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Understanding how the Sun Signs deal with the menace called ‘Stress’…

Understanding how the Sun Signs deal with the menace called 'Stress'...

Aries are excellent fighters. They don’t get bogged down easily. But, the Rams have the tendency of being violent in their exhibition of temper. So, the first thing that they may do when stressed is to yell or bang their desk! When they are down in the dumps, they use their own prowess to help them sort out their problems. Get them to take on the problem head on. Once, they have made their stance clear, they are already free of half the burden.

They are all about Plan A and Plan B. So suggest them with various alternatives, no matter how ridiculous they sound. The fact that they have so many options makes them feel better and they are always miles ahead of the blues. Read more about Taurus.

Geminis know their ability to face rough weather and come out triumphant. To make them happy and bold during a crisis, simply remind them of their past triumphs. Talk about how they have previously solved bigger issues. Geminis will get inspired and chase away the mood dampeners.

Tell Cancerians that it is fate, destiny and the planets that are making life miserable for them. In short, blame the extra terrestrial and outer worlds for every trouble in their lives. Cancerians love to resign to fate. So tell them what they want to hear.

Oh these Leos! Even when they are down, out and almost on the verge of being branded a loser, they want to hear flattering things about themselves. For better or for worse, praise the Leos and before you utter anything further, they are up in the sky on cloud nine.

Virgos are not immune to flattery either. However, it makes sense to use restraint while doing so. It suffices to help them realize their ability and motivate them to act fast. Do tell them that they should stop harping over perfection and instead be practical in order to snap out of their bad mood.

They are soft spoken but they usually heed to those who are firm and tough talking. Set aside your soft corners for this peace-loving zodiac and give them a piece of your mind and advise about how they should pull their act together. Then, you may get to see the Libran working towards sorting out the mess.

Scorpios do not get easily affected by stressful situations and wear a stoic expression on their faces when in messy situations. Moreover, they take a lot of time in accepting that the mess has got created due to their errors. Tell them in no uncertain terms that they should change their behavior. Scorpios heed to others only after they have exhausted all other avenues. Nevertheless, make them realize their folly, even if it means being rude to them.

These progressive thinkers are already thinking of new waves to get out of the problem. Give them that much-needed push and see how they will snap out of the blue like magic! Read more about Sagittarius.

Again, be firm to these guys too. Just remind them where they are and how they landed in a soup. They will defend themselves for a while, but they will soon tide over the mood. Read more about Capricorn.

These guys care a damn about whatever may be the repurcussions of the present messy situation. What they all care about is how and when can they get out of it! Moreover, they think that only they can find the solutions to their problems, and generally avoid taking other people’s advice, unless they find something too logical in it! They hate stressing out, and can do anything to stay away from it! Get to know more about Aquarius.

Remind them that they are among the most loved ones. Assure that they are the best (even if they are not). Give them security and make them feel wanted. They will come back to their usual jovial mood soon after listening to your sweet talk. Read more about Pisces.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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