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Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Speech: Relevant In All Ages

Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago Speech: Relevant In All Ages

As we all know, Swami Vivekananda permanently altered the then existing structure of religion, belief, and spiritualism for good. This was the first time when the Hindu perspective was put forth in front of the world, and this changed how the world looked at India. This happened on Sept 11, 1893, 128 years ago. In the largest religious gathering in the Parliament of Religions in Chicago, Swamiji addressed the world about Hinduism.

The vocabulary Swamiji chose to explain Hinduism immortalised him that day. The magnitude of his personality can be explained by even a small child in India. In one of his speeches, the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, also emphasised excerpts from this monumental speech, where stress is laid upon the combination of religion and spirituality. His perspective shook the world.

It is normal to be enticed to learn the planets’ alignments or Swami Vivekananda’s natal horoscope in order to ascertain the source of the volcanic energy he spewed throughout his life and elevated to the position of the foremost, eternal messenger of Hinduism, the science of religion.

An Unusual Tale Of A Usual Horoscope

On Jan 12, 1863, Vishwanath Dutt, an attorney at Calcutta High Court and Bhuneshwari Devi, a homemaker, had a son, who they named Narendra, who later became Swami Vivekanand. In his horoscope, the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn can be observed. This combination is undoubtedly referred to as Vish Dosha in the horoscope, yet it endows the individual with an unusual capacity for patience.

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Swami Vivekananda’s patience is well-known. Mars and Jupiter are in direct aspect to one another. Mars is in its own sign, Aries. Thus, Swamiji was motivated to worship the ferocious goddess Kali by Guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa. Venus and Mercury are in the second house of Surya Kundli. Mercury represents speech, and which is why Swamiji’s speech captivated everyone.

Swamiji’s Speech From PM Modi’s Perspective

In a tweet, Swami Vivekananda’s speech at the 1893 religious gathering in Chicago was also emphasised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. According to him, this is capable of creating an inclusive, just, and affluent society in today’s world. Everybody admired Vivekananda’s speech at that time, and its echo may still be felt today.

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