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Effects of Saturn Transit for Sagittarius Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit for Sagittarius Moon Sign

Saturn Transit 2018 For Sagittarius Moon Sign

During the last two and a half years, you must have earned pretty well. Despite all the struggle and challenges, you would have succeeded. Financial problems were getting solved gradually. You could manage time and family both but it would have been difficult for you. There were new offers coming your way but probably they were not highly lucrative and due to this, you may have got stuck. If you opted for change, adjusting with the new environment was tough for you.

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Second Phase of Sade Sati

However, you are about to enter the Phase which can be marked as being in the peak of the storm. The reason for that is start of the Second Phase of the Sade Sati from 26th January 2017. This phase will continue till January 2020.

Now, as Panoti is going to affect you heavily post the Saturn Transit in 2017, Ganesha feels that you will have to be more careful about your health and wealth both. In a way, health is wealth. Therefore, focus heavily on keeping your mental health uptight as the level of stress during this period will be higher compared to normal.

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Saturn Transit Effect on Sagittarius after January 2017 till 24th January, 2020

During this phase, you will be made to learn tough lessons. Others might ignore or sideline you. There may be questions raised about your character, too. People may feel that you are not sincere or not putting in the required efforts. Your wisdom will be dampened by the effect of the Saturn Transit in Sagittarius sign. You may not pursue your goals very aggressively and may feel more lazily.
Ganesha feels that maintaining sanity amid all the difficulties would be very tough for you. Opportunities and luck may elude you, feels Ganesha. You will have to stop complaining about things going wrong in life. Just stay sincere and humble, you may win half the game. Emotional disturbances are most likely during Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius. You will have to make some positive changes in your routine and will have to indulge in activities that will help your mind to get refreshed.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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