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Saturn In Scorpio – Effects Of Saturn Transit On Your Moon Sign

Saturn In Scorpio – Effects Of Saturn Transit On Your Moon Sign

As Saturn begins its transit in Scorpio, there are bound to be many developments across the world. Saturn is rightly called the tough task-master. It delivers judgements based on the quality of your actions (karma). This transit will influence each and every individual, as per the tenets of Astrology. Read on to know about the effects of Saturn’s direct transit in Scorpio sign on natives of various signs.

[Please Note: The predictions are to be considered according to Moon Sign. But, some effects will also be applicable for the Ascendants. If you want to know your Ascendant/Lagna Sign, click here.]

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Aries

– Saturn In The 8th House

For Aries natives, Saturn will transit in the 8th house from your sign. Hence, you may face hurdles in matters regarding an inherited property. Those suffering from a chronic illness like asthma, lung disease and arthritis will now feel relieved as per Saturn in Scorpio transit. Your work will move slowly, but consistently. Some disputes within your family are indicated. Obstacles in studies and love relationships are also foreseen. Financial matters may get delayed, says Ganesha. Money is important as wealth generation can help us satisfy our needs. You can get your wealth expanded with the blessings of Lord Saturn. We have the means for you. Buy the Saturn Transit Report For Wealth and witness the changes which come about in your earnings.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Taurus

– Saturn In The 7th House

For Taurus natives, Saturn will transit in the 7th house from your sign. Thus, you will now face more hurdles in public life & partnership relations according to Saturn in Scorpio transit. Marital life will be harmonious, but you may be less interested in physical relations. You will also feel lazy and restless, physically & mentally. Obstacles on your path to progress and differences with your mother are also indicated. We need to maintain a balance in relationships to get happiness. This can’t happen unless we have love in our life. You can get your problems resolved and boost your love life with the help of Lord Saturn. Buy the Saturn Transit Report For Love, know your future and get happier.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Gemini

– Saturn In The 6th House

For Gemini natives, Saturn will transit in the 6th house from your sign. Some progress in pending matters related to your job is indicated. But, you must work harder to complete the tasks within the predetermined time. Maternal relations will remain cordial. The difference of opinion with servants & employees are likely, which is seen during this phase of Saturn in Scorpio transit. Your health will improve slightly. Delays or issues regarding inherited property are foreseen. You may also face some hurdles in long distance trips, and disagree with your younger brothers, sisters and friends, says Ganesha. Planets determine our future as they are the agents of God. Saturn is very important in the planetary cabinet. If you have any issues in your life, buy Saturn Transit Report For All The Areas Of Life and sort out your problems.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Cancer

– Saturn In The 5th House

For Cancer natives, Saturn will transit in the 5th house – trikona from your sign. Thus, you will continue to face the existing issues in your personal and love relationships. However, this situation will now improve slightly as per the Saturn in Scorpio transit. Besides, you may still hesitate to form new relationships or express your feelings of love. Anyway, you can expect some good news from your children. But, your studies may move ahead slowly. Some disputes in marital life & partnership relations and differences with your family regarding some matters are indicated. You may also not get the due credit in public life, says Ganesha. Happiness is important for life and a harmonious marriage is crucial to happiness. Do you have any marriage issues related to the planet Saturn? Get it sorted out. Buy the Saturn Transit Report For Marriage.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Leo

– Saturn In The 4th House

For Leo natives, Saturn will transit in the 4th house from your sign. Hence, progress in matters related to immovable & movable assets is indicated. But, this period of Saturn in Scorpio transit is slightly unfavourable for buying or selling vehicles. Relations with your mother will be cordial, but mother’s affection may be less for some reasons. Progress in higher studies and differences with the father are foreseen. However, this transit will be unfavourable for those doing a job. Maternal relations may get strained. Watch your health. Avoid arguments with senior authorities. You will also remain nervous and anxious. Stars have predicted a good time for your professional life. However, you can take advantage of the planetary combination and make your career still better. Buy the Saturn Transit Report For Career, please Lord Saturn and surge ahead in career.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Virgo

– Saturn In The 3rd House

For Virgo natives, Saturn will transit in the 3rd house from your sign. Thus, relations with your brothers-sisters will improve, however, relations with your friends will be average. Short distance tours are indicated, but sometimes your schedule may get delayed as per Saturn in Scorpio transit. Hurdles in love and personal relationships are foreseen. Obstacles or difficulties in long distance trip or pilgrimage are likely. Hence, currently postpone such journeys. You may be less fortunate and lose interest in studies. Expect moderate results in financial matters. Sudden expenses are also indicated. We get revenues out of business. Businesses are also run with the help of money. Do you want to boost your business prospects? Just buy Saturn Transit Report For Business and get benefits by pleasing Lord Saturn.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Libra

