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The Positive Nature Of Rahu Planet

The Positive Nature Of Rahu Planet

The importance of Rahu need not be overemphasized. This malefic planet occupies a significant place in the list of celestial bodies. Rahu is considered a shadow planet as per the ancient science of Astrology, meaning it has no real physical existence. However, its malefic influence is very strong and its presence is said to make the lives of natives very difficult. The presence of Rahu in peoples’ horoscope signifies karma bondage coming down from the previous births.

The alignment of Rahu with different planets creates different types of bondages (problems). As per the Indian tradition, Rahu represents the head. According to the Hindu belief, Rahu can not discriminate between good and evil, and so it works against the standards of righteousness (Dharma). Rahu is stated to be ignorant about spiritual subjects and it is a slave to the Cosmic Game of Illusion (Maya).

Rahu: Is The Cause Of Every Living Being’s Illusion

It is a general belief that Rahu always troubles the natives. Rahu and Ketu do not possess real physical existence. They are shadow planets which have come into existence by specific planetary positions. But they do not traverse the paths traveled by Moon and other planets. While rising, the point where Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic becomes Rahu. In the reverse motion, the point where Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic becomes Ketu. In spite of lacking real physical existence, Rahu and Ketu have come to acquire very significant positions in the science of planets and destiny. Do you want to know the impact of the other planets in your life? Buy our Premium Janampatri Report and find all your answers!

Rahu is known to be the cause of every living being’s illusion. The planet of Rahu is stated to be strong for those who are expert warriors or receivers of Param Vir Chakra. Also, Rahu longs for freedom. It develops relationships with every person just to serve its selfish interests. Rahu is also believed to bring about changes in the residence, friends, and purpose of its natives. As Rahu is highly selfish, it causes an increase in hostilities too. To gain more knowledge, read about the impact and remedies of Rahu Mahadasha.

Rahu: Relationship With The Other Planets And Signs

The chief qualities of Rahu are enmity, disease, and debt. Those under the influence of Rahu are believed to be full of self-confidence, bravery, and fearlessness. Because of its qualities, the influence of Rahu has increased in this Kali Yuga. Rahu provides information about the complex subjects, mysteries and unexplored areas of the world. When Rahu occupies Mercury’s sign, it gets all the more powerful. Wanting to know the impact of Rahu Ketu on your career? Talk to our astrologer today.

Rahu is also strong in the Virgo sign. Rahu has no sign of its own, so it impacts like the lord of any house, which it inhabits. If Rahu is sitting alone in the center or is in a triangular position with the lord of that house, then it influences the native more. As per the science of Astrology, Rahu gets stronger in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses. If Rahu aligns with an auspicious Lord, then the combination provides good results. Rahu deteriorates the attitude of any planet with which it comes together, informs Ganesha.

Rahu: It’s Other Implications

While the alliance of Venus and Rahu makes the native desirous, Rahu coming together with Jupiter gives birth to Guru Chandal Yoga. Rahu-Mars coming into a relationship with Scorpio leads to natives adopting the profession of intoxicants like opium, liquor, and other drugs. Rahu benefits such professions. On the other hand, if Rahu comes together with auspicious Mercury, it can facilitate the native to become a businessperson or a scientist. However, if Rahu comes together with Mercury in an inauspicious position, it can be unlucky for the natives.

There are various astrological solutions to such problems, like using our Rahu-Yantra, which can help negate the complications due to the influence of Rahu.

Rahu gives inauspicious results if Rahu is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or if it exists in these houses in conjunction with the lord of the houses. Rahu also symbolizes knowledge, however, in the presence of malefic planets this attribute can have a reverse impact and it can make the native mentally weak or mentally imbalanced. It is said that Rahu produces different types of results in the horoscopes of different people. So, before listening about the impact of Rahu-Ketu from astrologers, you should understand your horoscope well.

Rahu: How Can It Be Beneficial?

If Rahu forms an auspicious position in the horoscope and the native is in a profession suited to Rahu, it can enable him/her to reach great heights.

Rahu’s alignment with auspicious planet gives good results to the natives. Here are some few favorable planetary combinations:

  • If Rahu is with Sun or is in the Sun’s nakshatra (constellation), it leads to the much sought after Rajayoga.
  • If Rahu is with Moon or in the Moon’s nakshatra (constellation), then the native may attain success in the field of agriculture. Besides, Rahu causes an increase in financial savings and it creates situations for journeys across the seas as well.
  • If Rahu is with Mars or in a nakshatra (constellation) of Mars, then the native may get the job of a jailer. Rahu also benefits those areas which are benefited by Mars.
  • If Rahu exists with Mercury in Mercury’s nakshatra (constellation), the native is blessed with jobs in business management or higher education. If you are confused about the Nakshatras in your birth chart, then get our Free Birth Star Report!
  • If Rahu exists with Jupiter or in Jupiter’s nakshatra (constellation), the native may be successful in winning elections. Additionally, the native gets the joy of a son/daughter and he/she may develop an interest in spiritual subjects too.
  • The presence of Rahu with Venus or in the nakshatra (constellation) of Venus makes the native good looking, an art lover or even an artist.
  • If Rahu is present in an auspicious position with Saturn or in Saturn’s nakshatra (constellation), then the native may get success in technical or commercial jobs. However, the mental peace of the native is disturbed in such a situation.
  • If Rahu-Ketu are seated in good positions in their own nakshatra (constellation), they may give good results to the native.

Read on to gain more knowledge on the Rahu Ketu transit 2020 and its effects on the Moon signs!

Benefits Of Rahu: Classic Example

Several popular personalities in this world have acquired a lot of success and fame. If Rahu represents the planets in an auspicious position, it can give good results. A classic example is the great cricket player Rohit Sharma. In Rohit’s horoscope, Rahu aligns with Jupiter and Venus. Thus, despite being born in an average family, Rohit could rise so well in the field of cricket.

In short, Rahu is not always malefic. If it becomes strong in the horoscope, then it can make the person fulfill his deepest desires and ambitions to rise high!

Similarly, the Saturn Transit may not be as Malefic but may have a huge impact on some moon signs this year! To fight the negativities, Buy our Saturn-Transit Report 2020.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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