The total Lunar Eclipse taking place on 15th of June is likely to start at around midnight and will be in force till around 3:30am on 16th June, 2011. The eclipse will start in Scorpio and end in Sagittarius.
Sparsh – 23 hours 52 min
Madhy – 1 hours 42 min
Moksh – 3 hours 32 min
Effects of Lunar Eclipses
During Lunar Eclipses people generally experience high and low tides on the emotional front. Sometimes, due to mental stress, health too may be affected. However, there is also a positive side to the Lunar Eclipses- they mark an end to matters. In other words, matters reach the culmination point because Lunar Eclipses happen when it’s a full moon, which is the culmination point of moon’s Kalas.
Effect of this Lunar Eclipse would be felt between 15th June, 2011 and 10th December, 2011. Ganesha predicts the effects on all the Moon Signs
Any of your work, which has a foreign connection, may finally be completed. If you have planned a long distance trip, for work or for pleasure, Ganesha advises you to be very careful. There may be some worries on the domestic front as well. Relations with siblings may be strained. You might have to put in extra efforts to resolve domestic problems.
Ganesha advises you to take good care of your health during this period. Care also needs to be taken in matters related to joint bank accounts or joint finances. Matters related to inheritance may finally be sorted out.
It is the right time to take decisions regarding business partnerships. On the personal front, Ganesha advises you to avoid arguments with your spouse or beloved, as misunderstandings are likely. To put it in a nutshell, you need to keep your cool while dealing with everyone around you.
The eclipse is likely to affect your health, and Ganesha says that you may be down with some illness but He also assures that it’s temporary. This Eclipse can by and large affect your vitality. It is not the right time to make the big decisions regarding a job change or your career.
This is the right time to address issues related to studies and your kids. But, says Ganesha, avoid speculation. On the financial front, this period could be quite average, so you need to handle money matters with utmost care, suggests Ganesha.
Ganesha feels that you may remain concerned about the health of either of your parents. Work on the Job/business front may become increasingly demanding as the time passes. Well, it’s the right time to start looking for better job options. You will try to resolve all the issues at the home front.
Be scrupulous while signing or writing official documents, as there are chances of misunderstandings and misgivings. Relations with siblings are likely to be strained. Short distance trips undertaken during this period would turn out to be exhausting, feels Ganesha.
Family and finance will be the causes of concern, says Ganesha. Handle both these factors with utmost care. Ensure that you don’t pull someone down or put someone off by saying something too harsh. This could be a challenging period, adds Ganesha.
The Lunar eclipse may bring along mental stress or some physical illness. Ganesha feels that during this period you may work really hard to maintain the status quo of things. Some of your personal goals may be accomplished during this period.
Unexpected expenses are likely to crop up during this period. Ganesha suggests that you should avoid major investments during this phase. This eclipse will teach you how to discriminate between well-wishers and enemies.
The misunderstandings between you and a close friend may either be sorted out or you may permanently put a full stop to the relationship. Financial gains seem distant; hence you may need to cultivate patience. You may decide to learn an entirely new subject but the process may turn out to be slightly tedious.
This is the time to put an end to burning issues at the job or business front. The health of your mother or father may be a source of worry. Tensions at home and workload in office may stress you out but you won’t give up. This will ultimately help you climb another step on the ladder of success, says Ganesha.
With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team