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Venus In Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

Starts: 16th July 2018
Ends: 29th July 2018

The Morning Star Venus will transit in its own Nakshatra, Purva Phalguni from 16th July to July 29th. It was transiting the Magha Nakshatra previously. In Purva Phalguni nakshatra, Venus will give fruits of good karma, it will increase the good fortune of people. They will enjoy, relax and rejuvenate and visit their near and dear ones. One may go to parties, informal meetings, attend functions; finalization of many contracts is also on cards.

Find Out Your Nakshatra Along With Moon Sign & Their Characteristics

People will work on their personality, looks and will work on building new, loving and intimate relationships. Creative talents of the people will be appreciated. Time for Love marriage proposals and relationships. People will tend to buy luxury cars and houses. The desire for passionate writing and creativity will increase. You make get recognition for your accomplishment. Best time for the new project and intellectual and social activities. People will work on diet and looks. Increase in the sale of saloon and beauty parlours. Selling and purchasing of perfumes, flowers, fashionable items and clothes will increase. Are you curious to know more about your future? Avail the Ask A Question Report and know your future.

Students may take up acting, fashion designing, interior decorator, architecture, counselling and cooking courses. You may have an instinct to buy ornaments. You may join personality development courses to work on yourself. Children will develop an interest in music, dance, painting singing etc. Disease of the bladder, sexual organs, kidney and bones may increase. Taking memorable photographs and selfies will get more frequent. Venus will help you discover yourself and your love. There will be an increase in prosperity and you may travel to new countries. Gaining new project is possible.

Let’s see what Venus has in store for the 12 Moon signs of the zodiac:

– Venus Transit In 5th House

Venus will be transiting the 5th house in your chart. You may go to meet your friends, elder siblings. More conversation likely regarding hobby, creativity, profession, writing books etc. You may join some hobby courses, or you may join some new people for your work.

– Venus Transit In 4th House

Venus will be transiting the 4th house in your chart so happiness is foreseen at home. Gains from the property are also likely. Renovation and repair at home will happen during this phase. There will be improvement in health. There will be new people at the workplace.

– Venus Transit In 3rd House

Venus transiting the third house of your chart. Talking to loved ones, travelling to meet family and friends is possible. The signing of new contracts. You may go ahead with love marriage proposals. If you wish to settle your queries regarding future, we can do it for you. You can access Ask  Question Report.

– Venus Transit In 2nd House

Venus will be Transiting 2nd house of income. You may buy jewellery. You may also buy household goods and get your interior decoration done. Increase in the recognition of your work is foreseen. You may work more on your self and personality, especially face.

– Venus Transit In 1st House

Venus will be transiting in your first house or ascendant. You may join a personality development course. You may visit the saloon and parlour. You may change your hairstyle. You will also develop an interest in creative writing, You will travel abroad for work. Promotion with recognition and increment in salary is foreseen. You can know more about your future. End your queries, buy the Ask A Question Report.

– Venus Transit In 12th House

Venus will be transiting your 12th house of expenditure so you may buy goods, throw parties. You may go for get-togethers. Long distance travel for work is likely. You may also purchase luxurious items. You make gains from abroad.

– Venus Transit In 11th House

Venus will be transiting the 11th house in your chart. You will be appreciated for your creativity. Long distance travel of elder siblings is likely. You may go to meet family and friends. You may get promotion in job and Increase in income.

– Venus Transit In 10th House

Venus will be transiting the 10th house in your chart. New ideas of work, writing or creativity may dawn in your mind. Happiness at home and at work is foreseen. You may also develop an interest in spirituality and God. You will understand your work and your life in a better manner. You will be working on your transformation. Do you want to know more about this change? Buy the Ask A Question Report and put an end to your doubts.

– Venus Transit In 9th House

Venus is transiting your 9th house so devotion will increase. Gains from wife, contracts and sister-in-law are likely. You may meet, have a good time and conversation with your elder siblings. You may gain from travel. Performing pooja and Jaap will help you. You may receive God’s blessings.

– Venus Transit In 8th House

Venus is transiting your 8th house so Venus will slow down your activity a bit. You may gain from in-laws. On the other hand, recognition from work is likely. Mood swings may take place. Monetary gains from insurance are likely. Sudden gains or approval of loans from the bank is possible. You may get into a secret conversation with someone during this time.

– Venus Transit In 7th House

Venus is transiting your 7th house. Love marriage is possible. Gaining new contracts is also likely. You will make gains in education. You may spend some money on children’s courses. You may go for a long distance with family, foresees Ganesha.

– Venus Transit In 6th House

There can be expenditure on the medical front. Disease of the bladder, the kidney is possible. Some person in the family I turn against you to teach you a lesson in life. Secret love affairs in office are likely. Break in a relationship may also take place in some cases.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Sonia Nayyar,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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