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What does Uranus, the planet of intelligence, indicate for you?

What does Uranus, the planet of intelligence, indicate for you?

Known as Harshal or Prajapati, Uranus and its energies are considered to be electric and crammed with change according to Vedic astrology. It signifies
intelligence and therefore, contributes a lot in the areas of research, technological advancement, break-throughs, and overall development. If it is placed in the 3rd, 9th or 10th House, it gives very good results. While Uranus has benefic influences, it can have some malefic impacts on a native’s life as well. It creates confusion and disrupts the harmony in one’s life. When somebody has a heavy influence of Uranus in his chart, life tends to be very eventful, and the person goes through a lot of favourable and unfavourable situations. When everything is going in the right direction, life will put forth a speed-breaker or take an unexpected turn. This is the impact of Uranus!

The characteristcs and impacts of Uranus when it is placed in particular Houses are as given below:
1st House ? Whimzical, Short tempered.

2nd House – Financial ups & downs, poor eyesight.

3rd House – A good memory, dashing personality, problems with the siblings.

4th House – Problems related to property, trouble with parents.

5th House – Worries about children, loss in speculation, unlawful love affairs.

6th House – Problems due to others’ mistakes, a self-centered person.

7th House – Problems in married life, partner swaping, extra marital affairs.

8th House – Accidental death, losses in court cases, cheating by friends.

9th House – Good for research work, journies, progress in a business.

10th House – Good for career, however, at the age of 42 to 45 years, some problems
may arise.

11th House – Problems due to friends.

12th House – Poor health & hospitalisation, financial problems.

Uranus has no Lordship of any constellation & hence in Vimshottari dasha, it has no place like other planets. It gives unexpected results in the dashas related to the constellation Lord in which the Uranus is being placed in the native?s horoscope. It also gives the results as per its relation with other planets.

Represents Number – 4

Diseases caused by Uranus – Blood circulation related problem, paralysis, H.I.V./Aids, skin disease, problems in uterus/reproductive organ, mental disorders.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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