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Will The Very Rare Lunar Eclipse Occurrence On January 31st Change Your Destiny?

Will The Very Rare Lunar Eclipse Occurrence On January 31st Change Your Destiny?

Lunar Eclipse July 2018 Astrology

Since time immemorial, Moon has dominated the human mind and imagination. Thus, an important event like lunar eclipse is bound to generate a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. And if it happens to be a total lunar eclipse, it is bound to heighten all that enchantment. But, what we are going to witness on 31st January 2018 will be much more than even a total lunar eclipse. On that night, the moon will don three unique appearances at the same time. It’s going to be a rare combination of total lunar eclipse, Supermoon and the Blue Moon. This unusual occurrence will take place after a gap of 152 years and we are indeed lucky to witness this celestial event.

Know How Will Century’s Longest Total Lunar Eclipse Change Your Life

A lunar eclipse happens when Earth blocks the Sunlight from reaching the Moon. Thus, Moon comes under the shadow of Earth. When the Earth blocks the Sunlight completely, it becomes a total lunar eclipse. Besides, Supermoon takes place on the Full Moon night when Moon’s orbit comes closest to Earth. As for Blue Moon, it happens when the second Full Moon happens in the same calendar month. Thus, it’s going to be a very rare phenomenon.

Moon signifies our inner-world, feelings, emotions, intuitive ability and the unconscious mind. It also represents women and the “Divine Feminine Force”. On the other hand, Sun signifies our soul, identity, consciousness and self-esteem. Both Moon and Sun will have an important role in this rare phenomena. Thus, this lunar eclipse event will have a lot of impact on human society and the world as a whole.

Emotions, both positive and negative, will get amplified due to this total lunar eclipse. There will be a sharp increase in feelings, mental processes, dreams and so on. It is the right time to resource the Divine Feminine Energy, which exists in both men and women. We may witness a rise in various phenomena like dissatisfaction, insecurity, resentment and so on. This development may alter the relationship equations. If the relationship is already on a shaky ground, this lunar eclipse may lead to its termination. Do you want our Experts to prepare a detailed Eclipse Report based on your Birth Chart and analyse the long-term impact of the Eclipse on your life? Then, avail the report – Lunar Eclipse Impact On You now.

Major revelations may dawn on you because of this lunar eclipse, whether it’s your personal life or career. This revelation may help you understand the root cause of certain problems. You may find it difficult to come to terms with a personal truth. However, you should take the developments positively and with full intensity. You may also like reading about Full Moons.

This total lunar eclipse may cause issues related to sexuality, relationship, family structures to find a new definition. Old structures may shake up and get weakened. The world may see a strong clamour for human rights protection and gender equality. At the same time, this lunar eclipse will initiate good phase for acknowledging the beauty of human life, culture and civilization. The Lunar occurrence may be a great time to let go the darkness and negativity of life and work for positivity and peace. This celestial movement may also witness spiritual and ethical advancement. Seekers and yogis will get a great advantage and may reach higher levels. They should not waste this opportunity created by this total lunar eclipse. You can also Know about how today’s lunar eclipse will impact your life

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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