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Sun Will Enter Gemini: What Will be its Effect On All Zodiac Signs

Sun Will Enter Gemini: What Will be its Effect On All Zodiac Signs

On June 15, 2023, the King of Planets Surya Maharaj will enter Gemini. We’ll watch to see what impact this transit has on the zodiac signs.

  • For an Aries native, the third house will be affected by the Sun’s transit. 
  • There may be a significant financial notion that you have, and after giving it some thorough thought, you can move forward. 
  • You will feel healthy and fit. 
  • This is a favourable time for husband-wife relationships or work-related success because there will be strong cooperation between the two. People born under the sign of Aries should worship Lord Shiva during this period.

  • For a Taurus native, the Sun will be transiting their second house
  • If we talk about money, you might suddenly feel like blowing your entire budget right now. 
  • There occasionally may be small health-related issues. 
  • The period is favourable for those who are working or conducting business. 
  • This period will be beneficial for relationships with spouses or partners. 
  • At this time, Taurus zodiac sign individuals should worship Hanuman Ji.

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  • This Sun’s passage through Gemini is in that sign’s own constellation. 
  • This is not the right time for financial issues, but the source of revenue is creating opportunities to grow. 
  • You can be sure it has to do with health. 
  • For those who are working or running a business, today may mark a new beginning or provide the opportunity for successful operations. 
  • Only when a husband and wife or couple work together during this period can peace last. 
  • At this time, those born under the sign of Gemini should worship Lord Ganesha.

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  • This Sun transit will occur while the Sun is in Cancer, the 12th house from its sign. 
  • In financial affairs, you must proceed with caution because an unexpected large expense could arise.
  • You could be experiencing anxiety or a health issue. 
  • There may be problems in marriage or in relationships during this time if people are working or running a business that benefits them from outside the village or from the outside world. 
  • For Cancerians, today is a good time to worship Lord Shiva.

  • It will be advantageous that the Sun will be in the Leo zodiac sign’s 11th house throughout this trip. 
  • With the Sun in the 11th house at this magnitude, you’ll succeed in your line of employment.
  • Any health-related worries will be addressed. 
  • There will be good coordination in the dialogue between husband and wife or in any relationship with this outing. People of the Leo zodiac sign should worship Lord Ganesha at this time. This transit of the Sun will be advantageous for people working or conducting business.

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  • It will be advantageous that the Sun will be in the Virgo zodiac sign’s 10th house throughout this trip.
  • If finances are a topic, you will be in a good financial position at this time. 
  • You can experience minor health concerns. 
  • People who are working or conducting business can receive fresh orders at this time. 
  • For a husband and wife or people who are in a relationship, there can be disagreements over some issues as a result of this visit. 
  • It is appropriate for Virgos to worship Hanuman Ji.

  • This Sun transit will occur in the ninth house, or the house of fortune, for someone born under the zodiac sign of Libra. 
  • Speaking of money, this is not the time to make any significant investments. 
  • You won’t be very concerned with your health at this time. 
    • It is a good time to start a new job or get into business; it is a good time for married couples or those in committed relationships; and those born under the sign of Libra should worship Lord Shiva.

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  • For a Scorpio, the Sun will go through its eighth house during this transit. 
  • You need to use caution in financial concerns right now or you risk losing money. 
  • Health issues, especially small accidents or injuries, can arise during this time. 
  • This time can often exacerbate disagreements between husband and wife or people who are in a relationship, so those who are working or conducting business will need to pay extra attention to their tasks. 
  • People born under the sign of Scorpio should adore Hanuman Ji.

  • The native of Sagittarius will experience this Sun transit in their seventh house
  • During this period, there can be an unexpected financial outlay or money might get misplaced. 
  • You might be experiencing some health issues right now. 
  • People who are working or doing business now may gain in certain ways, but those who are in partnerships will need to exercise some caution. 
  • Only when a husband and wife or partnership functions with mutual understanding will there be serenity. 
  • Sagittarius natives ought to honour Maa Durga

  • The Capricorn native will experience this Sun transit in the sixth house
  • If you discuss finances at this time, you can run into some difficulties. 
  • You could experience health-related issues right now, along with some minor injuries. 
  • There may be disagreements between husband and wife or in a relationship during this time, and those who are working or conducting business may have some challenges or troubles from their coworkers. 
  • At this time, the sign of Capricorn should worship Lord Shri Vishnu.

  • For an Aquarian, the Sun will be in its fifth house throughout this transit. 
  • If we discuss finances, you might gain something at this moment. 
  • You’ll feel good about your health. 
  • People who are employed or conducting business will have the opportunity to succeed and reach some of their goals now. 
  • The person born under the sign of Aquarius should worship Lord Shiva at this time since there will need to be some caution in husband-wife or relationships in order to avoid conflicts.

  • The Pisces native will experience this Sun transit in their fourth house
  • Will need to proceed with caution in financial affairs. Benefits might be compromised 
  • There won’t be any health issues, but there will be a mental disturbance sometime in the middle. 
  • People who are working or conducting business will need to work hard now in order to succeed. 
  • The husband-wife connection or other relationships will be successful at this time. 
  • At this time, Hanuman ji should be worshipped by Pisceans.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Tanmay K. Thakar
The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team

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