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Know How Will The Venus Transit In Capricorn Influence Your Life

Know How Will The Venus Transit In Capricorn Influence Your Life

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Dates For Venus Transit In Capricorn

Starts: 13th January 2018Ends: 6th February 2018

Planet Venus, the guru of demons will transit in Capricorn sign from 13-1-2018 to 6-2-2018. Actually, the transit of Venus in Capricorn sign is considered to be highly significant in astrology because Capricorn is friendly sign of Venus. The effect of this Venus transit varies for natives of each sign. Venus is mainly the significator of arts, literature, beauty, happiness in life, luxurious lifestyle, entertainment and leisure. Hence, let us find out how this transit of Venus will affect natives of all the signs for matters related to the above-mentioned areas of life.

(Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants like for Capricorn ascendant. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.)

Venus Transit 2018: Venus In Capricorn – Predictions For The 12 Moon Signs Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Aries

Venus Transit In 10th House

The transit of Venus is very important for Aries natives. Venus is lord of your second and seventh house. Besides, the tenth house is known as the karma sthan, and as the lord of wealth house is transiting herein, this period will be very good for you, financially. Pending work in your area of activity will now get completed, and you will be highly respected in public life. There is also a possibility of making a financial investment. In short, the transit of Venus will be good for money matters. If you have any query about your financial future, buy Wealth Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Taurus

Venus Transit In 9th House

The lord of Taurus sign, and also the lord of your first and sixth house Venus is transiting in your friendly sign. Hence it will help Taurus natives to become more fortunate, and luck will also be on your side. Job seekers will get good opportunities, while there are chances of a promotion for those already doing a job. Whereas, businesspersons will now get new opportunities for expansion. There is also a possibility of going on a trip during this period. Do you want to know more about your business? Access the Business Ask A Question Report and know the answer to your problem.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Gemini

Venus Transit In 8th House

For Gemini natives, Venus is lord of the fifth and twelfth house. Besides, it is transiting in the eight house from your sign and Capricorn sign, which is your friendly sign. Hence, sudden financial gains and unexpected benefits are indicated during this period. This is also a good time for your love life. Mutual intimacy will increase for those who are already in a love relationship. You will express your feelings and your desire for love from the other side will now get fulfilled. You can also expect a surprise in love affairs. Moreover, this is a positive period for those who want to go abroad. If you are facing personal issues, you can get them settled. Opt for the Relationships Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Cancer

Venus Transit In 7th House

Venus will transit in the seventh house for Cancer natives. As Venus is the lord of your fourth and eleventh house, benefits related to property or vehicle are indicated. Your desire to buy new property or vehicle will be fulfilled. Gains from past investments in property is likely during this period. Increased intimacy with your life partner and benefits through him/her is also possible. This is a better time for partnership activities or new joint contracts. Your spouse will also support you in your professional activities. Moreover, you will be highly respected in public life. In order to settle your problem in profession, buy the Career Ask A Question Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Leo

Venus Transit In 6th House

For Leo natives, Venus is lord of the tenth house i.e. karma sthan, and the third house i.e. parakram sthan. This transit of Venus in Capricorn sign, and the sixth house from your sign will encourage you to undertake new ventures. You will also get positive response in love relationship from your partner. Besides, your love partner residing at a distant location will be more affectionate. Increased intimacy with members of the opposite gender in your workplace is indicated, and you may also move ahead in that relationship. There is a possibility of meeting new people and expanding your friend circle. But, especially take care of your health during this period as common illnesses may disturb you. Health is important and so is wealth. To settle your queries regarding your financial issues, buy the Wealth Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Virgo

