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Effects of Saturn Transit For Taurus Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit For Taurus Moon Sign

Saturn Transit For Taurus Moon Sign

During the last two and a half years, you had to deal with troubles in the areas of life involving joint efforts and in relationships – be it personal or professional. You were not able to cultivate patience while dealing with those matters and things went haywire indeed.

Despite your sincere efforts to make things better, your personal and professional life caused great stress. Ganesha also feels that your progress was happening at snail’s pace. You were overburdened at workplace. You also encountered discord at marital front.

Summary of Last 2.5 Years
Those who were unmarried had hard times finding suitable match. In short, you were restless almost throughout the period. Physical and mental stress didn’t allow you to perform well in desired areas of life. This made you feel bit depressed or stressed. Your confidence was shaken.

Effects After January 2017
Saturn Transit in 2017 through Sagittarius now sets your natal Moon free from it’s direct aspect, so many things are going to get sorted out more easily now as compared to the period of last two and a half years. Now, there will be increased clarity, and you will be able to analyse things in a better manner.
Your decision-making abilities are likely to improve. You now stand a chance to rebuild burned bridges. Ganesha feels that this is the right time to stay more and more focussed on things that went wrong during last two and a half years and rectify mistakes.

This is right time to patch up or build new relations, depending on your approach. If business partnership or personal partnership was in trouble, now you will be able to witness improvement in those relations. Ganesha suggests you to come out of the grip of the past and spread fresh energy around.

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However, health will require your attention. Try to be more considerate while dealing with others. You will have to be smart in joint finances, property and inheritance related matters. Things in your immediate area of action or karma, be it job, business or studies, may at times seem frustrating. Thus, cultivating patience will help.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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