes or not. We had an astrologer try to decipher the future of Cafe Coffee Day. The astrologer attempted to answer two major questions. Read more to find out. Also, if you want to find out more about your future, Talk to An Astrologer Now.

Listing Date: November 2, 2015
Listing Time: 09:15:00
Listing Place: Mumbai, Maharashtra

NOTE: Due to the unavailability of formation date of the company, we have taken the listing date of Coffee Day in BSE and NSE.

Currently, the 2nd house of wealth/income has been affected by the double transit of Saturn and Ketu. Hence, the immediate future during the remaining parts of the year 2020 shall remain undertone as far as business is concerned. As expected, Cafe Coffee Day will remain a little low for a while. Multiple troubles are all set to affect Cafe Coffee Day’s future.

As the 2nd house is hemmed by malefic planetary transits, there may be some pressure related to the financial segment till mid-May 2020. However, Jupiter’s transit through 2nd house shall remain a little bit supportive from November 2019. However, total revenue growth shall remain weak. The company will, understandably, try to cut out some costs post-November 2019.

Overall, Cafe Coffee Day’s economic fundamentals may start getting stable post-November 2019. The chart also shows that some infrastructural changes or some diversification within the internal business model can also take place post-November 2019. One can only hope that this new model will help the company cope with their current predicament.

Moon, being the lord of 9th house of fortune, has been affected by the transit of Rahu through the 8th house. Know more about planetary situations in your chart- Get your very own Janampatri.

From mid-May 2020, planetary transits and Dasha cycles indicate supportive signs for the overall growth of the company. The board of directors will also bring about some changes at the management level. Plus, the chances of partnering with other investors are also high during this time frame.

Overall, there will be a lull in the current share price until mid-May 2020, and there may not be any sudden rise in the company’s stock price. The stock price may see a gradual upward move from June 2020 onwards. Cafe Coffee Day will try to make a concrete rally during the remaining parts of 2020. The other subsidiaries of the company may also start performing well from mid-May 2020 onwards.

CCD’s future with SV Ranganath looks promising. We can only hope that the company bounces back as soon as possible. After all, “A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee.”

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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