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Sun Sign and Thanksgiving

Sun Sign and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day is synonymous to Turkey dinners, cranberries, candied yams, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and family gatherings, all commonly associated with most Americans’ and Canadians’ yearly Celebration of giving thanks. In United States, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October every year. It is basically a feasting that Americans and Canadians do in reverence of God.

As a poet, Langston Hughes describes it in his own words…..
Thanksgiving Time When the night winds whistle through the trees and blow the crisp brown leaves’ a crackling down,
When the autumn moon is big and yellow-orange and round, When old Jack Frost is sparkling on the ground, It’s Thanksgiving Time!

When the pantry jars are full of mince-meat and the shelves are laden with sweet spices for a cake When the butcher man sends up a turkey nice and fat to bake, When the stores are crammed with everything ingenious cooks can make, It’s Thanksgiving Time!

When the gales of coming winter outside your window howl, When the Air is sharp and cheery so it drives away your scowl,
When one’s appetite craves turkey and will have no other fowl, It’s Thanksgiving Time!

So beautifully said, would you not love to know how each sun sign is reverent To God, which signs are more grateful towards others and which are not. Also how each sun sign celebrates Thanksgiving? We will help you do just that.

Arians would be thankful To God but may not give cent percent credit To God. They might thank God with following lines ‘Thank you so much God, I know life would not have been so interesting and beautiful without your blessings and help but if I would not have initiated certain things in life, it would have been difficult to be what I am. I wish you will keep providing me similar strength during the days to come.’

To others
If you do something great for them, they may not be thankful to you very easily. If you help them initiate something, they would surely wish you a short and sweet ‘Thanks’.

Arians would readily agree to join the party on Thanksgiving Day. They might also check whether everyone is at the dinner table on time or not. Arian would be the first one to start drinking or eating. If in a serious group, they may ask ‘I am starving, aren’t you? Let’s start’.

To God
Taureans believe that whatever they possess is God’s Grace. Only in prayer, a Taurean might have in his heart ‘Thanks so very much God, please keep giving more and more!’ The day they are satisfied, they may do some charity or may arrange a religious function with due rites. However, Ganesha wants to underline that such a day either doesn’t come in their life or it comes very late, because they may not spend unless they have accumulated enough.

To others
Bulls rarely feel thankful towards others, as they generally take things for granted. However, they may thank only those who gift them something very big, that too, if they think that they could not have afforded it! Basically, saying ‘Thanks’ is a mere formality for Taureans. If they are very thankful, they might gift you something.

Taureans might eat the most expensive or the sweetest edible on table after choosing from the menu. Possessive Taureans will ensure that their dish is full when they start dinner. Of course they will appreciate food after eating but not with a word of thanks, it may be with an expression of ‘wow, great, really enjoyed!’

To God
Twins are always dual-minded as far as thanking God is concerned. One side of the coin makes them feel that everything they possess is the output of their ‘Master Mind’. Contrarily, well read Gemini have a feeling of the kind ‘How would have this been possible without the help of nature and power that governs the universe!’ Finally, they arrive to the decision of wishing thanks To God with well arranged quotes. Twins may also quote someone famous to wish Thanks, even To God.

To others
Intelligent Twins have many ways to convey gratitude. They might send SMS, give a call or come to you and recite nice thanksgiving paragraphs or even a nice poetry. They believe that it is a matter of courtesy and ‘must do’ kind of task. No one can express thanks as wonderfully as a Gemini. They may gift you a book or may write the nicest note you might have ever received.

‘Always on the Go’ Twins rarely have the time to spend on dinner even on the Thanksgiving Day. If you can take them on a drive, nothing like it! Instead of going to a clumsy dining hall, they would prefer dinner out on the highway or at least in the open and airy atmosphere. Garden restaurants on hills would be their first choice.

To God
Sentimental Cancerians would pray To God wholeheartedly and ask not only for their well being but also would wish prosperity to all. While worshipping, they might throw their entire being into it.

To others
Cancerians would express their Thanks To others from the bottom of their hearts. They would not sound superficial when they are grateful to you. They might appear too emotional while wishing thanks but they do really mean it. They would prefer to visit your home to wish thanks or may gift you something which can add to the beauty of your home, to express gratitude.

‘Home bird’ Crab would invite everyone at home for Thanksgiving party. Love for variety and cooking makes a Cancerian spend more time over cooking and decorating the dining room or even the entire home when there is a party. At the end of the day, they would be satisfied with the feeling ‘Good, I invited everyone, they were so happy’

To God
Leos do understand that the world is nothing without the Almighty’s power but they just can’t keep their superiority aside. They may bring something to decorate such as an idol or picture of God or may be just buy a new one. They would also love if someone tells them ‘Hey, great, this picture must be expensive’ and they would just smile ‘Of course, it ought to be, coz I have bought it’. From the heart, they would pray To God and request to maintain luxury and prosperity.

To others
King of the Jungle – the Lion would rarely be thankful to anyone. Lions consider them to be superior so generally they would refrain from formalities such as Sorry and Thanks. If at all they wish thanks you will find the ‘Royal Touch’ in the same. Understand that they are really thankful if they gift you something on thanksgiving.

Lions are very conscious about getting attention in parties. No doubt they will enjoy food at thanksgiving parties but if someone else gets more attention or if somebody is being praised much by others, Leos would either try to prove themselves the best or leave the table and be a loner till someone else is getting importance. If you ask them the reason, they might say ‘No, no I am just fine, you guys enjoy’

To God
Virgos would try to find out the best of the prayers available, with the help of their research oriented minds. Alternatively, intelligent Virgos may be skeptical, as they have strong fixed views developed through research and vast studies. They might also try and analyze results of prayers they had done in the past and draft their new prayers accordingly to fetch the most out of it!

