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Insights of the Bargad tree and its beneficial importance

The Vad or Banyan or Bargad tree has a great significance in Hinduism. The Banyan tree starts its life as an Epiphyte. Epiphyte means the plant that grows on another plant and like this it survive for centuries. Thus Banyan tree is considered as the most veteran tree.

The shelter of the Banyan tree is said to be the shelter given by God in Hindu Mythology. In Hindu Mythology the Banyan tree is called Kalpavriksha. Kalpavriksha means the tree that fulfils the wishes of the devotees and gives material gains to them.

According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Vishnu is present in the bark of the Banyan tree, Lord Brahma is present in the roots of the Banyan tree and Lord Shiva is present in the branches of the Banyan tree. So the Banyan tree symbolizes Trimurti.

The Banyan tree is considered to be the tree of Immortality in many scriptures of Hinduism. The Banyan tree is called Bahupada (one with several feet) because the aerial root of the tree grow down in the soil and form the additional trunk.

The banyan tree represents longevity as well as the divine creator of the world, Lord Brahma. The banyan tree is planted near crematory of the Hindu due to its association with the God of Death, Lord Yama.

The Banyan tree is not used during fertility ceremonies like childbirth, marriage because it doesn’t allow any type of grass to grow around it so this symbolises as it doesn’t allow rebirth or renewal.
The Banyan tree represents the permanent material reality that is the soul which never dies.

The Banyan tree represents the spiritual aspiration of an individual and is immortal, that means the tree has survived in severe disasters or the destruction of the world called Pralay.

The Banyan tree or Bargad tree is known as the Vrat-Vrisksha to the people of India. The trading or merchant community or the Banias were worshipping the large shady fig tree and they were noticed by the Britishers from them the fig tree named as the Banyan tree, the word arrived from the Banias.

a) The Banyan tree cannot support the household and also cannot raise a family, and it is called the Hermit among the trees. The world’s greatest hermit the lord Shiva was represented in Lingam under the shade of the tree. Lord Shiva didn’t fear of ghosts and was also not a part of any village use to stay below the shade of the Banyan tree very comfortably.

b) Lord Shiva is considered as Dakshinamurthi, or the Lingam of Shiva faces the south direction, which is the direction of change or death. Lord Shiva is the botanical embodiment of the soul always sitting below the shades of the Banyan tree in Iconography. He is facing the terror of death and in the stone form fearless because of his immense understanding of the worl

a) Lord Vishnu took the form of a baby during the end of the world when flood water was rising and destroyed everything. During that time the Lord Vishnu took shelter on the leaves of the immortal and veteran tree as the baby lying on the leaf and cradled himself from the deadly waves. The baby lying on the leaf form of Lord Vishnu is called Vata-Patra-Shayin.
b) The image of this symbolises that the world is transitory like the waves of the sea or ocean and all life can renew itself as a form of a baby replacing the older generation into the new generation.
c) Lord Krishna used to rest on the leaves of the Banyan tree.

The tree also has a great significance in Buddhism as it is believed that Gautam Buddha sat under the shade of the Banyan tree for seven days and after that, he attained enlightenment and absorbed in the newfound realization.

The milk and the latex that dripped from the banyan tree nourished the two orphan children who were left under the tree. The milk and latex of the tree saved the life of the two orphan children so the sacred tree is considered as the mother by many Indians.

The banyan tree is worshipped as a Vrat Vriksha. Marathi and Gujarati women perform Vad or Vat Savitri Vrat for the well being and long life of their spouse. The women do puja of the Banyan tree and tie a thread around the tree and is a significant part of the ritual. Many women tie a thread around the tree on the new moon day and get blessings from the tree, a Trimurti as well as the ancestors because the tree represents the soul of the ancestors.

Indian Vedic astrology has more significance in performing Vat Savitri Vrat. Know from our experts more about when does this vrat come and how is it to be performed?

a) Remember Lord Shiva and offer water in the roots of the banyan tree. A banyan should be covered by black yarn three times on Saturday. This remedy has to be done in evening time every Saturday. The individual should sit under the banyan tree and chant Shani mantra 108 times. By doing this, the individual can get relief from the malefic effect of Rahu and Saturn.
b) By offering water to the Banyan tree every Monday and chanting Om Namah Shivay at least eleven rosaries of 108 beads will get child easily.
c) Light a ghee lamp to the tree and offer water and flowers to the roots. Take nine rounds of the sacred tree after that and cover the tree with yellow yarn can give an individual a happy married life.
d) Worshipping the tree at night before going to bed brings good luck for the individual.

Are you facing problems in your married life, or are you facing delay in your marriage? Ask any questions regarding your problems you are facing and get remedies to overcome it.

The Banyan tree is extensively used in Ayurveda due to its medicinal properties.

a) The secretion or bleeding can be arrested by the bark or the leaf buds of the banyan tree.
b) The fruits of the banyan tree provide a soothing effect on the skin and mucous membrane.
c) The fruits of the tree also remove the swelling and pain and also serve as a mild purgative.
d) The fruits are also very nutritious for health.
e) The chronic diarrhoea and dysentery can be treated by the leaf buds of the tree.
f) The diarrhoea and dysentery can also be treated by the latex of the tree.
g) The female sterility can be treated by the tender roots of the sacred tree.
h) The aerial roots of the banyan tree are used for cleaning the teeth. The roots prevent teeth and gum disorder and make teeth and gums strong.
i) Diabetes can be controlled by infusing the bark as a medicine.
j) Vomiting can be stopped by consuming the ends of the tender roots.
k) Warts can be destroyed by the milky juice present in the green leaves of the tree.

Do you have problems related to teeth? Shani or Saturn in your birth chart is responsible to the ailments related to the mouth. Get a Janampatri to know the placement of Saturn in your birth chart and know your beneficial and malefic effects of Saturn and how to negate the effect of it.

Thus the Banyan tree is considered as the sacred and the most veteran tree. There are many benefits of the banyan tree, and so it is used in Ayurveda and helps to recover from many diseases. Apart from health, special worship of Banyan tree empowers individual with a good marital life and children.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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