Know the preferences of various zodiac signs. Find out which one makes the best shopping partner, and which one of them would make the best gym-buddy! Also in store are the preferences of various zodiac signs’ natives in terms of sports and health arena.
Aries: Initiating any activity comes naturally to these initiators of the zodiac, but the real challenge for them lies in sustaining interest once the initial rush is over. Energy and enthusiasm are a given, but so are impatience and wavering attention, when it comes to Rams. An Aries loves to be pronounced as a fitness freak. No wonder they love to indulge in myriad sporting and physical exercise activities. But, then, they may not really be very consistent with their ‘gym and playground’ escapades. However, given their natural ebullience, they tend to excel in sporting activities, especially running, sprints, cycling, biking and high-impact aerobics.
Rams’ choice for auto-mobiles mirrors their love for everything contemporary, fast and challenging – Aries love to ride a sports-bike or a sports-car. And, whatever they choose to drive, one thing is sure – their ‘mean-machine’ has to be snazzy! Aries exhibit similar tastes, when it comes to other things like clothes, accessories, jewels and footwear. They will always point at the most in-style and chic jewellery and apparels. So, it’s a wise idea to take them as shopping companions – they won’t be imposing, but will lend you excellent advice about latest places to shop and trendiest stuff to buy.

Taurus: Headstrong and stable Bulls are practical beings, and thus appreciate the importance of physical fitness and regular exercise. But, then they may find it difficult to implement this understanding, given their proclivity for many other activities and pastimes. Thus, a Taurus may find it hard to divide his/ her activity or reading time to get going on a treadmill. However, when it comes to sports and fun activities, they more than make it up for any lack of physical exercise. They love to put their endurance and stamina to test by indulging in activities like rowing, tug-of-war, canoeing, mountaineering, hiking, trekking, travelling the world and gardening. On the sports front, basketball, volleyball, cricket, golf, rugby rule for Bulls.
Materialistic Bulls like to firmly believe that their possessions, be it mundane items like garments or their much-loved auto-mobiles, are the best. They may not always be, though, yet Taureans won’t prefer knowing that. In the jewellery department, understated yet classy stuff rules, and yes it will be expensive. Think diamonds and timelessly chic pieces! If going shopping, take along a Bull, if you are looking for something really different. Their love for the ‘eccentric’ often makes them shop for stuff that’s truly class-apart. So, do take their advice when looking to stand apart in a crowd.

Gemini: Wiggly and restless Geminis like sports and physical exercises, but not as much as partying and socialising. Jogging, spinning, dancing and fun-games top their list of ways to remain fit. However, most Twins will manage to have good fun even in a gymnasium. And, that is not because they love toiling on machines and weights, (they hate it rather) but because they quickly find interesting gym-buddies with whom they enjoy hanging out for a post-workout snack! When it comes to sports, anything that is played in pairs catches their attention, so it’s badminton, tennis, chess or billiards for them, all the way. Competitive sports and group activities too find favour with gregarious Twins.
Ample socialising skills lend another excellent trait to Twins – their superior negotiation and bargaining skills. And, they are not the ones to join the ‘brandwagon’. No wonder, Geminis, especially women, make brilliant shopping companions for budget or street shopping trips. Junk jewellery and knick-knacks are not favoured items on their shopping list, though. In fact, otherwise fun loving Geminis are absolutely conventional, practical and utilitarian in the shopping department. So, they will also not let you go over-board! Their non-fussy preference for functional and economical reflects in their choice of vehicles too.

Cancer: Drive to match their sensitivity is what is needed by Cancers, if they wish to achieve what they dream of! Chances of you finding them cribbing that their efforts are not showing desired results are high. Why? Irregularity and lack of passion, maybe! However, give them a dedicated gym-buddy, and see them making a beeline for their workout, even early in the morning. An emotional connect in form of a friend or a partner can provide the necessary encouragement to propel the Crab towards his/ her fitness goals. They can also be instantly lured by an outdoor water sports expedition. Being water babies, Crabs love to indulge in water polo, boat race, para-sailing, ice-hockey and skiing.
Most Cancers are not regular shoppers, but once they get into a mood for it (temperamental Crabs are driven by their whims), nothing stops them. Shopping is a liberating experience for them. They just wish to relish the experience when shopping. Shrewd beings, they, however, manage to get the best value out of their expenditure. Non-intrusive, excellent shopping partners, they will never remind you of how much you are spending, though. They like to shop for precious jewellery, and their collectibles resemble the treasures of the seas – pearls, precious stones rule. Not given to outward appearances, a Crab may not worry much about acquiring swanky cars or vehicles, though. Rather, they would be more than happy driving their cherished old bike or car to which they will be emotionally attached.

