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Effects of Saturn Transit for Pisces Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit for Pisces Moon Sign

Saturn Transit 2018 For Pisces Moon Sign

Ganesha feels that during the period of last two and a half years, your faith in God was probably shaken. You felt that God doesn’t stand by you when you need support. You were not very happy as you were disturbed emotionally and you were also unable to progress in life at desired speed.

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Summary of Your Last 2.5 Years

It was not very negative period but you took it too much to the heart which is why you felt more strongly about things. Ganesha feels that you were having a lot of ideas, but to make dreams come true, you probably didn’t have much time or resources.

You also had to make changes in your lifestyle. You felt that you are struggling all alone and there were too many battles to fight. You couldn’t earn well, though there would have been good opportunities for the same.

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Saturn Transit Effect on Pisces after January 2017 till 24th January, 2020

With Saturn Transit in 2017 through Sagittarius, you will be completely focussed on your career. Your goals would change. Your viewpoints would change. You will realise that there is no substitute for hard work. You will be willing to meet up with friends only if you will have time.You will now not just ‘show’ that you are busy but you are likely to remain really busy with what you wish to achieve in life. Relations with superiors will need to be handled more tactfully. Relations with father are likely to become sour. Concern about long term career stability will increase.If you start something of your own, it will take time to make it profitable. This is a good time to regain the lost strength, roll your sleeves and start working towards desired goals.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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