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The Rahu-Ketu transit through Scorpio and Taurus. How will it affect you?

The Rahu-Ketu transit through Scorpio and Taurus. How will it affect you?

Rahu and Ketu are very powerful ‘Chhaya Grahas’ (shadowy planets). They have the capacity to change the entire course of your life. Rahu and Ketu will be entering Scorpio and Taurus on 7th June, 2011. If they transit through certain Houses in your chart, they may benefit you, but otherwise they can create trouble in your life. This transit will operate till 23rd December, 2012.

Here are some general observations and advices for the duration of the Rahu-Ketu transit for all the Moon signs.

Avoid being over-confident while this transit operates. You may experience conflicts on the personal and professional fronts. Avoid getting into arguments, advises Ganesha. Financially, this can be a tough period for you.

You may need to handle money matters with utmost care. There may be mental and financial pressure. Rash decisions must be avoided. Married life may be disturbed, feels Ganesha.

You may feel restless due to work pressure. Business may also need to be handled with care. It is better to think about your career seriously and set long-term goals, advises Ganesha.

Time to expand your horizons. Ganesha feels that although this period will require a lot of hard work, you will be satisfied with the achievements. Avoid getting into emotional conflicts with friends.

You will be confused about your career. Domestic life may also become increasingly challenging. Avoid purchase of vehicle, house or land. Maintain your cool in order to remain happy, says Ganesha.

Even if you feel that luck is not favouring you in your quest for success, you must keep working in the desired direction. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, whether on the job or business front. Conflicts with siblings are likely, says Ganesha.

Financial responsibilities will prevent you from taking impulsive decisions. You may need to take a loan to fulfil some requirements. Progress in your career may slow down. Handle this period with utmost patience, advises Ganesha.

Ganesha advises you not to take risks in your job or business. Don’t take responsibilities you can’t shoulder, or else you may end up losing your professional or social credit. Ganesha advises you to be realistic in your approach.

Foreign or long-distance trips are likely during this period. You may expand your business or your work profile in your job may change. Love life may not be satisfactory but you will be more focussed on your career, feels Ganesha.

Business may start doing well. On the job front, you may have complaints either against the organisation or colleagues. Domestic issues and parent’s health may require your attention, warns Ganesha.

Time to adjust to circumstances. If you are not flexible, you might be uprooted! Think twice before taking any action. A change of job is also likely, says Ganesha.

Progressive time but not completely hassle-free. There may be benefits through past investments. You may be assigned better work or position, along with more responsibilities. Businessmen may have to travel more to expand their business, feels Ganesha.

How will the transit affect you? Get a personalised report for details.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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