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Annular Solar Eclipse 2017: Date, Timings, Significance And Effects On Signs

Annular Solar Eclipse 2017: Date, Timings, Significance And Effects On Signs

Annular Solar Eclipse will occur on 26th February, 2017, Sunday. This also happens to be the No Moon Day (Vikram Samvat 2073 – Maha Vad Amavasya). The Solar Eclipse will be taking place the Sign of Aquarius Sign and Shattara (Shatabisha) Nakshatra.

The annular solar eclipse will not be visible in India, and hence the religious activities related to eclipses need not be followed in India. A total solar eclipse will be visible in the southern regions of South America, Atlantic Ocean, Africa and Antartica. Whereas, this annular solar eclipse will be visible in Pacific Ocean, Chile and Argentina.

The details of the Solar Eclipse 2017 are as follows:

Important Timings
Solar Eclipse 2017 Hours Minutes Seconds
Eclipse Begins 17 40 33
Maximum Eclipse 20 23 10
Eclipse Ends 23 05 16
Eclipse Convergence 18 45 12
Eclipse Emergence 22 01 21
Other Details
Eclipse Magnitude 0.992
Total Eclipse Duration 44 seconds

During a Solar Eclipse, Vedh is observed for 4 Prahars (approximately 12 hours) before the eclipse time. Whereas during a Lunar Eclipse, Vedh is observed for 3 Prahars (approximately 9 hours) before the eclipse time.

An eclipse may be unfavourable for the native, when it occurs in the 1st House, 4th House,8th House and 12th House from his/her birth sign. Whereas, an eclipse will be favourable for the native when it occurs in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house from his/her birth sign. Besides, an eclipse will provide average results when it occurs in the 2nd House, 5th House, 7th House and 9th House from his/her birth sign.

In short, the effects of the same are listed below:

Birth Sign Effect of Solar Eclipse
Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces Unfavourable results
Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus, Aries Favourable results
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Capricorn Mixed results

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to the Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants.]

Aries natives, the annular solar eclipse 2017 will occur in the 11th house from your sign, which shall be favourable. Unexpected gains through your friends and financial benefits are foreseen. Relations with elder brothers and sisters will also be harmonious, and you are likely to develop intimacy with them. You will able to work towards achieving your long-cherished dreams or desire post the solar eclipse.

Though things may be quite positive, you will have to be careful in matters related to your finances, as there may be unexpected losses or major expenses. Also, it will be advisable to stay away from speculation or the stock market, as you will not get desired results.

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Taurus natives the annular solar eclipse 2017 eclipse shall occur in the 10th house from your sign, which will be favourable. Gains through your father are foreseen. Unexpected and significant benefits are indicated in your job and business. Those who are active in public life, such as social workers and politicians are likely to get some excellent opportunities. But, you will have to be be careful, as your detractors may try to create problems for you.
Some old issues, which you may have neglected in the past may resurface post the solar eclipse and may create problems for you. You will also be presented with opportunities for rectification of mistakes, so make the best use of it.

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The annular solar eclipse 2017 will take place in the 9th House from your Sign and will provide moderate results. The solar eclipse may provide you with opportunities to go on a pilgrimage, and also organise perform some religious activities. If you have been facing delays in matters pertaining to foreign travel, then you may get some breakthrough post the solar eclipse. You will be presented with new opportunities in the days to come, so be prepared.

If your equations with younger siblings haven’t been very cordial of late, then you can expect improvement. It will be a good time to sort out any kind of misunderstandings with your siblings.Know more about Gemini.

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The annular solar eclipse will occur in the 8th House for you and this may be unfavourable for you. You must take good care of your health during the eclipse period. Sudden health ailments or sickness are foreseen, so you will have to be careful. If you have been suffering from some health issues from a long period, then you are advised to get the appropriate treatment.

You may have to face obstacles in matters related to ancestral property, inheritance, government work and legal matters. Family disputes are also foreseen. You should donate a copper or bronze vessel filled with ghee, sesame seeds, clothes, etc. to brahmins. Know more about Cancer.

