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Vedic Astrology Vs Western Astrology: How They Compare And Compete?

Vedic Astrology Vs Western Astrology: How They Compare And Compete? - GaneshaSpeaks
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Astrology is the rescuer of suffering humanity. It is an art as well as science, which can do away with sorrows and fill our lives with lots of happiness. Well, there are broadly two distinct types of Astrology, namely the Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology. They don’t differ just in their places of origin but also vary in some other key areas. But, whether its Vedic Astrology or Western Astrology, their chief purpose is the same: to eliminate problems and maximise happiness. Here we present some differences between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology, which can make you admire Astrology all the more:

Different Origins

As the name suggests, the origin of Vedic Astrology can be traced to the classic Vedas, the foremost scriptures on planet Earth. Vedic Astrology was developed by the ancient seers and sages (Rishis) of the Indian Subcontinent, thousands of years ago. Thus, Vedic Astrology is pious and antique and believed to be the word of God passed on to the wise people in the past.

On the other hand, Western Astrology can be traced back to the life and intellectual development in ancient Greece. Western Astrology is also influenced by the Egyptian Civilisation. Thus, Western Astrology is an outcome of the evolved intellectuality and exploration of the European mind.

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Methods For Calculation

The Vedic Astrology system is about a fixed zodiac, with a certain Nakshatra (Planet) in the background. It is also called “Sidereal Zodiac”.

As for Western Astrology, it works on a movable zodiac. This system is based on the orientation of Earth to Sun. It is also known as “Tropical Zodiac”.

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Number Of Planets And Role Of The Fixed Stars

In Vedic Astrology, there are totally 9 Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu-Ketu, the two nodes of the Moon. Also, while using the 12 signs, Vedic Astrology makes use of 27 lunar constellations, called Nakshatras, each one covering a span of 13 degrees and 20 minutes.

Western Astrology includes planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to predict future, which are not considered by Vedic Astrology. Besides, Western Astrology does not consider Nakshatras or constellations.

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Differences In Timing

Vedic Astrology applies Vimshotarri Dasha system (a method to time the planetary system) while analysing the planetary transits for future events. Western Astrology does not use Dasha System. On the other hand, it studies the planetary transits based on their advances and movements.

Varying Areas Of Emphasis

Western Astrology seems to rely more on the Sun. So, the emphasis is more on psychology, the personality and character of an individual. On the other hand, Vedic or Sidereal system is a Moon-based astrology system which covers all the areas of life.

The Superiority Of The Vedic Astrology

Nakshatras, Dasha System and Divisional Charts in Vedic Astrology provide a much deeper insight. The Tropical or Western chart can provide only a straightforward explanation. Vedic astrology can be very effective and accurate yet a bit more complex. However, both Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology are worth exploring.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K. Thakar,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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