Venus Transit In 5th House

Venus is the lord of second and ninth house for Virgo natives, and it will transit in the fifth house from your sign. Hence, you will be highly interested in arts, music & creativity, and also try to learn or know new things in these areas. Moreover, you will wish to attend a musical program. Luck will also support you, reasonably. You will be satisfied as pending work will now gain pace. This period is very good for love relationships. If you want to propose someone, you will be able to talk eloquently and can also expect a positive response from the opposite side. Besides, you will get many creative ideas. There is also a possibility of getting an offer to do something new. Relationships lie at the core of our life. If you have any issues in relationship, get them settled with Relationships Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Libra

Venus Transit In 4th House

Venus is the lord of your sign, and also lord of the first & eight house from your sign. As Venus is currently transiting in the fourth house, problems related to property will get resolved during this period. Libra natives will also feel glad, as you will suddenly gain some property, or the pending work regarding your property will be completed. Relationship with your mother will be very cordial. Besides, you will do some creative activities and adopt a luxurious lifestyle. Your life will become more comfortable and happy. You are likely to purchase new furniture or renovate your house. Buying decorative items, electronic goods and a new vehicle is also foreseen. Overall, this is a good period. We need money for our materialistic needs. Are you having issues with your wealth expansion? Take the Wealth Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report and come out of difficulties.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Scorpio

Venus Transit In 3rd House

For Scorpio natives, Venus is lord of the seventh & twelfth house and it is transiting through the third house from your sign. Hence, you will go outstation with your life partner or business partner during this period. You will also meet new people and make new friends. Moreover, you will start some new ventures. You will also wish to do something new in your daily activities due to your creativity. Besides, you will travel outstation or go abroad to gain arts-related information. Also, be prepared for short journeys and expenses for your spouse. Overall, it is a good time. You can sort out the confusion in your life if you buy the Relationships Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Sagittarius

Venus Transit In 2nd House

Venus is lord of the sixth and eleventh house for Sagittarius natives. This transit of Venus in the second house from your sign will be important, financially. Hence, you can expect significant monetary gains from your business activities. Moreover, you will get earning opportunities by doing something new in your job or business. Those seeking a job will get a good opportunity, whereas ones already doing a job will also get new opportunities. But, take care of your health. The possibility of sudden financial gains is also indicated during this period. You can capitalise on your monetary benefits even more. Access the Wealth Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Capricorn

Venus Transit In 1st House

For Capricorn men and Capricorn women, Venus is lord of the fifth & tenth house, and it is transiting through your sign. This favourable transit of Venus in Saturn’s sign will be highly beneficial in your field of work. This will be a very important phase for both businesspersons and employed ones. You will get new opportunities that may bring a turning point in your life. You will also be highly attracted towards members of the opposite gender. Moreover, you will especially remain lost in romantic thoughts, and hence this is an excellent phase for love relationships. If you confess your love to your partner, you will get a good response. Whereas, those who are already in a love relationship will be more affectionate towards each other. Relationships can take us anywhere. If you have doubts in relationship, buy the Relationships Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report and steer clear of difficulties.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Aquarius

Venus Transit In 12th House

Venus is lord of the fourth house and fortune house for Aquarius natives. This transit of Venus in the twelfth house from your sign is considered to be very important and good for you. Hence, you will be fortunate and especially get a new opportunity, or travel to a new destination. Meeting new people is also indicated during this period. Besides, you will be highly attracted towards members of the opposite gender and also spend money for a luxurious lifestyle and luxury items. Moreover, you will incur expenses for renovating or decorating your residence. Make your business surge, get your confusion settled, buy the Business Ask A Question Report.

Venus Transit In Capricorn 2018 For Pisces

Venus Transit In 11th House

For Pisces natives, Venus is lord of the third and eighth house, and it will transit in the eleventh house from your sign. Hence, this will mostly be a favourable period. However, this phase will be average for financial matters. Besides, you will wish to undertake new ventures but remain cautious while taking any decision. Also interact carefully, as this period is less favourable for love relationships. Moreover, watch your words while communicating with your love partner, else your words will be misinterpreted and adversely affect your relationship. Sort out your relationship issues, buy the Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues Report.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Kashyap Rawal,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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