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Sun Opposite Saturn: The Father-Son Duo & Your Sign

In Astrology, the planets move, and at times, they create combinations that have deep impacts on our lives. One such Sun Opposite Saturn Transit is happening on 17th July 2021. As per Vedic Astrology, Sun is the soul significator of human beings. Sun is the King of the planetary solar system, which determines the strength and self-esteem of life. It is our vitality, ego and creative force which represents our day to day life. On the other hand, Saturn is the lord of karma which represents restrictions, sorrows and delays in our life. This karmic planet also represents Moksha. So, what happens when the Sun Opposite Saturn takes place?

The major thing which takes place is that our self-esteem and value takes centre stage. We always feel a tug of war in this part of our life. Your insecurity and fear will be shown in your personality, which can create obstacles during this time.

Just like opposition, there is another transit of these planets that can occur at times. Sun Square Saturn is that specific aspect where the planets are at 90° to each other. This transit also comes with its challenges and a requirement for self-assessment. For one to move forward in life, he/she needs to overcome these challenges.

Coming back to Sun Opposite Saturn, the synastry refers to the comparison of people’s charts to understand their compatibility. People with Saturn Opposite Sun synastry enjoy their relationships, especially in the beginning, and they are understanding and responsible towards each other. Now, these are different scenarios than the transit we are talking about.

Here, it depends on a particular zodiac sign with respect to the house placement as well. It affects every individual in a different way, so let’s discuss it.

Before we begin, you can know more about such important astrological events with: All Astrological Events of the Year.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the fourth house for Aries Moon sign. Sun Opposite Saturn will trigger the fourth and tenth house of the natal chart, respectively, which will again create some disturbance in the family life of the Aries moon sign. The career will be promising, but the work environment will be very stressful. Ego issues in family life will be centre stage during this time. Some issues with colleagues at work are also possible. This will be a reflection of what we value and what we want from our professional field. Relationships with colleagues can get affected. Also, workload might increase this time.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, Sun will travel through the third house for the Taurus Moon sign. Sun and Saturn will trigger the third and Ninth house of the natal chart, respectively, which will be very helpful for travelling to religious places. Visit specific pilgrimage places will be sure on the cards. This transit can create differences between siblings as well. There might be problems with consideration of belief systems as well. Disturbance in family life will create stress in life. You will feel very restricted in your desires as well. You will get respect from the elders. Any religious activity will be very helpful for the Taurus Moon sign.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the second house for the Gemini Moon sign. Sun and Saturn transit will trigger the Second and Eighth house of the natal chart, respectively, which will create some hurdles in the wealth and family life of the native. Unexpected changes in family life will be there for you. Research interest will be there, but fluctuations in monetary gains must be there. Make sure you must keep a very good bank balance, and it’s better to avoid any new investments this time. Understand your Finances this year, with a Personalised Wealth Report. New unconventional ideas might come from you. You will be very reserved and isolated from others this time.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the seventh house for the Cancer Moon sign. Sun Opposite Saturn transit will trigger the first and seventh house of the natal chart, respectively, which will bring relationships and partnerships into the focus this time. This time all marital issues must be handled carefully. Not a good time for businesses as well. Avoid unnecessary communication in relationships. You will feel very confused if you are looking for companionship as you will come across very dull people. You might have to fulfil demands from others as well, so be careful this time.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the sixth house for the Leo Moon sign. Sun and Saturn transit will trigger the twelfth and sixth house of the natal chart, respectively, which will bring daily work and obstacles into the focus. Your life might be stressful this time as work is a major concern for you. Stay away from legal issues. Your enemies might increase, and relationships might suffer as well. Your workload might increase, and you may not physically be that well. Take care of your health as it might suffer a lot. You might have to face a lot of opposition from others. Challenges might increase this time.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the fifth house for the Virgo Moon sign. This time Sun Opposite Saturn transit will trigger the eleventh and fifth house of the natal chart, respectively, which will bring creativity and enjoyment into focus but will surely create some disturbance in your life. Friends will feel restricted towards you and vice versa. Any new issues in your social circle may come out. You must think twice before you speak or commit. You might feel very restricted in your family life. There might be a delay in your social gatherings this time, or you might feel very stressed to make plans this time. Time for fun is very hard to predict this time. How will it be in 2021 for you? Get Your Personalised 2023 Horoscope Report and reveal what the future holds for you.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the fourth house for the Libra Moon sign. Sun and Saturn transit will trigger the tenth and fourth house of the natal horoscope, respectively, which will bring domestic and workplace into the focus. You must be careful in your home when dealing with your family members. Any serious issue in family life might come out. You will feel very authoritative at your work, but still, nervousness will be there with you. You might doubt your abilities and feel less confident. You may be unable to see your nature clearly, which will create insecurity in your life. This also affects your self-esteem as well.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the third house for the Scorpio Moon sign. Sun Opposite Saturn will trigger the ninth and third house of the natal chart, which will be very good for spiritual and religious activities. Be careful in relationships with siblings as it may create problems for you. Also, it is crucial to be sober this time to avoid any unnecessary troubles and avoid stubbornness. Parents must maintain cordial relations with their children so that life will not get affected. Respect from authority figures and seniors can be achieved. You might be self-critical as well this time. Control and try to maintain balance.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, and Sun will transit through the second house for the Sagittarius Moon sign. Sun and Saturn will trigger the eighth and second house of the natal chart, respectively, which will bring unexpected changes in life. Your financial matters will be the biggest concern for you this time. You must remain as calm as possible. You will be very introverted this time. Research interest might increase this time. You can also find what interests you based on your planets with your Free Janampatri. You will be intuitive and want to express but not able to do it. Nervousness and depression will be there for you. You will try to find another side of life which again will be better for your future. Maintain good relations with in-laws. Avoid any egoistic issues this time.

