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Terrorism and India in the days to come

Terrorism and India in the days to come

Introduction: Heavy gunfire and explosions rocked the city of Mumbai on 26th November 2008. A day which left the people of India and the world over in a complete state of shock. Two of the country’s plushiest hotels – Taj and The Trident and Nariman House turned into a virtual battleground as heavily armed soldiers and the NSG commandos moved in to flush out the militants and rescue the hostages. Though the mission in Mumbai is over, India’s fight against terrorism is still on. In the light of this, Ganesha takes a look at the black holes of terrorism on India’s chart in the days to come.

The significance of Number 26
Terrorists attacked Mumbai on 26th November 2008. The number 26 consists of two digits which are friendly in nature. The number 2 is ruled by positive Moon and the Number 6 is ruled by Venus. Moon governs mind and Venus rules creativity, love, prosperity and luxury. So, at the very first sight, the number 26 looks good.

However, the digits 2 and 6 total downs to 8, which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn rules misery, dryness, gloominess and has the tendency to slow down things. Now, if we link the respective numbers ruled by Moon, Saturn and Venus, the number 26 appears. The number 26 indicates negative outcome which could upset the human mind and may damage the luxury or prosperity.

The characteristics of the Number 26 ruled by Saturn matches well with the purpose of terrorists. Although good at designing strategies, they are obviously disorganized in their personal affairs which is proved by the fact that they have devoted their life to terrorism.

The period from 2004 to 2024 is ruled by Number 8 as per the Chinese Numerology. And China decided to host the Beijing Olympics on 08-08-08, which went success after initial protests. So, it may be improper to say that the number 8 is inauspicious and all negative events happen this date. The earthquake happened in Gujarat on 26th January 2001 which again indicates that 26th is the date on which majority of the negative events happened. However, the root cause is supposed to be the date which totals down to 8. Currently, the Number 8 is in force and as per Chinese Numerological Calculations major events may happen on any date totaling down to 8 or even on the 8th of any month, till 2024.

India Country Chart – National Horoscope
15th August 1947
00 hours 00 min.
Delhi, India

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26th November 2008
21 hours 30 min.
Mumbai, India

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In India’s Country Chart ruled by Taurus Ascendant, there is a heavy load of planets in the 7th house of Opposition and there will at least be three to four planets in this house till 8th December 2008. More to this, the sign involved here, which contains this planetary Stellium is the 8th Sign of the Universal Zodiac – Scorpio. This sign rules vindictiveness and because it is ruled by Mars (the Senapati or the Chief of the Army as per the Vedic Astrology System), it also rules matters related to the bomb blasts, firings and the attacks.

Though Mars rules defense as well, Senapati’s job is to defend when someone attacks but Senapati also has the power to attack when the enemy is at the weaker disposition. This is the case with India. Astrologically, in India’s Country Chart, the opposition is very strong at present.
Sun- the planet that rules power and authority, Mars- the planet that rules Vigour and vitality along with Mercury- the planet that rules intellect are together.

Terrorists Attack Day
26th November 2008
00 hours 00 min.
Delhi, India

Mars in India’s Country Chart is in Rahu’s Constellation Ardra. In the Diurnal chart, Moon is in Rahu’s Constellation. Mars and Rahu both are Paap Grahas (Natural Malefic Planets). In India’s National Chart, Ketu- the planet that indicates contraction/thirst is in Anuradha Constellation ruled by Saturn which indicates sadness, gloominess, possession etc. The day when the terrorists attacked, three planets were placed in the 4th house of ‘Home’ in Anuradha Constellation viz. Sun, Mercury and Mars so we can say that the terrorists wanted to put the Indians down with this act. Saturn also signifies discipline – the house involved is 4th – so the Home Ministry has to think of a better set up keeping this event in view. In Short, both the Natural Malefic Planets- Saturn and Rahu, were heavily influencing India’s country chart at the time when terrorists attacked.

More Challenges on the way ahead
Bombay attacks happened just before Moon was about to enter the sign Scorpio. In other words, our government is currently at a weaker disposition but still trying to solve the issues. The period till 8th December 2008 can be termed as vulnerable time for India and the northern parts of India will have to be very careful till the said date.

The total Solar Eclipse happened on 1st August 2008 and as per Astro Locality System, the following are the most sensitive locations till the end of February 2009.

New Delhi

Also, the areas surrounding these cities are vulnerable.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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