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Ganesha’s Nifty Predictions From Fortune Mantra Book Come True

Ganesha’s Nifty Predictions From Fortune Mantra Book Come True

Decoding human affairs is complex and challenging. But, with the help of Astrology, we can do wonders. Well, Fortune Mantra 2017-2018, our book containing predictions for the stock markets (Nifty), has done precisely that. Like on several other occasions, this book’s forecast for the stock markets in February 2018 have proved true and accurate.

  • “Overall, February 2018 and March 2018 are not good. Ganesha is foreseeing this for you one year in advance”
  • “Not a good month for the market. The market will witness a lot of volatility and uncertainty during this month”
  • “The situation may deliver surprises, so Ganesha advises you to stand still and just watch the time pass”
  • “Nifty will struggle to stay stable from February 1, 2018 to February 12, 2018. However, the market won’t be able to stand negative news, if and when it comes”
  • “From February 14, 2018 onwards, market will turn negative. Only a good news will be able to save the market to survive in the positive zone”

February Not A Good Month For Market

Fortune Mantra had predicted that February will not be a good month for the markets. It was further stated that there will be lots of volatility and uncertainty in February. As we see, Nifty has witnessed massive losses in the first few days of February. In fact, on February 2, Nifty fell a whopping 256.30 points or 2.33 %, the sharpest single day fall in 15 months.

Problems Mounted Post-Budget

The market is struggling in February. This was foreseen by Ganesha around one year ago. This struggle may continue for some more days. At the same time, it was stated that the market will not be able to stand any negative news in February. This is very much evident as we are witnessing the negative effect of Financial Budget 2018-19.

Shocks And Surprises

Ganesha had predicted surprises in the month of February. Well, the announcement of 10 percent Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) Tax in the 2018-19 budget shocked many and it diminished investors’ confidence in the market. Read more about Stock Market Predictions.

Only A Positive News Can Re-Energise The Market

It was predicted in the Fortune Mantra book that only a good news can reverse the market trend and make it positive again. It is self-evident. Negative trend of Nifty can change only if a positive news comes up.

Watch Out Ganesha’s Predictions For The Coming Month

Ganesha’s accurate predictions can help you in future. The forecast made for March 2018 will benefit you succeed and excel in trading. The message from the stars can never go wrong and awry.

Make your stock market profit dreams come true with your personalised Nifty predictions in our upcoming Fortune Mantra 2018-19. Pre- Order Now.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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