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Effects of Saturn Transit for Scorpio Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit for Scorpio Moon Sign

Saturn Transit 2018 For Scorpio Moon Sign

Since November 2014 the period for you was not very good and you would admit that, won’t you? It was a depressing time. Harder you worked, harder the circumstances became for you. You were trying to stick to your principles and views. You were stressed and it affected your health.

You were trying to catch hold of the situation at work and family but things were never in your control. You were trying to figure out where your mistakes were. Your belief system started changing. Ganesha feels that during this period, you were bothered about various matters and even about the matters that were not concerning you.

Others did not cooperate with you or did not share similar responsibilities. You felt that you were the only one who was slogging – at work and event at the home-front. This probably made you feel lonely and left out. Ganesha feels that you feared a lot of things and most of the fears were self-created. Your approach towards things, people and circumstances would have been pessimistic.

Problems in relationship?

Third Phase of Sade Sati

With this transit, you would be moving in the Third Phase of your Sade Sati.

How will Saturn impact your life till Jan 2020?

Saturn Transit Effect on Scorpio after January 2017 till 24th January, 2020

With Saturn Transit in 2017 through Sagittarius, focus is likely to shift to different matters. You will now be trying to set financial targets more seriously. You will realise that money does matter a lot. Ganesha says that this period of next two and a half years will make you more disciplined about money matters and you will learn not to make senseless expenses.

You will not depend on others for any resources but will work harder to accumulate more money. There will be sudden changes in your thinking patterns. You will now be able to understand others in a better manner and will be more sympathetic. Family values will matter to you more.

You will be more conscious about your image in your family. You will have to be careful in your speech, as there are chances of saying things which may be overly critical, and which may offend people. In order to earn more respect, you will have to learn to respect others.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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