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2017 Venus Transit: Venus in Pisces

2017 Venus Transit: Venus in Pisces

Venus – the planet of love, beauty and luxury will be transiting through its Sign of exaltation – Pisces. This transit will bring a lot of respite for the masses in general, and the feelings of love and harmony will get manifest in a stronger manner. Venus is the happiest when in Pisces, and this will help relationships to flourish, better understanding to develop between love-birds and for entertainment-creative-artistic fields to get a boost. This transit, which began on the 27th January, 2017 will continue for an unusually long period of around 4 months and Venus will stay therein till the 31st May, 2017. This extended stay will be because of the planet’s retrograde motion between 4th March, 2017 and 15th April, 2017. It is to be noted that the benefic planet generally stays in one Sign for a period of approximately 25-30 days. There will be a lot to look forward to in this transit, but the effects will vary for each of the Signs. Find out how you will be influenced by the enchanting effect of planet Venus.

Ganesha feels that your income is likely to increase but the expenses may shoot up as well, as you’ll prefer to spend more on sprucing up your lifestlye. You’ll be mostly lost in romantic thoughts in the coming days. This transit seems to be lucky for the Arians, as it will increase the feelings of love and lust in your life. All your dreams may come true soon. There are also good chances with your mate indicated. You are likely to remain in a wonderful and a happy state of mind now. Get 100% personalised predictions with Love Ask A Question.

This is going to be a prosperous period for all the Taurus born, as you are likely to get rewarded for all your hard work now. This will inspire you from within and draw you closer towards your dreams. Strained relationship from the past with friends and family will get improved. This is the best time to focus and plan on your working skills. This way you shall be able to make progress in the days to come, feels Ganesha. Get 100% personalised predictions with Relationships Ask a Question Detailed.

Ganesha predicts that you may become more creative and may exhibit great skill and this may grab the attention of your seniors. As a result, you will gain a lot of appreciation in your work. Your morale may get a solid boost and you will enjoy your work life now like never before. Your rapport with your colleagues will grow stronger. Read more about Gemini. This seems to be a fantastic period for you on the work front. Get 100% personalised predictions with Career Ask A Question.

You will find positive changes on the domestic front, as any sort of stress in relationships may come to an end. This is a favorable time on the work front as all your decisions may be favoured by your colleagues. Females will play a prominent role in relationship matters. New opportunities will come your way soon. This is a good time for those looking for a job change. Read more about Cancer. You may go on a short trip with your mate, feels Ganesha. Get 100% personalised predictions using Job Or Business?.

Ganesha foresees that you will be more interested in the spiritual sphere of life now. You are likely to experience an outburst of your emotions for the incidents that happened in the past. Your workload at the office may add a lot of stress. But try to keep hope, as nothing lasts forever. Put in more efforts to find your desired path.  Read more about Leo. This transit will help you realize your current position in life. Get 100% personalised predictions with Remedial Solution for Wealth.

If you are still single and expecting a serious relationship to get invited, then it seems like your wait is finally going to get over as you are likely to meet your soulmate now. It also seems to be a favourable phase for the married couples, as they will be able to enjoy the spice. You may even expect a serious rise in your income.  Read more about Virgo.Some major family events seem to be in the offing, feels Ganesha. Get 100% personalised predictions with Kundali Matching.

You might shuffle your routine activities and may focus on prioritising. You shall change your work style as per the recent requirements on the work front. Your work life will be will be pleasant and you will enjoy it. Relationships with colleagues will improve and this will help to lighten your mood. New projects may come your way soon.  Read more about Libra.You will be able to experience faster progress in life in this phase. Get 100% personalised predictions using 2023 Career Report.

You are soon going to experience the happiness that was lacking for so long. You’ll be in a lighter mood, and will enjoy life to the fullest. Singles may fall in love with the partner of their dreams and may marry the same person. The married couples will experience a wonderful period. Women shall play a vital role in your life in the coming months (irrespective of your gender).  Read more about Scorpio. Try to follow a good diet plan. Get 100% personalised predictions using Love Ask A Question – Detailed Advice.

You may spend your maximum time and energy decorating your home in the most luxurious manner. You are likely to be in a party mode and may enjoy some wonderful moments and good food with your close friends. Read more about Sagittarius. This is the best time to experience inner peace, says Ganesha. Get 100% personalised predictions with Your Horoscope Analysis.

Ganesha predicts, that you will become mentally prepared now, and may finally take the efforts and courage to express your love to your soul mate. You are also going to be confident with your decisions on the work front. You will be able to experience a fine mix of work and pleasure and may also be able to set out on fun trips with close ones. You will be quite expressive in this phase and may share your thoughts and ideas with others. Read more about Capricorn. But, you are advised to be a bit careful. Get 100% personalised predictions with Soul mates or Not?.

Ganesha foresees, that you may be inclined more towards in building a wealthy life for yourself. People around you are likely to get impressed by your speech and communication skills. You might be interested in spending money on clothes and accessories. This may impact your finances, if you are not careful. You’ll be more occupied on the personal front with some events or functions. Old issues with people may now get sorted out. This is a good time to strengthen your bond with your family members.  Read more about Aquarius.Get 100% personalised predictions with Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues.

You are possibly going to be in the happiest mood as things will function as per your plans. You may prefer to spruce up your appearance and upgrade your lifestyle. You may also develop strong artistic tendencies now. You will explore all the available options and make modifications accordingly. Ganesha predicts, that you may now experience a whole new force of emotions in your life.  Read more about Pisces But confusions in love life may increase. Get 100% personalised predictions with Love Ask A Question – Detailed Advice

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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