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Valentine’s Day Predictions 2010

Valentine’s Day Predictions 2010

Love is in the air. And on Valentine’s Day, it is everywhere. You too will be able to smell love floating in the air, but your response to it will be different. This time, you are in for a relationship that is going to last a long time. It may not begin as a whirlwind romance, but it will be placed on the strong base of friendship, which will only get stronger with time. To the overprotective Aries, Ganesha’s advise is: Leave you friends alone, or else you will push them away.

Cupid’s strung his bow and has his sights on the Bull’s eye – in this case, the Bull’s heart. This Valentine’s Day, Taureans have brilliant prospects in matters of the heart. Steady couples will find love getting bullish, and even a distance relationship will be tightly knit. Single and ready mingle? Don’t you worry then; for this Valentine’s Day, Ganesha believes that someone will charge into your life and make your heart his/her own.

If you are eagerly waiting for someone special in your life, this is an ideal time for you. And this special will become more important to you that you would have expected. If you are already in a relationship, you will tend to get a little possessive. Too much emotional dependence on your partner will make you behave irrationally, which is likely to make your partner feel a little suffocated. Ganesha advises you to learn to let go. If you want them to come back to you, set them free. Read more about Gemini.

On Valentine’s Day, you sign (Moon) will be conjunct with Venus, the Goddess of Love. You are likely to experience a surge of love and passion, and nothing will be more important to you than spending the day with the love of your life. If you are in a relationship, this is going to be a very special day for you. And for those who are still waiting to get hitched, Ganesha feels that showing care and compassion towards their prospective partner will help. Read more about Cancer.

If you desire to culminate your relationship into marriage, this is an ideal time for you to make your move. Be it going down on your knees, or hiding the ring in her favourite pudding, you are likely to figure a very romantic way to pop the question. This is also an ideal time to tell your family members about your relationship. If you are yet to find someone to pop the question, fret not. That someone may come to your life sooner than you think, says Ganesha. If already married, you will experience complete marital bliss. Read more about Leo.

On Valentine’s Day, the perfectionist Virgos will have trouble holding their horses. Ganesha advises you to be patient while picking your partner. Haste makes waste, or in this case makes you choose a wrong partner. But on the other hand, if you continue to seek perfection in your relationship or your partner, you are only pushing your relationship towards the edge of the cliff. How about trying the middle-path? If already married, it’s a good time to start a joint activity with your lover.

If you are single, you are likely to get attracted to someone. It may not be a bad idea to ask him/her out straight away. If you are already seeing someone, you may toy around with the idea of marriage. Ganesha thinks it may be a goo idea. If already married, you are likely to spend the majority of the day in your sweetheart’s arms. There may be a few arguments, but a fight is the spice of a married life. You may be thinking kids while making love to your partner. Read more about Libra.

The emotional Scorpio can experience intensely love, but it can also experience intense jealousy. On Valentine’s Day, it’ll be the latter. The pangs of jealousy will be so strong that the pain of seeing your partner giving attention to someone else will be unbearable. Ganesha advises you to avoid being jealousy or you have to pay a heavy price. If you are, however, yet to share your feelings with your love interest, today will be a good time. But make sure that you may have to go full throttle; no tentative I Like Yous or I Thinks. It will pay to be a little confident. Ganesha feels that this is going to be a memorable day for you.

The Archer are lone rangers and they keep very high expectations from their partners. So when their prospective partners fail their test of love, they move on dejected and lonely. This Valentine’s Day, the Cupid is on an overdrive. It is heal bent on finding a partner for you. However, to find that perfect partner, you may have to compromise a little. Ganesha believes that if you don’t bring your expectations down a notch, you may miss out on someone very special. Those already in love may need to find tools and techniques to rejuvenate the lost charm in their relationship. Married couples may experience mood-swings and a short trip or even an evening walk together may bridge the gap. Read more about Sagittarius.

Love is not about money. But if you have money, you have means to express your love a lot better. Spending some money to please your partner will fetch you great returns. Money well spent! So gifts, dinner and a shopping spree may become the order of the day for you. Ganesha, however, feels that if you are looking for a long-term association, you should rather follow the traditional arranged marriage system. If you are mulling to propose someone, do it in the first half of the day. Read more about Capricorn.

You’re going to be an apple of many eyes! Yes, Ganesha means it. This Valentine’s, you are going to be the centre of attraction in your group/friend circle. You will not need to approach anyone, mostly proposal will come from the other end. However, don’t mind giving someone a lift by paying more attention. This is going to be a lucky day so you are advised to make the most out of it. Committed couples will be operating in a more intense manner on this particular day, chuckles Ganesha.

Read more about Aquarius.

For a soft-hearted Piscean, the Valentine’s Day is going to be a wonderful day. If you are single and looking, you will be surprised by the number of people eying you. But then you may have a problem of plenty. Ganesha knows that you will choose wisely. If you are in a relationship, you may have to find a reason to stay in the relationship, otherwise you may start drifting away from your partner. Things may get even tougher for your relationship if there is someone trying to woo you. Read more about Pisces.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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