Leo: To channelise their vast energy and enthusiasm in the right way, Lions prefer activities that’ll let them excel physically. Conventional ways of burning calories won’t find much preference here, though. Thus, contemporary and ‘different’ routines like kick-boxing, aqua-aerobics, ballroom dancing or hot yoga will suit more to their idea of getting and remaining in shape. When it comes to sports, Lions again have aristocratic tastes. Thus, they prefer amusing themselves with sports attached to royalty. Hence, golf, yachting, polo, horse-riding and car racing suit well the Lions’ idea of grand entertainment. Gambling and visit to casinos are also distinct possibilities.
Unlike the former zodiac sign Cancer, the Lions are all for outward appearances. Given to a certain pomposity, Leos like to make bold, brazen style statements, and that applies to their choice of clothes, vehicles and jewellery. If their pocket permits, the Lions will love to become proud owners of a Lamborghini, a Rolls Royce, a Bentley or even a custom-made version of a vintage car. You’ll see them picking up a chunky neck-piece, a gleaming solitaire or a beaded bracelet, rather than a delicate pearl ring, when jewellery shopping. And, if they ask you to join them for a shopping trip, go ahead – you’ll love the courteous treatment and ebullient companionship. Reverse the situation, and the results may not be as exemplary, though!

Virgo: Loyal and sincere, Virgins are quite regular at sweating it out. Being one of the most fitness conscious zodiac signs, their idea of staying fit includes aerobics, yoga, jogging or dancing. They are all about the ‘au natural’ look and feel. Also, besides physically fitness, good health is also about mental rejuvenation for them. Thus, they show a keen interest in games that provide them intellectual stimulation, apart from their oft-favoured basketball and gymnastics. You’ll also see them driven towards natural ways of remaining healthy, and that includes eating and sleeping well.
Perfectionists to the core, Virgos are meticulous even when it comes to shopping. Here, they exhibit a certain duality, though. On one hand, they may simply pick up what they like without any prior planning, while on the other hand they may look for a bag/ watch at five different places, before zeroing in on the ‘One’. Appearances matter, but so does the ‘value’. Virgins will buy jewellery only in two cases – one, if it’s a good investment, and/ or second, if they really, really like it. No wonder, they have a special preference for precious-metal jewellery and precious stones. For imitation pieces, they go for semi-precious stones, chunky, psychedelic or ethnic look that’ll make them stand out. As for the vehicles, Virgins have a bizarre choice, especially if they can’t afford an expensive model they fancy. They will prefer to buy a remodelled version than use a run-of-the-mill budget car/ bike.

Libra: Balance and poise – these are the two mantras around which a Libra’s life and preferences revolve. They seek balance in all aspects of their life, and health and physical fitness are no different. Meditation, yoga, other calming and balancing forms of exercise appeal to them. So, it’s not only about burning calories, but also about ‘lifting spirits and feeling great’. Unconventional exercise forms like Tai Chi, Kalaripayattu and Kendo shall find favour with a Libra. Relaxing/ unwinding and having fun are vital to a Libra for overall fitness – after all it’s all about balance. When it comes to sports, they are highly fond of athletic-activities that would let them test and hone their balance. So, it’s gymnastics, spinning, hurdle-races, handball, skateboarding or skating for them, all the way.
Suave, stylish and often well-turned out Libra natives, surprisingly, do not like to shop. A Libra male is most likely to despise his wife’s/ girlfriend’s shopping expeditions. Female Libra, on the other hand, may love to buy expensive and designer stuff, but more so for her intimate relations than her own self. However, you can consult them for tips on latest fashion and trends, and they shall happily oblige. And, don’t forget, they love receiving classy gifts – chic and delicate jewellery included. Buying or wearing jewellery, otherwise, isn’t a preference here. Any jewellery bought by them is merely for investment purposes. They carry the same attitude, when it comes to their auto-mobiles. In fact, they would rather have their vehicles passed on to them as a legacy.

Scorpio: Intensely competitive and passionate in whatever they do, Scorpio natives tend to look for the ways to enhance their physical prowess and mental strength. Besides, anything that intrigues and energizes them is also good enough to keep them going. Thus, when it’s about physical training, these aspects act as the guiding force. Vinayasa-yoga, power-yoga, rock climbing or multi-gym activities fit the bill perfectly! In the sports department, intense athletic activities or marathon races, which test their endurance and stamina, are their idea of fun and play. Scorpios are also, many a times, unbeatable at games like chess, monopoly. These are the sports that not only require a definitive strategy, but also give them a chance to flaunt their expertise. And, if that’s not all, the Scorpio may choose to zoom away in a powerful bike or a time-tested car at the end of the day to refresh himself/ herself. Their chosen vehicle will, however, have to be sturdy, reliable and easy to maintain.
Attractive and often quite poised, Scorpios have a distinct and definitive taste in clothes. They have set choices, and don’t like anyone giving them any advice on it. The wardrobe of a Scorpio woman is usually very tasteful, and may even be a cause of envy for many. Most Scorpios have an exquisite choice in both clothes and accessories, and many of them may be the proud owners of some of the finest and rarest jewellery pieces and/ or precious stones. Tried and tested brands rule, but not for the sake of exclusivity, but because they guarantee longevity and trust. No wonder, most Scorpio women worship shopping. However, many men of this sign are, more or less, indifferent to the shopping activity. However, they will readily pay the bill, without being grumpy or inquisitive about your purchases. They may not be very appreciative too!

