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Effects of Saturn Transit for Capricorn Moon Sign

Effects of Saturn Transit for Capricorn Moon Sign

Saturn Transit 2018 For Capricorn Moon Sign

Ganesha feels that during last two and a half years, your financial gains would have been delayed. You were looking forward to start new friendship or relationship, but it wasn’t so easy. You were trying to create a balance between emotions and logic. You had to overcome many obstacles before you could establish good relations with others.

In general, responsibilities were there, and always have been there but appreciation would have been missing, which pulled you off from many personal and professional relations. Well, it was just a journey that taught you memorable lessons.

First Phase of Sade Sati

Another critical aspect is the start of the Sade Sati. When an astrological event of such significance is about to begin, the effects could be visible very well before the beginning of the actual period. On 26th January 2017, the First Phase of Sade Sati will begin for you.

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Saturn Transit Effect on Capricorn after January 2017 till 24th January, 2020

Remember that if joy is not permanent, even sorrow isn’t. Financial pressure was there which didn’t probably allow you to focus on other areas of life. You were feeling lonely as you wanted to be surrounded by only a few people who could understand you well. Never mind, this period is now over and you have something different to look forward to. Life is going to change now. Changed circumstances will allow you to breathe fresh air.After the Saturn Transit in 2017 through Sagittarius, you will get chances to travel abroad or you may at least travel to distant places. Ganesha feels that while your financial planning is going to be good, your money may be spent extravagantly. You will have to see positive side, that at least you have money to spend.Ganesha feels that during this period, you will have dialogues with ‘self’ and during these interactions, you may mostly keep motivating yourself to perform better. You will have more time to think about your life in a larger perspective. You may feel that being in solitude sometimes helps have better clarity about many aspects of life.You must not get into a ‘self-pity’ mode while this period operates as it will lead you to an undesirable state of life. Read good things and write your feelings down. You will have to create proper emotional outlets, which will help you deal with any negative situations.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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