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Six Planets in Trine With Rahu: Effects on the Moon Signs

Six Planets in Trine With Rahu: Effects on the Moon Signs

The planet Rahu is in transit through Taurus till April 14, 2021, in Rohini Nakshatra. Rahu is considered the shadow planet in Vedic astrology, but its impacts may be noticed on all other planets. If Rahu is in a favourable position, it can bring out Raj yoga, financial gain, and international travel. However, if the outcome is unfavourable, it may result in lethargy, uncertainty, and disappointment.

The Sun will be in the Virgo from Sept 17, 2021, till Oct 17, 2021. According to Vedic astrology, the Sun is believed to be the most powerful of all the planets. Those who have a favourable Sun in their horoscope are more likely to achieve political success. Mars controls our actions. When these two planets come together from Sept 6, 2021, to Oct 22, 2021, it will give everyone a flair of supremacy and determination towards their goal.

Moreover, Mercury will be transiting in Virgo from Aug 26 until Oct 22, 2021; thus, people in audit, accounts, mathematics, business, media & communication will get good outcomes during the transit of this terrestrial planet.

From Aug 11, 2021, until Sept 6, 2021, Venus will be in Virgo, too. From Sept 14, until Nov 20, 2021, Jupiter will be in Capricorn. During the year 2021, Pluto will be transiting the Capricorn zodiac sign.

With these positioning, the planet Rahu is in a trine with the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Pluto. An interesting stand-off indeed! The effects of this transit on every moon sign are given below.

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The Aries natives may struggle with children, education, romantic love, and money because of the Rahu-Sun trine. Winning in a game is impossible. Your relationship with your father may not be good. Physical and mental problems might be linked to the Rahu trine with Mars. Time is not apt for relationships. During this time, you may see spiritual and economic growth. Around this period, you may expect a better private, social, and marriage life. You are likely to gain some profits from this period.

It’s not a good time for Taurus natives to get a higher degree. During this time, your ability to make progress would be obstructed by various setbacks. You and your spouse are probably going to disagree, and that might lead to conflict. Your relationship with your elder brother and sister would be smooth. This astrological occurrence would be advantageous to both your finances and the bond you have with your family. Regarding academics, time is not apt for higher education. Concerning your health, you may be healthy.

This trine may have an impact on the relationships between Gemini siblings. Your words have the potential to make or ruin a relationship. Time is detrimental to one’s financial well-being. You may be intellectually and physically strong, and your health, as well as your relationship with your mother, might be excellent. Geminis are in a wonderful position when it comes to higher education. Your personal, marital, and public relationships may improve. It’s the time to develop spiritually.

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For Cancerians, the trine may bring tension in education, love, and money. Success in games may be challenging. Be wary of your father’s influence at this time. Your mother-daughter connection may be fine. Professionally, it’s not the right moment, so be cautious. Your siblings and pals would be there for your support. Travelling is feasible during this period. All your international and religious work now would be possible. You would be physically and psychologically fit. Time is supportive for your higher studies. Progress is likely to be made gradually.

Leo may use this time to increase their knowledge, love life, and finances. You must be careful since transiting on Mars might damage your connection with your mother. A delay in academic advancement, personal life, and religious services is to be expected. The Mercury transit in Rahu’s chart may increase your financial and personal success. Your relationship with your brother may be easygoing. You may be in excellent shape both physically and mentally. Spiritual growth is possible during this time.

his trine for Virgos may make them more compatible in their personal, marital, public, business, and social connections. You may create great memories and save money during this period. Your parents may be in a good relationship with one other. There could be unexpected costs. Mars in trine indicates an easy relationship with your brother or sibling. Growth in spirituality may take time. You could be strong in both body and mind. In your career, you may progress and get better. Better late than never is what they say.

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Rahu’s trine with the Sun may assist Librans in finding common ground with their siblings. A strong familial tie can serve you well. Your connection with your elder brother and sister would be smooth. Rahu Mars transit might impact both personal, marital, and public connections. A monetary issue may come up. In order to address the problem, greater education and additional involvement in social, religious, and cultural activities are advised. You’d be in good shape. Regarding academics, the time is suitable. During this year, you may experience slow but steady progress. Spiritual development is fostered.

The closeness of a Scorpio’s relationship with their son may get affected due to the six planet Trine with Rahu. Throughout the trine, your relationship with your siblings would stay positive. At the workplace, the changes are likely to bring about some difficulty. Job seekers may face an uncertain future. Elders now live in great times. You’re physically weak, but spiritually, you would be well. Throughout this journey, you may see improvements in your relationships, children, education, finances, and games.

The trine won’t benefit Sagittarius natives with their future progress. You and your siblings may have a hard time getting along at this period. A disruption in finances, love, and learning is a distinct possibility. But a noticeable change may come in relationships (particularly in intimate ones) as well as in partnerships and social interaction. Monetary gain would be there. Regarding your health, you are likely to be physically and mentally fit. The chances of spiritual progress is less.

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Capricorn folks might recognise that it’s never a good moment when it comes to older natives’ possessions. Your connection with your parents would be easy at this time. Now is the perfect moment for further study. The timing just isn’t good for those with jobs. However, you are likely to be physically and mentally fit during this period. It’s an excellent time to broaden your horizons, travel overseas, and perform religious service, perhaps in things like more love, kids, money, and even education and helping children. The professional progress seems promising.

Aquarius natives are likely to face personal problems in their married life, social life, business partnership, and more. The relationship between you and your father would be strong. This trine may bring growth in education, children, and money. Moreover, the trine may enhance your relationship with your spouse and family. Additionally, it is an ideal time for increased travel and religious activity and the prospects of future expansion. For an individual, the passage of time is favourable for spiritual growth.

For Pisces natives, personal connections, marital and professional affairs, partnerships, and social life may be chaotic. You may find it difficult to get along with your siblings and father. But you could see an improvement in several areas including children, learning, love, and money. Monetary benefits would be there. Regarding education, time is good. During this period, short distance travel is possible. However, the timing is right for travelling and further spiritual advancement.

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