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We have read a lot about the strengths of the Sun Signs, but what can be their negatives?

We have read a lot about the strengths of the Sun Signs, but what can be their negatives?

The Soft Spots…
Each Zodiac Sign is unique in itself. Gifted with certain special qualities, each one of them also has some soft spots. Let’s not call them weaknesses, these traits are those which need care and work on each Sign’s part.

The vigorous Rams are naturally gifted with great energy, strength and stamina. However, they are hasty and impulsive, and that makes them susceptible to minor injuries and falls. Disorders of the head, stomach and kidneys may also be an issue for them. Thus, the Aries need to take an extra care of these body organs, or they may develop chronic health problems like migraine, sinusitis, indigestion or kidney stones. Too much work pressure or an unhealthy diet, thus are a strict no-no.

Bulls are robust and possess a great physical stamina by birth itself. Gifted with a nice appetite and sturdy structure, it’s unlikely that they would suffer from any major health problems during childhood. Yet, as they grow older, they may develop a tendency to put on weight or may become unhealthy/ unfit. They tend to overindulge in food and drink, and love their sleep. And, they may remain away from physical exercise for long periods. This, besides, a sensitive ear—nose-throat, is their weak spot. Read more about Taurus.

The flitting, over-zealous Twins love activity and socialising. Too much buzz, though, may make them prone to anxiety, restlessness and insomnia. Thus, the Geminis need to take a good care of their sleep and food habits. Prone to respiratory problems/ asthma when young, and influenza/ viral infections as they grow older, Geminis need to pursue Yoga and meditation to calm their mind and get a clear direction. Daily exercise is a must to get rid of the extra energy. They may also suffer from pain and restlessness in limbs.

The sorted Crabs are organised and usually enjoy good health, thanks to their healthy eating and sleeping habits and their keen interest in yoga, meditation and the likes. Yet, emotional and sensitive beings as they are, many of them are prone to bouts of melancholy and depression. They should aim to keep themselves active and busy, as it would help them vent their excess emotional energy. Lovers of their homes and hearth, they should make outdoor sports a part of their routine to cut monotony and tendency to get lazy. Read more about Cancer.

By and large, most Leos are strong and robust, and possess vast reserves of energy. However, if they are not careful with their posture, backbone or spine, from early on in their lives, Leos may face problems owing to these weak spots. Most Lions are obsessed with power and domination, which doesn’t win them many friends and allies. Besides, they are also given to bouts of rage and extreme anger. All this may adversely affect their mental well-being, and hence they need to do all they can to curb aggression. Yoga and meditation are excellent for them.

Virgo is probably the most health conscious sign of the zodiac. Most of the Virgo natives meticulously stick to their diet and exercise routines, and often moderation and balance are as much a part of their life as their painstakingly organised activity schedules. They seldom fall sick, and when they do, they ensure getting appropriate treatment and rest. However, they can be obsessive worriers, which is a sure shot way to psychosomatic disorders. They may also be quite competitive and may find it hard to lose anything. In the course of their lives, they need to learn to take it easy and let go of things.

Ruled by Venus, Libra place great value in balance and beauty. They often are preoccupied with looking young and beautiful, and as many of them are naturally charming, they don’t find it hard too. Hence, diet, exercise and disciplined lifestyle are a part of their lives. They don’t usually face chronic health concerns, as they are quick to take note of any nagging issues, and believe in nipping them in the bud. They must, however, keep away from over indulgence, excess expectations, temptations and emotional outbursts. They should also take care of their back and skeletal system.

Passionate Scorpios are gifted with a great tenacity and resilience; their ability to bounce back from a health setback is immense. Besides, many of them have good immunity and resistance against negative, and hence enjoy sound health. However, given their intense mental make-up, it’s likely that they may fall prey to anxiety, jealousy and brooding. They need to keep their urge to distrust everyone in check, and must attempt meditation and deliberate positive thinking. Many of them may also be susceptible to accidents and minor injuries.

Archers are naturally sturdy. They rarely face any health issues, especially in the early part of their lives. However, most of them are prone to over-indulgence of various kinds, which may land them in a soup, especially as they age, once their strong composition is not as robust as it used to be. They may face problems related to skeletal system and gastrointestinal system. Also, the free bird Archers must drive carefully. Agreed that they value their independence above anything, it is in their best interest to relax and give rest to their extreme restlessness, every once in a while. Read more about Sagittarius.

The Goats’ resistance to most ailments is excellent, so they are likely to be safe and sound in their old age. Their body, though, may be frail, especially the knees and the bone structure, and they may suffer from chronic ailments in their childhood. Over-indulgence is a no-no, and so are anger, detachment and passivity. Goats are prone to bouts of cold-behaviour, anxiety and negative thinking; they ought to curb these tendencies. Besides, workaholic Goats may need appropriate rest and relaxation from time to time. Read more about Capricorn.

The Water Bearers tend to have weak bones, so falls or minor accidents should be guarded against. Besides, their nervous system and heart may also cause them health concerns. Most Aquarians tend to think and flit-about too much, which can lead to simple to complex neurological disorders. Given their preference for activity and socialising, though, many of them are well-maintained and fit, which is a good sign for their health. However, they need to learn to relax and accept things as they are, rather than constantly running for the ‘better’.

The Fish have, perhaps, the frailest physical structure and body mechanism in the whole zodiac. Besides, they are sentimental beings, and are quite prone to overindulgence, substance-abuse, lethargy and passivity. Many of them love eating from a can/ packet, as it’s the easiest and requires the least effort; the junk definitely doesn’t do them much good. Most Pisces, thus, should aim to get a solid partner and settle down early in their lives, as once the Fish feel rooted, feet firmly on ground, they tend to get very organised.

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