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The Zodiac Driving Skills – The Worst and The Best Drivers

Driving a two-wheeler or even a four-wheeler is something that can be picked up very fast. But how many of them really care for the speed signs, the traffic signals and the traffic rules. Certain signs born under the zodiac really have a certain way of driving.

Arians has a ‘follow furiously’ attitude. They may never have an accident with other people, but their vehicles will always have an upbeat appearance. They would like to drive through the woods cutting out trails literally. They may hit a rock or a tree stump every once in a while.

Taureans are generally steady drivers but if you do not listen to them attentively they will act like a bull and rock you.

Geminians is good may be because Mercury rules the hands. Or may be Geminians give very quick responses, which can save many accidents when on the road.

Cancerians seem to be the most fast and sometimes reckless drivers. Cancerians are both considerate and defensivedepending upon their mood and feelings.

I’d gladly think Leos rank high in the “Close Call” and “Near Miss” situations with reference to potential driving accidents. Leos are speeders who would not think twice about cutting others off, if they are angry and furius on some issues.

Virgos are very nervous, moody and unpredictable drivers. They tend to have accidents mainly due to dilema and complex mental conditions.

Libras may have more accidents and driving offenses under their belts than anyone. They are nervous persons behind the wheel thus anyone with them will be nervous.

Scorpios are exceedingly fickle minded and love much excitement. They will not hesitate to follow anyone for just a sack of excitement and end up with an accident.

Sagittarians are generally self-confident and they are at their best when they have difficulties and obstacles before them but they are very energetic and enthusiastic which tends them to have accidents due to over enthusiasm.

Capricornians are perfectionists and cannot tolerate any indiscipline on the road. They tend to loose temperaments when they come across reckless drivers and finish up with accidents.

Aquarians are very dangerous drivers. They are better drivers when there is no one else in the car.

Pisceans respect other drivers but they being very emotional tend to get carried away by emotions. So if they are hurt anyhow I reckon them to be absolutely undependable.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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