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Sun – Rahu Conjunction in Aries

Sun-Rahu Conjunction in Aries on Different Moon signs:

We know Sun as the giver of life. Do you know what that means? It means that it represents our consciousness in astrology. The Sun is associated with a sense of humour, kindness and royalty. 

 If Sun represents our consciousness and our senses, then what does Rahu represent? It is believed to represent deception, extreme materialism and obsession. 

 These two planets are said to join Aries from April 15, 2023, to  May 15, 2023. Jupiter and Mercury might also transit Aries during this period from April 22, 2023, to  May 15, 2023. Let’s see the influence of this abduction of the Sun and Rahu on different Moon signs:

This is the time when you are most likely to talk about things you have only thought about before. You might now be more pragmatic and rational with your money. It seems that conversations now tend to be practical rather than petty. Anxiety or stress might reduce your effectiveness in some cases, so make time for meditation and the path of puja. You might book Puja online! 

Planetary conditions during this period indicate that you are following the right diet. Avoid outside foods completely if possible as it seems you might be prone to stomach problems or heartburn problems. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and pay special attention to your health and hygiene. Tax activities here require proper vigilance. You might be very adventurous, which might cause problems in your relationships. You might need to control your energy.

Since this transit takes place in your eleventh house, It seems that it is a time of excessive optimism and good feelings. You might be very innovative now and might assert yourself optimistically in innovative ventures. This transit might elevate your probability of receiving a good reputation. You might also additionally take pleasure in sports which might be historically related to Rahu. Finances might normally enhance beneath this transit.

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Your Karma House might get influenced, this is an excellent time to readjust pending projects or important tasks at hand. This is a good time to negotiate contracts or seek new opportunities through connections. Now you might plan your future very wisely and communicate your ideas with a whole new level of clarity. However, projects involving public administrations require special attention.

It seems to be progressive time, but not entirely effortless. There might be benefits through previous investments. You might be assigned a better job. Your creative abilities might be significantly overshadowed, so you might not be able to distinguish properly. You have to be extra careful to make the right decisions. Your friends and colleagues might not keep their promises.

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As this transit occurs in your eighth house, this time you might reveal new universal truths that you had previously ignored. You might see the scope of the cosmic plan and the complexities involved, and look forward to sharing this realisation with those around you. You might be very intuitive now and might have psychic experiences during this time. You might examine past life memories.

As this transit occurs in your seventh house, this might be a difficult time for you. You might not be able to enjoy the fruits of your efforts and you might be denied good results. Your work relationships might hurt you and cause some problems. Keep calm to avoid embarrassing situations at home. You might feel stressed due to poor health. Do not engage in any kind of competition, because your opponent seems to be stronger now.

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Your mental health might be fine here, but your physical health might need special attention. This is the time for you to desire deep change/transformation. In any case, this is the time to break bad habits. This is a particularly introspective cycle, and you might have the opportunity to discover your strengths and talents.

Your curiosity about spiritual truths might increase now, and you might be eager to learn as much as you can. You might be exposed to different cultures and belief systems through your friends and family. You might feel like helping those less fortunate than you. You might also receive good karma during this transit as you might be recognized for your past efforts.

Deep feelings, both positive and negative, are activated within you and might become more intense and demanding for those around you. Hidden fears, insecurities and anger might arise during this period. You might ask someone to be your “friend”, especially when it comes to understanding life as a whole. Entrepreneurs might need to travel more to expand their business.

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This period seems to bring success in all areas of life. You might easily overcome obstacles, and this is the time to solve problems successfully. If someone gets in your way, you might easily deal with them without bothering them. This is the time to finish any unfinished projects. Financially, you might also do well. You might take expert advice for finances. 

This special period means juggling taxes and family matters. Don’t be discouraged if your efforts and hard work are not giving you the results. This time might also take you through socially difficult weather conditions. Avoid quarrels with anyone. Avoid activities that involve physical risks and do not perform tasks that involve physical work.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Dharmeshh Joshi,

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