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Analysis of Mukesh Ambani’s Birth chart

After seeing the growth of Reliance Industries, ganesha has decided to analyse the horoscope of business tycoon Mukesh Ambani. Almost everything he tiouches turns into gold. Ganesha will explore the reasons in this article.

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The Chairman & Managing Director of Reliance Industries Ltd, Great and bold businessman Mukesh Ambani was born on 19th April 1957 with rising Libra Ascendant which is aspected by its Lord Venus. He is having Mars Mercury Exchange in Navamansa chart. Similarly, Moon is in exaltation in Navamansa chart. Additionally, Saturn in its own sign in Capricorn and Jupiter is in Sagittarius in Navamansa, which means he is having a great power of both the slow moving planets. This combination gives him progress step by step. There is exchange of Venus and Mars. Because of this his life is rising with some important changes plus he is getting benefits from his family members. Jupiter is in 11th house giving him wealth. He has been using his brainpower to expand a multinational business set-up. The placement of Mars- the significator of property is in eight house indicating that there may be some dispute related to property. All in all, powerful Sun, which is Lord of 11th house of fulfilment, is in the 7th house and has been giving him high amount of fame and name. Looking at his Moon chart, transiting Jupiter is passing over Natal Saturn. Furthermore, it is aspecting the 2nd lord. Transiting Mars and Natal Moon are aspecting each other. This indicates that he will concentrate on business of petrol and chemical. From the end of November 2008 to end of 2008, Natal Moon will be under the positive transit of Jupiter. Yogakaraka Transiting Saturn is in Leo in 11th house of fulfilment which will change in September 2009. This indicates that the years 2008 and 2009 would be much favourable for the development of business. Moon is being aspected by Mars. This means that he may expand his business to areas like petrochemical, Refinery and fertilizer in the near future. He will invest lots of money in this business. In brief, future will bring some new development in business. Import and export business may expand leaps and bounce. All in all, exalted Sun will give fame and fortune as well as huge amount of Money. He will definitely give way to new visions and horizons for the future.

Ganesha’s blessings and best wishes are with this iron man. May Reliance Industries touch sky in future!

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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