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Dogecoin Cryptocurrency Price Future Predictions

Dogecoin, as the name already suggests, was formed as a joke by IBM Software engineer Billy Markus and Adobe Software engineer Jackson Palmer. The design was based on existing cryptocurrencies like Luckycoin and Litecoin that use Scrypt technology. Here is some basic information about Dogecoin for you:

Original Creators – Billy Markus, Jackson Palmer.
Circulating supply: 129.5 billion as of May 9, 2021.
Use: The trading of physical and tangible items in exchange for Dogecoin takes place in communities like Reddit and Twitter.
Initial Release: December 6, 2013.

Dogecoin Prediction

According to the astrological aspect, in the Solar Horoscope of Dogecoin, the Scorpio ascendant is there. In the 1st house, the construction of Budhaditya Yoga is formed by the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. Jupiter is aspecting the moon (destiny Lord) with the complete aspect.

Moreover, Mercury & Mars, both the planets are in one another house as well as Venus & Saturn are also located in each others’. Mars-Mercury and Venus-Saturn are in Parivartan Yoga as per Vedic Astrology. Saturn-Rahu construction is in the 12th house in its own nakshatra, Swati and Aswini. Therefore, there are chances of some fruitful outcomes for the individuals mining Dogecoin.

Current Transit

Currently, Saturn & Rahu both are present in the Taurus sign. Mercury & Venus are transiting in the Gemini sign. Mars is in Cancer Sign. Ketu is there in the Scorpio sign on both sun & Mercury, Saturn transits in the Capricorn sign. Moreover, Jupiter & Moon are in the Aquarius sign. It seems that these scenarios may bring in some changes in the Dogecoin market.

Currently, Rahu of Taurus Sign transits in Rohini Nakshatra. Up to 7th Oct 2021, the time looks to be very fine for Dogecoin. Subsequently, Rahu will transit in Kritika Nakshatra up to 14th April 2022. From 7th October 2021 to 14th April 2022, Some downtime can be predicted for Dogecoin currency.

At the same time, Ketu is in transit in Scorpio. The sun & mercury are in Anuradha Nakshatra. This will take place till 10th Feb 2022. From 3rd June 2021 to 10the Feb 2022, the time is unfavourable for ‘Dogecoin’. Some ups and downs can be predicted in the Dogecoin price.

From 20th June 2021 to 18th October 2021, Jupiter will be in retrograde motion. This time is also medium For dogecoin. The current movements of Jupiter till 20th November 2021 are providing protection to Dogecoin. Therefore, despite some ups and downs, overall progress can be seen in Dogecoin.

In the coming one and half year, you can mine this currency on a delivery basis, and during the period from 14th April 2022 to 22nd April 2023 when Jupiter is in the Pisces sign, you can try to exit step by step as astrology predicts High chances of profit there.

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According to Dogecoin solar horoscope, planet Saturn is in conjunction with planet Rahu in Libra sign at 12th house. Here Saturn-Rahu shrapit dasha is there. Moreover, this Saturn is the aspecting Moon, which is Destiny Lord with the third aspect. Here Saturn-Moon VishYoga (due to aspect) is created.

Saturn is also aspecting planet Ketu with the currency, and do not forget about planet Saturn. Here Saturn is a planet related to Finance, Currency etc. Astrologically, Dogecoin cryptocurrency can’t replace real currency.

There is no doubt that nowadays, time transactions of currency is occurring by internet banking, PhonePay, Online payment, etc. But in a practical way, up to 40% of all the transactions will still be physical.

In short, Dogecoin cryptocurrency can’t replace real currency.

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