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4 Planet Stellium in Capricorn & Its Effects on Your Zodiac Sign

What is a Stellium in Astrology? A stellium is a conjunction of more than three planets in one Zodiac sign. Therefore, the 4 planet Stellium in Capricorn means the sign will host four planets at once! Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury are all about to have conjunction in Capricorn. The sign is going through some serious bombarding of transits, conjunctions, stelliums, and the effects these movements create are changing with every planet! Here are other events taking place in the Capricorn:

On that note, this 4 Planet Stellium of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury in Capricorn will take place on 4th February 2021, and the planets will share the space till 17th February 2021. How will it affect your zodiac sign? Let’s find out.

During these times, you are likely to maintain good health. However, the seniors may feel some leg and back pain, but nothing unmanageable. Those who work in government jobs are advised to be careful with their work, or the seniors may take some actions against you.

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This may also be a time when you have a property or make important decisions about one. But beware! with your parental properties, there are possibilities of some unfavourable results. People in relationships are likely to experience unfavourable times, and some arguments can be foreseen.

Big as a bull, healthy as a horse. During these times, you are likely to get positive results. You may also find interest in the matters of spirituality. You are also likely to see some changes in your personality and behaviour. As a Taurus, your stubbornness may get exaggerated. You may also get worried about your child.

There are possibilities of some long or small trips, and they are likely to earn you some profits. Working professionals may also get some opportunities with their career. Couples are advised to avoid unnecessary arguments and maintain harmony in their relationship. Keep Calm and listen to your spouse!

During these times, you are advised to be careful while driving. On the other hand, there may be no need to worry about your health. An advice for you would be to think twice before investing your money, or it may get stuck. You are likely to get desired support from your family. It is also advisable for you to not make any hurried decisions.

There are some possibilities for a trip happening. Gemini who are suffering from a long illness are advised to take extra care of themselves. The parents may get worried about their child’s education and career. This four-planet stellium does not look easy on the politicians, too. They need to take care of themselves during this period.

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You are likely to maintain good health. Cancer natives who are settled abroad are advised to take care of their family members. However, students who are trying to study abroad may find some luck during this time. Those who are appearing for language tests for the same are likely to get good results, too.

On the career front, this is likely to be a good time at your job. Those who are looking to change the job are likely to do it successfully. Teenagers may plan a trip with their close friends. Singles are likely to meet a new partner and may date them during this Stellium.

You are advised to take care of your health during this time. Some stomach related issues are likely to bug you. If you are a teenager, there are chances of you getting skin-related diseases. Leo ladies who are expecting babies are advised to consider Tuesday or Saturday, or they may give the birth via a cesarean method.

This may be a good time to go on a trip. You may find it hard to get done with some old and pending works related to property. There is also a possibility of you getting involved in an argument with your neighbours or house-keepers. This may be the time you would want to be aware of your hidden enemies. Completely opposite to that, this is likely to be a good time for the Leo love birds.

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This period is not likely to pose any threat to your health. However, the students among you may have to work really hard. The parents are advised to stay friend-like with their children. If you have previously invested in the stock market, this period may bring you some good results.

Those who are into an acting career are likely to get more opportunities this time around. Your relationship with your father may take a hit during this period. Times are not looking optimistic for lovers as well. You are advised to avoid any arguments with your partner.

You are likely to maintain good health during this time. This stellium may also bring you some favourable times to complete your higher education. Those who are trying for a government job are also likely to succeed in getting one. Some unexpected gains may await. They may also come in forms of your previously stuck money.

Libra ladies are likely to get into an argument with their mother in law. It is advisable to be careful while talking to senior members of the family. Singles who are looking for someone special are likely to succeed in finding the one. But on the other hand, those who are already in a relationship are likely to experience some unfavourable times.

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There are possibilities for a trip. This may be the time to take care of your relationships with people who are near and dear to you. You are also likely to spoil your relations with your house-keepers. Among all this, you may meet some old friends and go on a nostalgia trip.

Working professionals may get troubles with their office work and may feel tense with the workload. They may also make some repeated mistakes while working. However, there are no major issues coming your way as far as your job is concerned. Though your health is likely to support you, you may want to take care of some fever and cold-related issues.

