As Per Indian Sidereal Astrology System (Nirayana System of Astrology) transiting Jupiter is entering Pisces on 6th December, 2010, and will move on from Pisces to Aries on 8th May, 2011. Although the reading would also equally depend on your Natal planetary positions (planetary positions at birth), Ganesha gives an overview of possible effects of Jupiter’s transit through Pisces on each Moon Sign.
You’ll have a balanced scale of income and expenses, says Ganesha. If you’re willing to relocate, the time is favourable. You may need to take good care of your health. Luck will not elude you, but you will have to be alert to grab the opportunities that come your way.
Personal as well as professional growth is indicated during this period. There may be gains through inheritance, provided you think of selling off a
property. True friends will lend a helping hand in the times of need. You can expect fiscal gains through your own actions, too, says Ganesha.
Expansion in business is possible, and it will keep you very busy. You may be assigned more responsibilities and you will find yourself loaded with
work. Ganesha also foresees you getting in touch with people residing on foreign shores, maybe for business. A progressive time, by and large.
You will meet people from different walks of life. Pilgrimage is also on the cards. You will come across opportunities at the job front; Ganesha advises you to embrace them and give them your best. In business, you may need to be more calculative. This is a good time to plan a family.
You will take keen interest in spirituality and occult. Matters related to property/inheritance would be sorted out. Joint finances may get boosted. Your business partner’s or life partner’s income will increase, but rise in your own expenses will flatten the advantage. You may spend on luxury and comforts, says Ganesha.
Singles may find the ideal match and may even tie the knot. A high level of understanding will take the relationships of married couples to another level all together. Things look promising on the business front, too, as you may receive offers for partnerships. Your public image will brighten up. You may also get involved in noble deeds, says Ganesha.
Good time to change your present job. Relations with colleagues or business associates will improve. Travelling for business for vocational purpose may turn out to be fruitful. If you’ve applied for a loan, you can smile as it gets approved. Though everything apparently looks picture perfect, you’ll not be satisfied with your performance during this period, feels Ganesha.
It’s a favourable period for studies and higher education. You may have gains through various sources. Long term investments in stock market might be beneficial as well. The wait may finally get over and you may find the person of your dreams! Overall, your performance in various spheres of life will improve, says Ganesha.
You may want to buy a new vehicle or wish to purchase a piece of land or a house. Laziness may bring dullness in you life, so try hard to keep yourself active both physically and mentally. Domestic life seems to be peaceful. Your social and professional status is likely to elevate, feels Ganesha.
Short distance trips will be more frequent now. Relations with the neighbours and siblings will improve. Your communication skills will assist you in extracting advantages from various sources. Friends will be your oxygen mask, and their support will keep you going in all situations, says Ganesha.
Fiscal boost is expected in this period. Expect a new member in your family. You may remain socially active. Some thankless jobs may keep you busy. If you are assigned new responsibilities at work, you must accept them, as they may be beneficial in financial terms. Avoid eating too much of sweets, says Ganesha.
This is one of the best periods of your life. Personal and professional unions will be successful. Ganesha feels that there will be progress in life but some amount of stress will also be there. This is the right time for couples to plan for a family. This transit will bring a positive change in your entire life. Happy times are here to stay Fishes!
For more details on the impacts of this Jupiter transit, ask a question and get trusted response from our astrologers.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team