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Know How Will Venus Transit In Libra Influence Your Life

Know How Will Venus Transit In Libra Influence Your Life

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Dates for Venus Transit In Libra

Starts: 3rd November 2017Ends: 26th November 2017

Venus: The Planet Of Beauty And Charm

Venus is considered to be an intermediate planet in the planetary system. It lies at a maximum of 46 degrees from the Sun, and becomes combust at 10 degrees from the Sun. Although Venus is combust, it does not lose its strength. Besides, when its distance from the Sun increases, it increases our prosperity and expertise in various arts and hobbies. Venus also signifies the beauty of human beings.

Venus will transit in Libra star sign i.e. in its own sign from 3-11-2017. This transit will continue till 26-11-2017, hence it will provide excellent results to the natives of Libra sign. Besides, Jupiter is also in Libra sign currently. As a result, Venus will be in conjunction with Jupiter during this period. Basically, Jupiter is the Lord of the Gods, while Venus is the Lord of the Demons. Both these planets are therefore considered enemies. But Venus considers Jupiter as its equivalent. This conjunction will provide very good results in Libra sign. If this conjunction occurs in kendra or trikon in a horoscope, then the native becomes honest, wealthy, generous, rich, ethical, unbiased and famous person. Following are the details about the various effects of Venus transit in Libra for all the signs.

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants like for Libra ascendant. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.

Venus Transit 2017: Venus In Libra – Predictions For The 12 Moon Signs

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Aries

Venus Transit In 7th House

For Aries natives, Venus planet will transit in the 7th house. Hence, those intending to get married will find a suitable match. Family problems will get resolved during this period. There will also be an improvement in your financial condition. Moreover, your financial situation will be much better after 12-11-2017. There are also many chances of getting a promotion which was delayed so far as per Venus in Libra. However, for providing accurate effects of this Venus transit, it is necessary to have the details about the planets and transits in the native’s personal horoscope. Good times are foreseen in your relationships. Are you more curious to know your future? If yes, buy the 2018 Personal Life & Relationship Report.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Taurus

Venus Transit In 6th House

For Taurus natives, Venus will transit in the 6th house from your sign. It will, therefore, provide good results on the career front. However, it is necessary to take care of your health. You should control your diet, especially if you have a problem regarding the sugar level. Pain due to acidity is also indicated according to Venus transit 2017. Although no major issue is foreseen, you will incur some medical expenses. Besides, this will be an average period for students. You can also read your daily horoscope to know the predictions on a day to day basis. As per the stars, you will get good results in your career. Do you want to make it still better? Buy the 2018 Career Report and see your career surge.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Gemini

Venus Transit In 5th House

For Gemini natives, Venus will transit in the 5th house from your sign, and hence it will occur in the trikon sign. As a result, there is a possibility of love affairs. Cohabitation with your beloved will also increase and you will spend a pleasant time with him/her. This is a very good period for natives associated with the field of arts as per Venus transit 2017 effects. Besides, your chances of success will especially increase after 12-11-2017. You will also witness an upswing in Venus related business during this month. Further, you are likely to spend more money on luxuries and entertainment during this period as per Vedic Astrology. You may see a rise in Venus related business during this phase. But if you want success in other areas of business as well, buy the 2018 Business Report and see the difference.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Cancer

Venus Transit In 4th House

For Cancer natives, Venus will transit in the 4th house from your sign, and thus prove to be auspicious for you. Intimacy in existing and new relationships will especially increase during this period. Rise in your materialistic possessions such as vehicle, land, other comforts and facilities is indicated. You will also be helpful to your friends according to effect of Venus in Libra. This period is favourable for those who are particularly facing problems regarding inheritance and ancestral property. Students will have to remain more focused on their studies. Do you want to boost your financial prospects? If your answer is yes, then buy the 2018 Finance Report and make a positive difference to your financial future.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Leo

Venus Transit In 3rd House

For Leo natives, Venus will transit in the 3rd house from your sign, which is related to courage and siblings. Hence, you will receive good support from your brothers and sisters during this period. There are many chances of succeeding in new ventures. Your friend circle will also increase. You are likely to travel and even organise a picnic at a nearby location to refresh your mind. There is also a possibility of going on a pilgrimage. Your employees and servants will be very cooperative. Rise in your fame and honour is also indicated. The period from 12th to 26th November will be much better. Your employees will be cooperative during this phase, as per the stars. Do you want to know your career future in more detail? If yes, buy the 2018 Career Report.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Virgo