Sagittarius: A powerhouse of energy, an Archer displays great strength and stamina, and tends to take his/ her workout routine a tad too seriously. They have the knack of getting down to the slightest of the details, and will meticulously plan each of their moves. Adventurous and always ready to experiment, Archers, however, fail when they overdo this very bit. They flourish the most in a competitive scenario where they get ample chances to boast and make show of their abilities. Adventure, team activities, vigorous sports like squash, lawn-tennis, swimming, horse-riding and even basket ball, baseball and hiking/ trekking suit their sensibilities best. If this does not suffice, they like to hit the road to explore new destinations in their posh set of hot-wheels – a Sports Utility Vehicle, maybe!
If the ‘best-dressed’ Sun sign award was to be declared, a Sagittarius native would win hands down! The Archers have a knack to pick up just the ‘right’ objects at the ‘right’ time. An Archer woman is considered to be street-smart, as she would exactly know what to and from where to buy, and that includes jewellery. Great at bargaining skills, she’ll also often manage to buy at the most reasonable rates. On the other hand, Archer men are relatively laid-back, and would rather be patient onlookers, while you shop. Thus, all in all, it’s not a bad idea to take them as shopping companions, especially if their interests are as ardent (for shopping) as yours.

Capricorn: No one appreciates the benefits and rewards of an exercise and fitness program more than a dedicated Goat. Capable of first sweating it out on a treadmill before heading for a tango/ jazz session, Capricorn natives will be able to strike a balance between myriad means to keep fit, given they gel with his/ her current set of responsibilities. Weights, cardio, yoga, aerobics or walking in a nearby park – all may be favoured – they just have to fall in line with the Goat’s busy work-schedule. And if that’s not all, they’ll also manage to fit in a trekking expedition, a soccer game or following some natural remedy, but only if time, or rather their work, permits. They also love playing competitive field sports that test their stamina and energy.
Practical and prudent, Goats, often, don’t fall in the category of impulsive shoppers. Both male and female Goats are patient shopping companions, and when in mood, they themselves don’t mind spending hours or even days (for bigger purchases) hunting for just the ‘right’ thing. That’s exactly what happens when it comes to bagging their ‘mean machine’ – expect a Goat to create so much fuss that you’ll be tired and bored. But, the end result will be so spectacular that you’ll be left jealous! However, on most other occasions, a Cappy is too caught up with his/ her work to bother slotting a separate time for shopping, so shopping becomes an extension of day’s work! In the jewellery department, the emphasis is on the minimal. Their love for tradition makes them go for timelessly classic or ethnic pieces, and yet it’s always elegant.

Aquarius: Ironically stubborn yet pliable, Aquarius natives are, often, careful about their appearance. They like to keep themselves toned and agile, and that’s quite possible given their natural charm and poise. However, what they really need is some more discipline and dedication towards their fitness goals. Add some mental/ intellectual stimulation to their fitness routine, and see them sticking to it like bees to honey! Mental health is as important to them as physical well-being. So, activities like Yoga and Pilates find favour with these free-birds. Also, anything that holds a humanitarian cause catches their interest like nothing else does. Charity walks, marathons and team sports are preferred, and so are adventurous sports like snowboarding, wind surfing, sky diving or bungee jumping.
Aquarius is, by far, the best Sun sign to shop with. Not short on ideas and opinions, Water-Bearers like to go the whole hog, whenever they decide to shop! Their distinct style of dressing – rather, abstract and off-beat – shall also give you many shopping ideas. So, don/t hesitate in taking them along – they may appear too tied up/ self-centred initially – but, often, you won’t regret their company. When it comes to jewellery, they like to be close to the nature. So, precious stones, shells, cowries and pearls are preferred, and so are precious, gleaming metals. And, that’s exactly how they also like to keep their auto-mobiles – glistening and shimmering! Quite possessive about their dream machine, they are proud of their possession, and would love to flaunt it.

Pisces: Most Fish have a tendency to be quite laid-back, so they need a ‘real’ push to ‘exercise’. However, since most of them are quite appearance-conscious, they would eventually do something or other for their fitness. Fascinated by the waves of sparkling water, Pisces natives wish to be close to water bodies for long hours. And, if that water-body is a sea, nothing like it! Hence, besides regular work-out sessions at the gym, a Pisces native may often be spotted at the pool-side/ sea-shore, as swimming or aqua-aerobics shall turn out to be the most pleasurable ways to burn calories for him/her. Most Fish adore the sensuality of warm water, of floating and gliding through currents. And, this is evident from their special preference for water sports like water skiing, river rafting and deep-sea diving.
When it comes to shopping, impulsive is the word that best describes a Pisces native. They love to shop and gift, and are often quick to pick up items that appeal to their eyes. Nothing run-of-the-mill would be allowed to enter a Pisces domain, though. They are quite selective that way, and prefer to collect exquisite objects. Like, if it’s about jewellery, gold rules all the way! Whether it’s a trinket or a finely carved neck-piece, the gleam of gold with, maybe, a touch of their favourite blue precious stones, will be evident! As for their choice of auto-mobiles, not much can be said. They often tend to keep their vehicle, whichever one they have, neglected, and would not send it in wash or repair unless extremely necessary!
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