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Valentine’s Day Wedding: Most Romantic Day of Year to Get Hitched

Falling in Love is easy, staying in love is special. Those of you who have made this journey of love to the beautiful destination of marriage will relate to it. But before you begin your happily ever after, there comes a special day to mark the beginning of this wonderful institution of marriage. Your wedding day! And it doesn’t go any better than Valentine’s Day Wedding. Can you hear the bells already?

The day of love is almost upon us, and the pink in the air can almost be touched. The most anticipated day among the lovers is here, and we know, you would do everything to make the day special. However, if you already have marriage on your mind, why not choose the best possible day to tie the knot? Here we are talking about how to double the celebration of this already wonderful day.

Why Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day Wedding Benefits

February can be easily called the month of love. Over the years, we have experienced how Valentine’s Day has brought excitement to the new levels and how it is further boosted with the whole concept of Valentine’s Week! It all points to one thing: Memories. Wonderful, unforgettable memories with our loved ones that we are going to cherish for the years to come.

A Valentine’s Day wedding is the perfect way to make the marriage even more eventful, and of course, memorable. Recent times have shown us how lives can change in a matter of days, and how important it is to make the most out of every moment in your life. With marriage being one of the most life-changing steps you will ever take, it helps to have it on a day dedicated to love.

It is sure going to make your holiday personal. In the future, it is going to bring twice the reason to celebrate the day. You can even plan your romantic holidays in the beautiful month of February. On the funny note, you will not ever forget your anniversary, either!

Sounds dreamy, isn’t it? You can understand more about your good and not-so-good times in the future with a Personalised Janampatri prepared by expert astrologers.

Did you know the very story behind Valentine’s Day is about Saint Valentine getting couples married secretly? Remembering him also makes it a very good reason to get married on Valentine’s Day. Here is the story of Valentine:

Stories and Mythology Behind the Day

It is believed that King Claudius II of Rome did not allow his people to get married. He believed that soldiers who were not married and did not have any family responsibilities will make a stronger army. Saint Valentine, a priest, saw how unfair the rule was, and he started to get couples married secretly. When Claudius II came to know about him, he ordered his men to put the priest to death. Valentine’s Day is a homage to St. Valentine’s sacrifice and the celebration of his determination to help the people who were in love.

Another version of this story is about a prisoner named Valentine in 269 AD, where he wrote a letter to his lover from the prison on 14th February, a day before he was executed. The letter was signed off as ‘Your Valentine’, and it is believed that it prompted the tradition of greeting cards for Valentine’s Day.

How will your Valentine’s Day 2021 Go? Find out now with Valentine’s Horoscope!

Mythologically, Love and Desire are represented by Cupid, son of Venus (Goddess of Love and Beauty) in Roman Mythology. He is believed to go around with his bow and arrows around humans and Gods, and wound them with the ‘arrows of love’. Cupid’s Greek counterpart is Eros, the God of Love.

Choosing the Astrologically Correct Wedding Date

Love knows no boundaries, but Valentine’s Day is often considered a Western Concept. More critically, it is seen as a brainchild of Capitalist Economists who want to make money out of forced holidays. Now, does love and marriage have to be that complicated? No. Here are some auspicious dates, including Valentine’s Day among others, to convince your parents for Valentine’s Day wedding.

Luckily, 2021 has a gift for you. 14th of February is an auspicious muhurat to get married, and it falls on Sunday. What more can you ask for? However, if 14th February is not for you, here are some of the dates that can make your February special:

  • 1st February 2021 – Monday
  • 7th February 2021 – Sunday
  • 14th February 2021 – Sunday (Valentine’s Day)
  • 15th February 2021 – Monday
  • 16th February 2021 – Tuesday
  • 21st February 2021 – Sunday (Mars – Rahu Conjunction in Taurus)
  • 28th February 2021 – Sunday

Know more about auspicious dates and events of the upcoming year, get your 2021 Highlights Report now, handwritten for you by our experts.

Now, if we have convinced you enough, let’s plan your wedding the right way.

4 Ways to Have a Romantic Valentine’s Day Wedding

No pressure, but your wedding should live up to the hype. Right? And when you know it is on the most romantic day of the year, the stakes are high. Here are some of the ways to have the best Valentine’s Day Wedding.

4 Ways to Have a Romantic Valentine's Day Wedding

Speaking of Valentine’s Day Themes, you may want to have a look at: What to Wear on Valentine’s Day.

Plan a Perfect Valentine, Otherwise

No wedding plans in sight? You can still plan your perfect date. Right? Based on your partner’s zodiac sign, here are some of the Valentine day ideas for a perfect day.

Aries: Aries are adventurous to the core. More than candlelight dinners, they will love you if you take them to a beaten trail or a hike! Outdoors is their happy place.

Taurus: Taurians are royal, you would know it by now if you have been dating them. Take them to a luxurious date, placed in an exotic venue, and you are all set. Bonus points for Gifts.

Here are some Romantic Gift Ideas for Your Valentine This 14th February!

Gemini: Anything intellectual will work with Gemini. However, they will also enjoy a classical concert just as a good box-set of their favourite book series.

Cancer: Cancer will always be allergic to the crowd. They will not enjoy the holiday spirit of a crowded place, and however, home is where their heart is. They will enjoy a cosy breakfast in bed.

Leo: A Leo likes attention. Plan something big, and you’re covered. However, don’t forget to remind them how much you like them frequently!

Virgo: A Beach, a meadow, a mountain! Soil is their floor, the sky’s the roof. A perfect date for Virgo will have natural landscapes as the background.

Libra: Libra thrive on sensory experiences. Take them to a food-joint they have never been, or a wine-tasting they have been planning for long.

Scorpio: Indulgent individuals such as Scorpio are all about overwhelming experiences. They are passionate beings who would love everything a little extra.

Sagittarius: True wanderers of the world, Sagittarius are free-spirited people who will love you for taking them to some roads less travelled.

Capricorn: Capricorns are lovers of the Peace more than anything. They are every bit the opposite of loud. A day spent together inside the four walls of the home gives them immense pleasure.

Aquarius: Aquarius are fun-loving people who would appreciate good surprises. Anywhere there is good food and music, they will stop and cherish it.

Pisces: True romantics at heart, they will love a fairytale date with flowers and candles, followed by a rom-com at a Cinema.

Still not clear? Here is all you need to know about Tips to Plan a Perfect Date for Your Partner.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Folks!

That’s all from us. The team of Ganesha wishes you a hearty congratulations on your marriage and a happy Valentine’s Day to all. May all our lives be filled with love and happiness. And those who are thinking about it, have a great Valentine’s Day Wedding!

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