As Saturn transits through Capricorn, Sun will transit through the first house for the Capricorn Moon sign. Sun Opposite Saturn will trigger the first and seventh house of the natal chart, respectively, which will bring marital life to centre stage. The nature of the spouse may change, and you may not be able to accept it. Nevertheless, it is for the time being, and you must handle your married life. Business and partnerships must be handled very carefully this time as it may damage your relations. Differences in thinking might create a problem between you and others. Avoid new investments this time. This time you might need relaxation in your inner and outer relationships.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, Sun will transit through the twelfth house for the Aquarius Moon sign. Sun and Saturn transit will trigger the twelfth and sixth house of the natal chart, respectively, which will bring spirituality, work-life and foreign connections into the focus. This time spirituality will be at its best for you. Your daily life related to work might be affected. Your work will make you tired. Daily activities might be difficult to complete in an accurate time. Control your diet and eat proper food. Health-related problems will be there for you. Make sure you communicate less to avoid unnecessary troubles—however, a very good try for yoga and meditation to maintain health.

As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn, Sun will transit through the eleventh house for Pisces Moon sign. Sun Opposite Saturn transit will trigger the eleventh and fifth house of the natal horoscope, respectively, which bring restrictions in the creative and fun part of your life. It Is good to expect some good positions in social life. This time you will feel very reserved and cold in the fun part of your life. Your self-expression will be very serious this time which others might not be able to get. You might feel very stressed in your sports life. If you are in a relationship, then you must be very careful. Lovebirds must stay alert this time. Romantic life will not be that good, but a good time to value your relationship.

So, overall this opposition of Sun Opposite Saturn happens once a year every time. Of course, if we introspect and alert in some matters, then this transit will also give some favourable outputs for future growth. It’s not all bad; it’s up to us what we take from it. This is what nature and the universe teaches us every now and then. We must accept it and keep learning and growing every time.

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Astrologers trained by Shri Bejan Daruwalla
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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