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The annular solar eclipse will be taking place in the 7th House from your Sign. This phenomenon will provide mixed results. Your public image may get maligned and there are chances of relations with close ones getting strained. Relations with your spouse may improve and you may even mutually agree to sort out any old differences. You will have to be careful in your dealings with your business partners, as some complications are indicated.

Post the solar eclipse, you will be able to come up with strategies to deal with your competitors or open enemies. During this phase, you may be compelled to make some changes in the legal terms and conditions of some of the contracts involving you.

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The annular solar eclipse 2017 will be taking place in the 6th House from your Sign. The solar eclipse phenomenon will be quite favouable for you on various fronts. If you have been finding it difficult to give it back to your enemies or turn the tables on your competitors, then a new surge of confidence will be unleashed within you and thus you will be able to fight back. Though there may be new opportunities coming your way in your career, there may also be challenges.

Thus, gain won’t be possible without some amout of pain. Your health is likely to improve now, but you are advised not to take things for granted. Be careful in dealings with your maternal uncle.
Know more about Virgo.

The annular solar ecipse 2017 will occur in the 5th House from Libra Sign and thus you can expect average results. There will be a lot of distractions, so you will have to be careful in matters related to education. You will have to make sure that your concentration doesn’t get affected. There may be some disturbances in matters of love, so you will have to deal with things in a tactful manner.

Ganesha advises you stay away from stock trading and speculation for the time-being as major losses are foreseen. Your diet will require attention and it would be better to follow a proper schedule. The performance of your children may cause some concern.

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The annular solar eclipse 2017 will occur in the 4th House from your Sign, which may not bring positive results. You are advised to take good care of your mother’s health. It would be better to avoid any sort of arguments with your mother and maternal relatives. You will have to be extremely careful while driving vehicles or while walking on the road, as there are chances of accidents indicated. Moreover, if you have been planning to sell your old property, then it would be better to postpone the decision.
There may be some hurdles at your work-place and some important projects may get stuck up. Those pursuing higher education may face some challenges. Know more abour Scorpio.

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You will be able to experience quick progress in your job or business. As the solar eclipse 2017 will be taking place in the 3rd House from your Sign, you will feel more confident and bold. Sagittarius may be presented with the opportunities for short-distance travels in the coming days. You will have to be careful in your interactions with your siblings or cousins as there may some sudden misunderstandings.

Also, you will have to take care of your father’s health during this phase. Those in to the creative or communication fields may face some mental blocks during the solar eclipse period. Your luck may not provide desired support.

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The annular solar eclipse 2017 will be occuring in the 2nd House from your Sign, thus you may experience mixed results. There may be misunderstandings with your family members and some problems due to your speech are also foreseen. Financially, the situation doesn’t look very bright, thus it will be better to proceed with a good plan in mind. There may be ear, nose or throat related problems, thus you will have to be careful. Moreover, Capricorn may also be prone to seasonal ailments.

If you are planning to take major financial decisions in the coming days, then this woud not be the right time. But, if you have to proceed anyway, then do so only after taking the advice of financial experts.

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The annular solar eclipse 2017 will take place in your Sign only, thus you will have to gear up for major challenges. The primary effect of the solar eclipse will be on your mental health and then on the physical plane. You may be in for some some disappointments in your personal life. Relations with your spouse may get affected severely and there may be a lot of misunderstandings and arguments.

Aquarius public image get dented due to some controversies, so you will have to guard your reputation well. Be careful in your dealings with people of the opposite sex.
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The annular solar eclipse will be taking place in the 12th House from your Sign. This phenomenon will not be favourable for you. Your health may get affected, soer you will have to be careful. Unanticipated expenses and unexpected journeys are also indicated. Your level of confidence may get affected because of certain incidents. There are chances of some burns or injuries to the area below your ankles.

Your enemies may try to create problems for you in the coming days and this may affect your peace of mind. Ganesha suggests that you must worship Lord Shiva and perform Rudrabhishek. Donate a copper or bronze vessel filled with ghee, sesame seeds.Know more about Pisces.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Malav Bhatt,

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