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Is Your Zodiac Sign Among The Four That Will Flourish In November 2021?

Planets and their movements affect us in many ways in our lives. The same movement can cause good things for some people and bad for others. The same is the case this November. Mercury is moving to Libra on Nov 2, the Sun is entering Scorpio on Nov 16, and Jupiter transits to Aquarius on Nov 20. Because of all these movements, four signs are likely to enjoy the month of November 2021.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. This month of November can be very special and full of happiness for you. Mercury in Libra indicates wealth gain for you. If there is profit in business, then job holders may also get benefits in their salary. At the same time, the change of zodiac sign of Sun and Jupiter will also be auspicious for Aries.

The change of planets is also going to bring some good times for Gemini. You may feel distant from all the troubles. Some success in the career can also be foreseen. Not only this, but the transit of Jupiter in Aquarius may also fetch benefits in the fields of education and employment.

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The transit of Sun and Jupiter will be auspicious for the natives of Virgo. If you are a businessman, a lot of profit can be foreseen in the month of November 2022. Not only that, some of you may start a new venture altogether.

This month is also special for the natives of Capricorn. Your prestige in society is likely to increase, and some changes may also await you in life. On the other side, working professionals may face some challenges in the month of November.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,

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