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Taskmaster Saturn’s Progression In Scorpio: Now Is The Time To Execute All That We May Have Learnt

Taskmaster Saturn's Progression In Scorpio: Now Is The Time To Execute All That We May Have Learnt

August 2016 has been a month of various major planetary transits and phenomenon. But, the time for a major phenomenon is arriving. There are a lot of changes that may take place after this change of motion of the mighty planet. Are you wondering what this planetary change could be? Planet Saturn – the tough taskmaster is going to turn direct on the 13th August, 2016, Saturday, at 15:37 Hours. This change of direction of the major planet will have significant impacts in various areas of your life. Saturn is considered to be an exceptional teacher and he generally teaches us life’s most important lessons in its transits. While the tough taskmaster was retrograde, he may have made us go through different situations and made us learn crucial lessons, but now when he turns direct, he will observe whether we are implementing all that we have learned and will then give results accordingly. In this exclusive article, Ganesha presents the predictions and the likely course of events to unfold for each Moon Sign. Read on.

For the Aries Moon Sign natives, Saturn happens to be the Lord of the 10th House and the 11th House. With Saturn turning direct, you are likely to experience a lot relief in your career. There may be some positive developments and you may find things working out more smoothly than before. Moreover, the efforts that you may have put in the past will bring rich rewards now and this will give a boost to your confidence. Also, your health may get better now, but you will still be required to take good care. There may be sudden monetary gains and improvement in your financial situation.

For the Taurus Moon Sign natives, Saturn happens to be the Lord of the 9th House and 10th House. After Saturn becomes progressive, there may be some improvement in the relations with your spouse. You will receive the higher support of fortune in important matters. At the work front or in business, you are likely to get some respite and now and you will be able to perform better. Though there may still be a lot of obstacles in some areas of life, you will be able to deal with them in a better manner.

For the Gemini Moon Sign natives, Saturn rules the 8th House and the 9th House. After the change in Saturn’s motion on the 13th August, 2016, you are likely to feel more confident and determined to take on various challenges. If you have been facing some health issues, then things may get better with now. You will be able to emerge victorious and will be able to silence your detractors. Success in competitions is also foreseen. If there have some court cases going on from long, then there may be a breakthrough, and the outcome may be in your favour.

For the Cancer Moon Sign natives, Saturn is the Lord of the 7th House and 8th House. Saturn’s progression will help you to sort out any complex issues in your love life as well as the marital sphere. There will be increased understanding with your spouse and you may receive better support. Your performance at the workplace will improve and there may be higher gains coming your way. Your friends will cooperate well and prove to be helpful in important matters. Now, you will be able to express yourself more freely.

For the Leo Moon Sign natives, Saturn rules the 6th House and the 7th House. As Saturn will be turning direct, you will experience fewer challenges and lesser resistance from situations and people. If you had been facing serious health issues, then things will start improving. The environment at the workplace will now seem more positive and things are likely to get better. Those on the lookout for a job may get some success. The health of your spouse may improve. If you have been facing some tricky issues in your marriage, then you will now be able to handle them effectively.

For those born with Virgo Moon Sign, Saturn happens to be the Lord of the 5th House and the 6th House. Saturn’s direct movement in the 3rd House will infuse more boldness and courage within you and will bless you with the ability to fight hard. You will be blessed with the patience and will to deal with tough situations and challenges. Your overall work efficiency and performance is likely to increase and this will bring appreciation from seniors and colleagues. You are likely to feel more ease in communication and expressing your ideas.
Do you want to know in detail how the influence of Saturn can affect various areas of your life? Have you been facing delays in your job or business? Is your married life going through a turbulent phase? Get the answers from the personalised Saturn Transit Report  now!

For the Libra Moon Sign natives, Saturn happens to be the Lord of the 4th House and 5th House. Saturn’s direct motion in the 2nd House from your Sign will bring more respite in matters related to property and finance. Any investments that you have made in the past, will now bring good returns. Also, if any of your investments were stuck up, then you may get some positive news. Relations with family are now going to improve. The health of your mother will now improve and you may receive more support from your maternal relatives.

For the Scorpio Moon Sign natives, Saturn happens to be the Lord of the 3rd House and 4th House. Saturn’s transit through the 1st House in progressive motion will bless you with great patience and perseverance. If you have been facing too many delays and obstacles, then you are likely to get respite. Relations with your spouse will improve. Some complex issues with people at the workplace may get sorted out in the coming days.

For the Sagittarius Moon Sign natives, Saturn happens to be the Lord of the 2nd House and 3rd House and it will be getting progressive in the 12th House. Your financial position will get enhanced and you will be able to take more wise decisions. If there have been disputes in your family, then you will be able to resolve them with persistence in the coming months. Your health may improve. The chances for foreign travel look stronger now and you will be able to get the desired results in this regard. Your siblings may render more support.

For the Capricorn Moon Sign natives, Saturn rules the 1st House and 2nd House. Saturn will be turning direct in the 11th House from your Sign and this will bring favourable results. You will be blessed with handsome gains and your financial situation is most likely to improve. You will be able to look at things with a more clear perspective and will be able to perform better. If there have been some interpersonal issues, then you are likely to get the solutions. The investments of the past may now prove to be beneficial.

For the Aquarius Moon Sign natives, Saturn happens to be the Lord of 1st House and the 12th House. Saturn will be becoming progressive in your 10th House and this will bring some positive changes in your workplace. Your honour and prestige may get restored or increase. If you have been facing problems or disputes related to property, then you may get good success. You may receive better support from your spouse.

For the Pisces Moon Sign natives, Saturn rules the 11th House and 12th House. Saturn’s direct motion in the 9th House will bring some positive changes and your luck will    start favouring you more strongly. If you have been planning to travel abroad, then you may get favourable results now  Any documentation work related to foreign travel that may have got stuck may now get completed and things may work out in your favour. Relations with your father may improve, but you will have to be careful about his health. There may be sudden gains and your financial inflows may increase.

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With Ganesha’s Grace,
Aaditya Sain
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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