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Venus In Cancer Transit 2017: Know How Will It Impact Your Life

Venus In Cancer Transit 2017: Know How Will It Impact Your Life

Dates For Venus Transit :

Starts: 21 August 2017
Ends: 14 September 2017

Venus In Cancer: An Overview

Venus is considered highly significant in the planetary cabinet. It is especially regarded as the significator of female elements. Planet Venus is associated with Entertainment, Arts, and Beauty products. Venus is also believed to be the Guru of Gods. It is also considered as the significator of Sanjeevani Vidya. Although a person is almost dead, it is up to Venus to grant life to that person. Venus is even regarded as the significator of wealth and treasures. It is also considered as a very important planet in Astrology. Venus will now start transiting in Cancer sign from 21 August 2017 to 14 September 2017. Hence, let us know about the auspicious & inauspicious effects of this transit on various signs.

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.]

For Aries natives, Venus will transit in the 4th house, and hence provide favourable results in financial and family matters as per the Venus Transit in Cancer. You will also get auspicious results in marital, personal & public life, business relations and partnerships, says Ganesha. The period between 21 to 23 August 2017 will be average for financial & family matters, marital & public life, and business relations. From 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017 you will get favourable results in all the above-mentioned areas. Stars predict an average time for your business. Do you want your business to boost? Get the 2023 Business Report, know your future and surge ahead in business.

For Taurus natives, Venus will transit in the 3rd house. Hence, you will maintain very good health, both mentally and physically according to the Venus Transit in Cancer. This period will be favourable for matters regarding your job, maternal relations, servants, health and enemies. But, watch your health between 21 to 23 August 2017, else you may fall sick. Needless worries may also bother you. Differences with senior officials in your job and conflicts with servants are indicated. Maternal relationships will be average. Financial growth is foreseen from 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017. Family & maternal relationships will remain cordial. Relationships are a complex web. Are you concerned and perplexed about any issues in your relationship? Get your confusion settled. Buy the Relationships Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

For Gemini natives, Venus will transit in the 2nd house. Thus, you will get favourable results for matters related to sudden illness & expenses, religion, love, studies, children, lottery-speculation, and sports. Avoid going on a pilgrimage between 21 to 23 August 2017. Medical expenses are also indicated as per Venus Transit in Cancer. This is an average period for matters regarding love, studies, sports and finance. A pilgrimage is foreseen from 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017. Love relationships will remain cordial. This is a favourable period for students. Relations with children will be harmonious. Progress in sports activities is also likely, says Ganesha. Life is about all round progress including success in our profession. You can get the boost in profession if you get the right guidance. It can happen if you buy the 2023 Career Report.

For Cancer natives, Venus will transit in the 1st house, and hence provide favourable results in matters regarding finances, movable & immovable assets, vehicles, higher studies, and relations with elder siblings & mother. From 21 to 23 August 2017 some unpleasant incidents with brothers, sisters or friends are indicated. This is an average period for financial matters. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017 relations with friends and mother will remain cordial. Pending issues on the financial front will now get resolved. We need money for so many things in life. Do you want to boost your finances? Gain access to the 2023 Finance Report and make wonderful things happen.

For Leo natives, Venus will transit in the 12th house. Thus, you will get average results in matters regarding your father, younger siblings, friends, short-distance trips and profession, says Ganesha. From 21 to 23 August 2017 differences with father, younger brothers, sisters or friends are likely. Hurdles during short-distance tours and negative results in your area of activity are also indicated. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September, 2017 short-distance trips will be successful. Relations with the father will also remain cordial, and you will get average results in your profession. Stars are predicting average results in the profession. But you can change your destiny. Get the 2023 Career Report and give the much-needed boost to your profession.

For Virgo natives, Venus will transit in the 11th house. Thus, your family life will be very harmonious and your financial condition will improve. Going on a pilgrimage and opportunities for growth are also indicated. From 21 to 23 August 2017 family atmosphere will be average. Your financial condition may be unstable. You will face hurdles on the path to progress, and luck may not favour you in some matters. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017, you will become more comfortable financially. Happy and pleasant events in your family are also foreseen. The family is important and it grows with marriage. Have you any issues or doubts in your marriage or married life? If yes, access the Marriage Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report and gain the rich guidance.

For Libra natives, Venus will transit in the 10th house. Thus, you will maintain very good health, both mentally and physically. Matters related to the ancestral property will get resolved, or smoothly get accomplished. From 21 to 23 August 2017, take care of your health, else you may feel anxious and fall sick. Complications regarding matters related to ancestral property are also indicated. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017, you will remain very healthy. This period is favourable for matters related to ancestral property, says Ganesha. Wealth creation is important to move ahead in life. Do you want wealth expansion? Are you facing any obstruction in that direction? Get Wealth Ask a Question Report and remove the obstruction on the path of your success.

For Scorpio natives, Venus will transit in the 9th house, and hence provide favourable results in partnerships and marital, personal & public life. Sudden expenses for charity or some other activities are also indicated. From 21 to 23 August 2017, remain cautious in marital & personal relationships. Defamation in public life and some differences in partnership relations are foreseen. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017, marital & personal relations will remain pleasant and cordial. Fame and gain in public life are also indicated. Popularity comes by maintaining good relationships. Do you have any doubts in your relationship? Get the solution with Relationships Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

For Sagittarius natives, Venus will transit in the 8th house. Thus, you will get favourable results in matters regarding your elder siblings & friends, job, maternal relatives, servants, health & enemies. From 21 to 23 August 2017 arguments with elder brothers, sisters or friends, and some difficulties in your job are indicated. Also, take care of your health. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017 your financial condition will improve. Also look forward to some benefits from your maternal relatives, says Ganesha. Life is about maintaining relationships. It’s also about love and enjoyment. But if you have any problems in your love life, you can get it settled with Love Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report.

For Capricorn natives, Venus will transit in the 7th house. Hence, you will get favourable results in matters regarding your love relationships, children, father, studies, lottery-speculation, and area of activity. From 21 to 23 August 2017 you may be unable to concentrate on your studies. Financial complications or problems are also indicated. Remain focused in your area of activity. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017 cordial relations with your father and financial gains are foreseen. Stars predict good times for your business. If you want to capitalise further on your gains, buy the 2023 Business Report.

For Aquarius natives, Venus will transit in the 6th house. Thus, you will get favourable results in matters regarding movable & immovable assets and vehicle. Relations with your mother will remain cordial, and you will become more fortunate. From 21 to 23 August 2017 some differences with your mother & delays or hurdles in pilgrimage are indicated. The period between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017 is auspicious for buying a vehicle or related work. This is the best time for higher studies. You will now be able to concentrate on your studies. When life is running smooth, sometimes we face strange queries. If that is the case with you, buy our Ask Any Question Report and get your issue resolved.

For Pisces natives, Venus will transit in the 5th house. Hence, relations with your younger brothers, sisters and friends will remain cordial due to the beneficial influence of this transit. You will now move ahead on the path to progress in your area of activity. A short-distance trip is likely. You will also maintain good health. From 21 to 23 August 2017 you may face some hurdles while travelling. Obstacles or delays in matters regarding ancestral property are also indicated. Between 23 August 2017 to 14 September 2017 relations with friends will be harmonious. A job promotion or rise in your reputation and pleasant journeys are foreseen. Pending matters regarding ancestral property will now get resolved gradually. If you are concerned about your financial issues, buy the 2023 Finance Report and get your problems resolved.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Prakash Pandya,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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