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Interesting Aspects About Sade Sati – The Tough 7.5 Year Grinding Phase Of Planet Saturn

Interesting Aspects About Sade Sati – The Tough 7.5 Year Grinding Phase Of Planet Saturn

Are you scared of “Sade Sati” – the supposed seven and half years ‘hard’ transit of Saturn? Then, with this article, you will be able to understand well this intriguing and intimidating planetary phenomenon.

Saturn – The Tough Taskmaster
Yes, it is true that Saturn is a tough taskmaster, who doesn’t entertain impropriety, indiscipline and irregularity, but there’s more to this stern approach of the planet. Equality and justice are two of the most important qualities that Saturn stands for and this aspect is quite apparent from the way he treats the Gods, Demons and Human. You would be surprised that divine beings like Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva amongst others have also faced the heat of the Sade Sati.

There cannot be a greater friend and a more effective teacher than Saturn, but this fact very few people are able to realise.

Saturn Tests Emperor Vikramaditya
Talking about the human level experiences of the dreaded period of Saturn, the legend of the mighty emperor Chakravarti Vikramaditya and the kind of suffering and hardships that he went through, happens to be the most striking one. Such was the tough time the great emperor faced, that he had to fill water at the house of the caretaker of a crematorium for earnings!

How is Sade Sati caused?
You would be thinking, what is Sade Sati and how exactly it is caused. If Saturn is transiting through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd, Signs from your natal Moon, then it can be said that the Sade Sati is in operation in your Chart. These transits are categorised into three parts, which are known as the 1st phase, 2nd phase and 3rd phase respectively. Out of the three, the 2nd phase is considered to be the most difficult period.

How does it affect our lives?
The Sade Sati is one of those planetary transits, which has a very drastic impact on various areas of our lives, sometimes even simultaneously. Saturn happens to be a very slow planet, and its influence on our natal Moon – the planet which happens to be the significator of our mind and thinking patterns, slows down our thought-process and decision-making skills.

The Sade Sati is not a period of retribution or pure hardship as many perceive it, but it is instead a phase to redeem yourself and to refine your core personality, while learning to be more responsible.

An example to comprehend this phenomenon better:
Imagine that you are cruising smoothly in a car, but then suddenly an external force firmly presses the brakes. Now, first of all, you will feel be shocked and perplexed. Won’t you? And then, when you try to regain your state of normalcy and try to move ahead, you realise that the brakes are still pressed and you are able to move only at a very slow pace.

Also Read: Saturn In Sagittarius: Surge Of Optimism Or A Period Of Doom – What Awaits The World At Large?

Interpreting the above example:
It may also be possible that the external braking action took place because you were driving at a speed faster than the permissible limit and you were being alerted to make proper course-correction. This is the kind of effect Sade Sati tends to have on our psyche. This is not an entirely bad phase or a back period of retribution. Saturn gives results only according to our Karma and keeps reminding us of the importance of being disciplined, responsible and accountable for our actions. Moreover, humility and practicality are two of the most essential qualities which will help you to sail through the Sade Sati.

How to deal with things in this period?
But, is it all so easy? We all know, that being responsible and pragmatic is the ideal way of living our lives, but then will be able to unfailingly ensure it? May be yes, and may be no. Then, how to ensure propriety of conduct during this hard transit of Saturn? The Premium Hand-written Sade Sati Report is our answer. In this report, you will be provided detailed guidance about the areas that may get affected and you will be presented with the effective solutions. This information will help you to face the testing times with more confidence and will lessen the chances of you taking the wrong decisions.

Saturn’s next transit in the Sign of Sagittarius will mean continuation of Sade Sati for Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon Sign natives and the commencement of the same for Capricorn natives. Thus, the report is only applicable for these three Moon Signs. Others may relax and take it easy.

We hope that our exclusive, hand-written report will provide you the strength and strategic guidance to face the major test of your life.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Aaditya Sain
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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