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Effects of Saturn Transit For Virgo Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit For Virgo Moon Sign

Saturn Transit 2018 For Virgo Moon Sign

During the last two and a half years, you may have experienced mixed results. Your relations with neighbours and siblings wouldn’t have been so good. Convincing neighbours or siblings was bit difficult for you. Ganesha feels that the period of two and a half years made you more responsible and attentive.

You were trying to maintain your cool in all the situations to deal with the problems that you were encountering. You lowered the level of your expectations from others. You became more serious about the issues that you used to ignore earlier. You felt that you were involved in thankless jobs and that people were not being grateful to you.

Summary of Last 2.5 Years

For students, it was an average time as they had to pay more and more attention to studies by working pretty hard. Mental stress increased and you had to do something to counterbalance the same.

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Saturn Transit Effect on Virgo after January 2017 till 24th January, 2020

During Saturn transit through Sagittarius, you will have to pay more and more attention towards your immediate field of Karma – be it career, business or studies. You will be concerned about your home environment.

You will be feeling bit sad and unhappy about certain things happening in your life and you will have to balance it by being more philosophical or spiritual and looking at the bigger picture.

During this period, you will try exploring the depths of your mind. You will become more serious about the various areas of life. You won’t be taking things lightly or easy. Listen to music, read, watch movies, go for outing – whatever you can do in order to find happiness.
If you spend more time at home and don’t spend time outdoors, you will feel more depressed and confined. You will need to open up and socialize much more while Saturn transits in 2017. This is the ideal time to collect old memories and cherish them. This is also a good period to get your house renovated or your living space spruced up.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

Read About Saturn Transit Effects On 12 Moon Signs

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