Venus Transit In 2nd House

For Virgo natives, Venus will transit in the 2nd house of wealth from your sign and hence provide good results. Those associated with the art field will get new projects. You will also receive appreciation for the work done during this period. You will be blessed with a child if your natal planets are favourable. Incomplete and pending work related to legacy and ancestral property will now get accomplished. Your elders will also be supportive. Stars predict good developments in your career. But if you are concerned about some areas in career you can buy the 2018 Career Report and set to rest your worries.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Libra

Venus Transit In 1st House

For Libra natives, Venus will be swagruhi and thus provide excellent results. You will develop new relationships during this period. People will support you in public life. You will move ahead in love relationships as per Libra compatibility. There is also a possibility of an extramarital relationship for married ones. Hence, you are advised to control yourself from getting attracted towards the opposite sex. Growth in the business related to liquid items, cosmetics, perfumes and precious gems is also foreseen for the Libra men and Libra women. This phase will be eventful for you in context of relationships. Are you curious to know more about your relationships? If yes, buy the 2018 Personal Life & Relationship Report and know your future.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Scorpio

Venus Transit In 12th House

For Scorpio natives, Venus becomes strong and will transit in the 12th house from your sign. Expenditure related to luxury items and amenities will increase significantly. Desire for physical relations will increase and there is also a possibility of satisfying the same. You shall enjoy the company of people of the opposite sex. Both your income and expenses will increase, hence it will get balanced. Relationships with your love or life partner will remain cordial during this period. Do you want to give a further boost to your relationships? If yes, buy the 2018 Personal Life & Relationship Report.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Sagittarius

Venus Transit In 11th House

For Sagittarius natives, Venus will transit in the 11th house of gains from your sign. You can, therefore, expect benefits from your elders and friends. Compatibility with life partner will increase. Your desires will now get fulfilled. This transit is considered to be good for your finances and social life, but you need to remain slightly cautious about your health. Especially, pay attention to diabetes and diseases caused by a cough and acidity, otherwise, you may suffer more due to minor negligence. There is also a possibility of genital diseases due to over-indulgence in physical relations. But, you can get an exact indication of the same from your horoscope. This time will be generally good for your financial growth. If you want to know more about it, buy the 2018 Finance Report.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Capricorn

Venus Transit In 10th House

For Capricorn natives, Venus will transit in the 10th house of karma from your sign. Hence, Venus related activities will increase during this period. Rise in your workload is also indicated. You may suffer from genital diseases due to immoral relationships. You are therefore advised to abstain from activities that can cause disgrace in the society and public life. Remain humble in your behavior and actions while dealing with superiors. As per the stars, your workload in office may increase. This can present you with added challenges. However, you can put to rest these challenges if you buy the 2018 Career Report.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Aquarius

Venus Transit In 9th House

For Aquarius natives, Venus will transit in the 9th house of fortune from your sign, and hence prove to be auspicious. You will especially get ample financial benefits and become more fortunate. Pending business activities will now get accomplished. You will also achieve good results in your current activities. There is a possibility of going on a pilgrimage. A pleasant journey is also foreseen. Planets predict success in your business. Do you want to capitalise on this positive phase? If yes, avail the 2018 Business Report and surge ahead in business.

Venus Transit In Libra 2017 For Pisces

Venus Transit In 8th House

For Pisces natives, Venus will transit in the 8th house from your sign, and thus provide moderate results on the financial front. Gains in legacy matters is indicated. You will be highly inclined towards spirituality during this period. Moreover, you will learn something new in the spiritual field and move ahead on the spiritual path. Your intuition power will increase and you will be highly interested in occultism and the fundamental principles of life. Progress in subjects like astrology is foreseen. But, remain extra cautious about your health during this period. You will make only make moderate financial gains as per the planets. However, you can change your destiny if you access the 2018 Finance Report.

Note: The above-mentioned predictions about the transit of Venus can vary based on the planetary position and strength in your horoscope. If Venus is strong in your horoscope you will get good results, and if Venus is weak then it will be less favourable. Besides, it also depends on the Dasha and Antardashas. Hence, the predictions can vary from person to person.

With Ganesha’s Grace,

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