Even though you are likely to face no health issues during this time, some digestion-related issues may bug you here and there. The students are likely to have a good time. Therefore, if they put in the hard work, success is not far away. Some changes in your speech and behaviour are likely to occur.

In this period, you may finish your work, depending on your mood. You may not be able to do the same if someone is forcing you to do that work. A quality family time can also be foreseen. The times are favourable for lovers, too, and you know what that means. If you are planning to propose to someone, you are likely to succeed. A new relationship may take place. This is your last phase of Sade Sati, and to know more, you can access your Free Sade Sati Report.

Capricorn is going through the second phase of Sade Sati, and that is likely to bring in some tough times for you. The financial matters especially are likely to be up and down. If you are investing in a stock market, you are advised to be extra careful and not make any hurried decisions.

Students, on the other hand, are likely to experience good times. Your pending work related to parental properties may get resolved. People who are in a relationship are likely to experience better times without any bumps in their relationship. People who are into sports are likely to earn name and fame for themselves. Among all this, a religious trip may be on the cards.

Aquarius are going through the 1st phase of Sade Sati. Now, it may not be as harmful as the 2nd face, but they are still likely to experience some mental and physical stress we associate with Sade Sati. This may be the time for you to take care of your financial matters if you want to continue with your financial stability.

You are likely to spend some of your money on social activities. The time is looking favourable for those who are in the field of acting. If you live far away from your home, you are likely to find a job. If you put in some extra efforts, you are likely to find that job near your home.

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Regarding your health, you are about to have some decent times. Students are likely to find the desired success. You may go on holiday trips that you have been planning. This is also a good time to find a job. If you are looking for one, there are chances that you will find one.

It is advisable for you to think twice before applying for a loan, and if you do, read the documents carefully before signing anything. To achieve mental peace, you may interact more with religious people and learn more about the religion. Those who are in love are likely to spend quality time with their loved ones, and the same applies to the Pisces who are married.

Now that we know how this 4 planet stellium affects each zodiac sign individually, this is time to understand how it will affect our country as a whole. Taking India’s Kundali into consideration (15th August 1947 as the date of inception), this is how each planet will affect the country.

Here is how the movement of each planet is likely to affect India as a country.

Mercury will travel through Dhanishta Nakshatra till 11th February and move on to Shravana Nakshatra after that till the 15th February. After that, it will be in direct motion. During these times, India is likely to suffer from some internal issues such as protests. Country’s income may also get reduced.

The opposition parties may try to take advantage of these situations. The stock market, on the other hand, is likely to pick up speed. In the latter part of the Stellium, India may see better days, the government may get the traction again, and get the public support with a possible increase in the GDP/income as well.

The Jupiter transit in Capricorn will take place in the 9th house of India’s Kundali. As a result, India may reach an agreement with ministers of neighbouring countries, and may also increase business relationships with them. In short, the relationships with the neighbouring countries are likely to improve.

Some religious issues may also get resolved. The GDP may also improve in the process. The stock market, as predicted above, may also rise with Jupiter’s transit. Government is likely to get public support during this time. Some important decisions can also be made about private as well as government employees. After the pandemic, the authorities may also benefit from vaccination drives.

According to India’s Kundali, Venus will be transiting in Rahu’s Nakshatra till 9th of February. This may translate into the government, taking some favourable decisions for the public. The vaccination program may also be a success.

From 10th February to 21st February, Venus will transit into Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra. This may lead the opposition parties to protest against the ruling government. They may attract the public in a wrong way over the implementation of some new laws, for their own benefits. However, due to Jupiter’s aspect, they are likely to fall short.

Saturn will pass through the house of luck in India’s Kundali. That can actually undo Jupiter’s hard work and negatively affect India’s relationships with its neighbouring countries. Though India is likely to give a befitting reply to those neighbouring countries, it may just worsen the situation. Some internal conflicts can also be foreseen.

Huge public protests may also take place, and that can create some issues in how the government works. Again, Saturn may affect negatively when it comes to the country’s income and GDP. On the contrary, the stock markets are likely to roar high. Saturn is also likely to give strength to the President of the ruling government.

That’s all we have to say about this rare string of phenomena going on in Capricorn. For some, it’s a candy shop, whereas some will leave with a bittersweet taste. Both ways, the changes are coming in all our lives with 4 planet Stellium of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury in Capricorn. Let’s fasten your seatbelts tight for the journey ahead.

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