– Saturn In The 2nd House

For Libra natives, Saturn will transit in the 2nd house from your sign. Hence, the flow of income may decrease, and plans to create new sources of income will move slowly. Thus, plan your finances. Family atmosphere will be pleasant and joyful during this period of Saturn in Scorpio transit. But, differences with your mother are likely. Delays or some hurdles in matters regarding movable & immovable assets are indicated. Avoid buying or selling a vehicle. Watch your health, else you may fall sick. Problems related to the inherited property will get resolved after lots of efforts and expenses. Relations with elder siblings and friends may get strained. Financially, this may be an unfavourable period, says Ganesha. Stars foretell not a good period for your financial growth. This may also impact your wealth generation. But you can beat this by pleasing Saturn. You can expand your wealth and beautify your life. Just buy the Saturn Transit Report For Wealth.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Scorpio

– Saturn In The 1st House

For Scorpio natives, Saturn will transit in your own sign. Thus, your physical and mental health will be average. Lack of enthusiasm and vigour is indicated, but your health will be relatively better as per the Saturn in Scorpio transit. Some hurdles or difficulties in your area of activity are foreseen. Differences with your younger brothers-sisters and friends are likely. Disharmony in marital life and defamation in public life are also indicated. Remain cautious in partnership relations. You may face obstacles in new joint ventures. Take care to avoid disagreements with your father. Don’t argue with senior authorities in your workplace, else you will face obstacles in your growth. Are you facing problems in life? Are these problems taking place because of Shani’s Sade Sati? We can get you out of this difficult phase. You can certainly know much more and take charge of your destiny if you access the Sade Sati Report – Premium Report.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Sagittarius

– Saturn In The 12th House

For Sagittarius natives, Saturn will transit in the 12th house from your sign. Hence, you are likely to go on a pilgrimage according to the Saturn in Scorpio transit. But, you may be less fortunate and remain very upset. Also be prepared to face sudden expenses. Your past efforts to increase earnings may not fetch appropriate rewards. You will mostly desire solitude during this period. Differences or disputes with your family are also indicated. Remain focused on your job. Relations with your maternal relatives and servants & employees may get strained. Take extra precautions about your diet, else you may fall sick. Do you want to analyse your life? Do you want success on multiple fronts? We have it for you. Access the Saturn Transit Report For All The Areas Of Life, learn the design of Lord Saturn and surge ahead in life.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Capricorn

– Saturn In The 11th House

For Capricorn natives, Saturn will transit in the 11th house from your sign. Thus, relations with your elder siblings will be cordial. But, you may face some hurdles while getting the due benefits. You will be less active in public life. Besides, you may initially remain confused about organising an auspicious occasion at your home. Your physical and mental health will be average. Love and personal relationships may be very uncordial. Anxiety regarding your children and delays in ancestral matters are also indicated as per the Saturn in Scorpio transit. Many of us think we need strong relationships for strength and happiness. This also comes with marriage. However, if you have any marriage related issues, buy the Saturn Transit Report For Marriage. You will know how to put to rest the malefic designs of Saturn and boost your happiness quotient.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Aquarius

– Saturn In The 10th House

For Aquarius natives, Saturn will transit in the 10th house from your sign. Hence, activities on the professional front will move ahead slowly during this period of Saturn in Scorpio transit. Relations with your father will be cordial. But, sudden expenses may disturb your budget. Differences with your mother are indicated. Family life will be relatively less harmonious. Delays in matters regarding movable-immovable property or vehicle are foreseen due to some hurdles. Disagreements or disputes in marital life and partnerships are indicated. You may also not get due credit in public life. Lack of love makes us deficient in happiness. If you have any issues in your love life, we can sort it out. Buy our Saturn Transit Report For Love and please Lord Saturn for a better life.

Saturn Transit In Scorpio For Pisces

– Saturn In The 9th House

For Pisces natives, Saturn will transit in the 9th house related to fortune from your sign. Thus, you might face delays while getting opportunities for your growth as per the Saturn in Scorpio transit. You will plan a pilgrimage during this period. Relations with your elder brothers & sisters and friends may remain less cordial. You might face hurdles in long-distance tours, or you may have to postpone your travelling plans. Besides, you should remain cautious in your job. Relations with your maternal relatives will be average. Arguments with servants & employees are indicated. Also, take care of your health, says Ganesha. If you are facing multiple issues in your life, it could be because of Saturn’s Sade Sati. However, we have the means to lessen your suffering. Get the Sade Sati Report – Premium and find the glorious guidance to increase your happiness.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Prakash Pandya & Dharmeshh Joshi,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

For Instant Solutions! Talk To Astrologer Now.

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1) Rahu in Gemini, Ketu In Sagittarius Transit: How Will The Conjurers Impact Your Life?
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5) The effects of SATURN & remedies to nullify them

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