Home » Predictions » Astrology » Samsung Galaxy S IV may not be able to sustain the initial hype and craze for long, feels Ganesha.

Samsung Galaxy S IV may not be able to sustain the initial hype and craze for long, feels Ganesha.

Samsung Galaxy S IV may not be able to sustain the initial hype and craze for long, feels Ganesha.

Samsung Galaxy S IV may not be able to sustain the initial hype and craze for long, feels Ganesha
Court cases filed by Apple, makers of the iPhone, across the world failed to daunt the intrepid South Korean smartphone maker Sansung. Even losing a case against their bitter rivals could not stop their inexorable march forward as, going by many reports, they overtook Apple in global sales volumes by the end of the last year. Now, today, they are expected to take a giant leap forward by unvieling their latest flagship phone, the Galaxy S IV, in the (note the cheek of it!) very backyard of Apple in New York’s Radio City Hall. The hype has been going on for months, but the jury is still out on whether the phone will live up to it.

Feature-wise, the rumour-mill has it that the phone will have a 4.99-inch full-HD screen, 13-megapixel camera and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS. Under the hood, it will pack Samsung’s 8-core Exynos Octa 5 processor clocked at 1.8GHz, along with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage.

Ganesha, with the help of Vedic astrology, finds out whether Samsung will outshine itself with the S IV, or whether the flagship phone will turn out to be a damp squib.

14th March 2013
7pm New York, NY, USA

Samsung Galaxy S IV Launch time chart

Astrological observations

  • In the launch time chart of the coveted gadget Samsung Galaxy S IV, Ascendant and Karma Bhuvan Lord Mercury is placed in the 6th House with the 2nd House of finance as well and the 9th House of luck’s Lord that is Venus. It is, however, noteworthy that Mercury is retrograde.
  • Moon the Lord of the 11th House of gains is in the 8th House with Ketu.
  • Retrograde Saturn that is also exalted is placed with Rahu in the 2nd House.
  • There is an exchange between the 6th House and the 2nd House, as Venus is placed in the Sign ruled by Saturn, and Saturn is placed in the Sign ruled by Venus.
  • The launch takes place in Ketu’s Constellation Ashwini.

Astrological predictions

  • As aforementioned, there is an exchange between Venus and Saturn in the release time chart. Venus is the Lord of the 5th House, while Saturn is the Lord of the 9th House. This implies that Samsung Galaxy S IV would meet with initial success, specifically around its launch.
  • However, it is also to be noted that Saturn becomes the 6th House Lord. In that case, this exchange of planets wouldn’t support Samsung Galaxy S IV in the long run, and the public adulation for the gadget is likely to decrease in about two to three months time, feels Ganesha.
  • Considering all the afore-stated planetary positions, Ganesha also feels that the price of this phone will drop (may be to increase its reach) after the last week of May 2013.
  • There is also a likelihood of a technical hitch, some bug or a problem with this phone, which will be fixed at a later date or in the gadget’s new version. However, it will not be a flaw that would decrease the its overall popularity; still the users are likely to expect some betterment in this version.
  • Ganesha also strongly feels that a better version of this phone may also be planned for a later release, but it may not happen in the near future.

Overall, planetary picture affirms that Samsung Galaxy S IV will shake and attract the market for now, but the craze and all the hype may not be sustained for long. And, along with the gadget’s price, its popularity may also decrease.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
The GaneshaSpeaks Team

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