To others
A Virgo would exactly know how to wish thanks and to whom. They will wonderfully draft a letter for each individual and if running short of time, might draft a common letter of appreciation. They would love to read it aloud so that it is noticed and praised by everyone with the ending note ‘Wow, you drafted it so well, it was really a privilege to know that you have high regards for me’. Only Virgo knows how much high or low regard he/she holds in the heart sorry, brains for that person!

Health and diet cautious Virgos would eat very less in the party but may taste everything just to satisfy their investigative mind. Finally, they might come up with conclusion ‘Food was good in general, Sweets could have had 25 % less sugar, rest was all fine’

To God
As Librans wish to keep everything in balance, they might not mind visiting the temple as well as the church both for prayers. They will pray To God to keep things in balance. Librans would wish harmony, companionship and coordination so that their primary prayer To God can be ‘Dear God, please keep mine and my beloved one’s life in balance. May everything remain stable with your blessings, Thank You very much for all strength and support.’

To others
Scales will make sure that no one is left when they express their gratitude. Preferably, they will meet each individual and talk personally how thankful they are feeling. Even to enemies, they might thank and try to make up as they think that it is not impossible to turn anyone in their favor. Everyone may feel ‘How nice, this Libran is so warm and intimate’.

In Celebration, Librans would not be the one to take the first seat. They might extend a helping hand to the host, for serving the food. They may divide everything in equal parts and distribute so that everyone gets to taste. At the end of dinner, they will say ‘Great Dinner time we had, Thanks to all of you for joining us’

To God
Scorpio may have the most mysterious way of praying. No wonder, if a Scorpion tries to get a religious rite done to praise God. Moreover, they themselves would love to perform it. A Scorpion prayer may be like this ‘God please help me and my friends enrich and also kindly defeat my enemies!’

To others
Scorpio loves to give surprises. They may shock you with a gift that frightens you. Alternatively, they may gift you something very secretly, you might have wanted to buy since long. A Scorpion would passionately wish you thanks in husky voice.

They may call you for the party on a dark country side and the party may not start even in the evening but at night, may be with some magical shows or frightening Halloween performances. If you are attending a party thrown by a Scorpio, keep acidity medicines handy as food is likely to be spicy, full of onion and garlic.

To God
Sagittarians believe in God very strongly. They would ask for the well being of their own family but would also pray for others. They may perform rituals themselves to be thankful To God. Their prayers would be well written and designed along with musical notes. Sagittarian would surely have specific targets or objectives to achieve every year and that would be the main idea behind their prayer.

To others
A Sagittarian thanksgiving would be more than thanks. Blessings would be wrapped nicely and wholeheartedly with words of thanks. If you look into their eyes, you would realize that they really mean it. A Sagittarian expression would be ‘May Almighty give you all you want, my best wishes are with you. Be Blessed’

Sagittarian would love to arrange an outdoor trip without worrying how many are likely to join them. They have the ability to handle and entertain bigger groups so size of group would not bother them. They may take you to historic places or even to ruins, which you might even not be aware of but it would be a fun trip for sure.

To God
Goats would pray To God wholeheartedly and request rewards of their hard work that they have put into their pursuits. They may not seek any bigger help from God as they know how to work hard in a particular direction within a particular timeframe, to achieve the goal. All they need is assurance from God that he is with them! A Capricornian may take a vow in front of God and finally say ‘So it shall be written, so it shall be done!’ like Ramesses.

To others
Capricornian thanksgiving may contain short and sweet ‘Thanks’ if at all uttered. Well, they do not believe much in saying thanks literally but can surely give you something that helps your day-to-day life or your progress. Things gifted by a Capricornian would have a long expiry date.

Expect best of the hotels available in town if you are invited by a Capricornian. Nothing in the party would be cheap or economical but lavish and well arranged. Do not make faces if they take the seat of the ‘head of the table’. They deserve it and you cannot just do anything about it, particularly if you are a Leo, it may hurt your feelings more.

To God
To an Aquarian, even God is like a good friend in need. They will request God to keep helping them in their difficult times. Assertive Aquarians may be more spiritual than religious. They may meditate instead of performing a ritual.

To others
Friendly Aquarians may have a good friend circle so they may have to practice saying thanks to each one differently but they can do it. They may have developed peculiar styles for maintaining good rapport with friends. Sensitive yet practical Aquarians would think of all the aspects before giving a gift on thanksgiving.

Water Bearer may take you to the riverside for the Celebration. They cannot just enjoy life in polluted city areas. They need to smell the fresh air to have full joy of party. Food served at their parties would generally be low fat, so you can have as much as you can, at ease.

To God
Piscean would face a lot of confusion initially, as to how to worship God and what to ask for. Nevertheless, once they manage to take a decision on that, they may ask for the well being of their family and most of the needs would be in the emotional areas. They may also feel bad if God would not have listened to their prayers initially ‘God, please this
time do not ignore my requests, I am very upset, I bow down to you to make me happy’

To others
Tender and kind Fish would do their best to express their gratitude. They may express thanks very artistically than all the other signs. They may express gratitude very warmly ‘Thanks for all the emotional and moral support you have provided till now’. Do not be surprised if a Piscean recites a poem to convey thanks.

Piscean would arrange for a campfire or a barbeque on the river or seaside. They can be prove to be the best host. While serving the food to everyone, they may not even realize that nothing is left for them!

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Ganesha’s Grace,
Bhavesh N. Pattni

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